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Indian Muslim body issues fatwa for boycott of Chinese goods

Sell out for rice and dhaal .

Reminds me of the British Pakistani & Indian muslims who voted for brexit and leave Europe because immigration is destroying the UK .lol
Pakistani Americans and Indians voting for trump to stop immigration and boycott Mexico


Misguided fools sell anything for $$$ more loyal to the king than the king
I've also met a lot of ur country men, whem i was working in Dubai, When i say am Indian I could see the desperate face of most of them doing meagre cleaning jobs, admiring Indians some out of jealousy, They will be shocked when we speak patriotically about our country, they expect muslims to be unhappy in India, it seeing the backwardness of Pakistan most Indian muslims feel ita better safe in India
You are an embarrassing creature.
Trying to put people down insinuating you are of a superior race - pathetic.
We see daily news of events in India - people not allowed to pray in temples because of being lower caste - people being lynched for eating beef - kids being raped - it’s simply disgraceful.
You insinuating life is merry under the eyes of Modi suggests either you are a liar trolling or just need medical help.
Let’s not forget the way the Kashmiri peoples rights have been taken like no internet - in lockdown and deprived electricity - this is the reason they will do anything for their voices to be heard.
Now global internet warrior - shut up and go seek help.

@HalfMoon @Shantanu_Left @Naofumi @AfrazulMandal @manlion
and the rest. Sorry can't remember their names.
So the Fatwa is working.
fatwa is very powerful tool, although this indian islamic fatwa has nothing to do with islam but due to their safety (indian muslims). this fatwa is necessary to protect their homes, shops and their political career in india.
I've also met a lot of ur country men, whem i was working in Dubai, When i say am Indian I could see the desperate face of most of them doing meagre cleaning jobs, admiring Indians some out of jealousy, They will be shocked when we speak patriotically about our country, they expect muslims to be unhappy in India, it seeing the backwardness of Pakistan most Indian muslims feel ita better safe in India
do you accept that there is no God except Allah and mohammad (p.b.u.h) as last prophet of God?
Do you practice islam & dont take alcohol ?
So the Fatwa is working.
If the trade is hit it means the general public is avoiding Chinese products. Not sure, Fatwas stopped any Muslim from buying Chinese products, my friend just bought a Redmi note 8 despite being a Muslim. These fatwas sure make headlines.
Whats the solid proof that Allah or any God did excit? I do drink occasionally.. thats my personal choise,

More and more muslim youths are drinking these days, that doesnt mean that they're rotting,
I've also met a lot of ur country men, whem i was working in Dubai, When i say am Indian I could see the desperate face of most of them doing meagre cleaning jobs, admiring Indians some out of jealousy, They will be shocked when we speak patriotically about our country, they expect muslims to be unhappy in India, it seeing the backwardness of Pakistan most Indian muslims feel ita better safe in India

Sure you have, buddy.


https://books.google.ca/books?id=wuEdCwAAQBAJ&pg=PT81&lpg=PT81&dq=indians+do+the+lowest+jobs+in+dubai&source=bl&ots=WDSO3TjvW8&sig=ACfU3U0zBGv0wOl-Cjj1A46ZZtMP7Oca2Q&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj6qYbwl6bqAhUgoHIEHds9DIUQ6AEwD3oECAsQAQ#v=onepage&q=indians do the lowest jobs in dubai&f=false

I don't know how anyone can just create claims out of thin air on an internet forum and expect people to believe them.

Remain on topic from here onward.
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Once again proving there is no difference between indian Muslim and Hindu. Both come from the same cloth, and both should be treated the same. The biggest backstab to the people of Kashmirs came from indian Muslims, who kept silent about the actions of indian army.

Why you expect Indian Muslims to side with Pakistan or do/say whatever suits our agenda? they are citizens of some other country and it's natural for them to stand with their country...what is our pain?
Muslim body issues fatwa for boycott of Chinese goods
The All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam, a religious and social organisation headed by five senior clerics, has issued a fatwa to boycott Chinese products in the country
Published: 21 Jun 2020, 9:30 PM
Engagement: 0
The All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam, a religious and social organisation headed by five senior clerics, has issued a fatwa to boycott Chinese products in the country.

The clerics said the community members should stand with the army and government in this hour.

Expressing concern over India-China face-off, National general secretary of All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam, Maulana Shahbuddin Rizvi expressed concern over the India-China face-off and said, "A fatwa has been passed for boycotting Chinese products on a query posted by a Bareilly-based resident. The clerics in the fatwa have condemned the conspiracy of China to encroach upon Indian land and the killing of our brave soldiers."

The panel of five clerics include national president of All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam Mufti Ashfaq Hussain Qadri, Mufti Iqbal Ahmad Misbahi, Mufti Tauqir Ahmad Qadri, Mufti Hashim Raza Khan and Qari Saghir Ahmad Rizvi.

well done patriotic indians .

Here come Muslims of India once again trying to prove their Loyalty to the Hindu State ..
they are patriotic indians .
Just do it more directly, why not directly call for a jihad towards China?
Back on topic, this is stupid. The poor people may have much of their assets produced by China, e.g. smart phone, and the fatwa is pushing them to abandon these products? Bullshit
Just do it more directly, why not directly call for a jihad towards China?
Back on topic, this is stupid. The poor people may have much of their assets produced by China, e.g. smart phone, and the fatwa is pushing them to abandon these products? Bullshit
no need for jihad , indian army is there for doing it's job.
Once again proving there is no difference between indian Muslim and Hindu. Both come from the same cloth, and both should be treated the same. The biggest backstab to the people of Kashmirs came from indian Muslims, who kept silent about the actions of indian army.
yes most of the indian Muslims are patriotic indians .

Except for religion, indian Muslims are COMPLETELY IDENTICAL to indian hindus and sikhs. Which is why they hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more than indian hindus and sikhs.
yes .
Pork...? Do you know pig isn't an evil animal. It's God's creation and in Islam all life has to respected.

Indian Muslim clerics cannot make a "fathwa" in support of of a Hindu military responsible for the Terrorism against Kashmiris. In such cases they should just keep quiet.
Where do you find Kashmir? It is about China and the protesting Indian Muslims are not Pakistani citizens. Why does their Fatwa disturbs you? It is not 1947 anymore.
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