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Indian Muslim body issues fatwa for boycott of Chinese goods

They're Indians after all. I'm not sure what people expected.
Where do you find Kashmir? It is about China and the protesting Indian Muslims are not Pakistani citizens. Why does their Fatwa disturbs you? It is not 1947 anymore.

Lol... Indian Muslims are not Indians. No Muslim can be a Hindu supporter and side against a Muslim nation. In any conflict between a Hindu nation and a Muslim one... The Muslims residing in the Hindu country either have to support the Muslim nation or else remain neutral.
Sell out for rice and dhaal .

Reminds me of the British Pakistani & Indian muslims who voted for brexit and leave Europe because immigration is destroying the UK .lol
Pakistani Americans and Indians voting for trump to stop immigration and boycott Mexico


Misguided fools sell anything for $$$ more loyal to the king than the king

Not everyone is expected to defy bad government, and stage protests. Most people, irrespective of religion, care about the well-being of their families first. Jaan hay to jahan hay.

That doesn't make them cowardly. Just practical beings.
Lol... Indian Muslims are not Indians. No Muslim can be a Hindu supporter and side against a Muslim nation. In any conflict between a Hindu nation and a Muslim one... The Muslims residing in the Hindu country either have to support the Muslim nation or else remain neutral.
Yup like Battle of Asal uttar where a Muslim Soldier Abdul Hameed Slaughtered Pakistani Patton tanks.
And Muslim Brotherhood?
Iran hates Saudis, Saudis hates Turkey, Tukey hates Iran, UAE,Saudi & Jordan All hate Qatar, Iran loves Syria but hates Egypt but Egypt & Syria both hate Turkey so there is some love b/w Syria & Egypt.
Malaysia & Turkey hate Israel but KSA & UAE also hate them so They support Israel.
Then where dafuk is brotherhood.
I'm just repeating the legendary prophecy of Gamal Abdel Nasser here which he said about OIC "Sum of 50 zeroes remains Zero".
Yup like Battle of Asal uttar where a Muslim Soldier Abdul Hameed Slaughtered Pakistani Patton tanks.

Yes there are Muslim Indians who will fight bravely for India against Pakistan if needed. But the sad thing is you people hate them regardless of how much patriotic they are.

Iran hates Saudis, Saudis hates Turkey, Tukey hates Iran, UAE,Saudi & Jordan All hate Qatar, Iran loves Syria but hates Egypt but Egypt & Syria both hate Turkey so there is some love b/w Syria & Egypt.
Malaysia & Turkey hate Israel but KSA & UAE also hate them so They support Israel.

What a load of BS! Turkey doesn't hate Iran. In fact, both countries have good relations and you can drive from one part to another without any hassles. Turkey has problems with Iraq on its borders due to the Kurds demanding a unified country. Nothing to do with Iran!

Malaysia does hate Israel @rambro can add more. The Israelities won't even get a visa to Malaysia. In fact, having an Israeli visa stamp on your passport means you will be denied entry to Malaysia.

Same with KSA and UAE - they deny entry to Israeli citizens and Israeli visa holders. Just because their governments have a few secret dealings with Tel Aviv doesn't mean any love is lost.

Egypt and Syria don't hate Turkey as much as you think. There are people of all the three nationalities freely living and moving around each other's territories. Have you ever been to Sharm-Al-Sheikh? Didn't think so. Yes, a lot of Turkish staff at the resorts there. Same with so many Egyptians living in Ankara and Istanbul.

You get all your information about international diplomacy from WhatsApp university of BJP IT cell. That explains so much igorance. Don't open your mouth, people who have actually travelled to or live in these countries will laugh at India's education system which creates fools like you.

Then where dafuk is brotherhood.
I'm just repeating the legendary prophecy of Gamal Abdel Nasser here which he said about OIC "Sum of 50 zeroes remains Zero".

India is definitely a big ZERO as your types are sadly becoming the most popular example of Internet Indians.
Yes there are Muslim Indians who will fight bravely for India against Pakistan if needed. But the sad thing is you people hate them regardless of how much patriotic they are.

What a load of BS! Turkey doesn't hate Iran. In fact, both countries have good relations and you can drive from one part to another without any hassles. Turkey has problems with Iraq on its borders due to the Kurds demanding a unified country. Nothing to do with Iran!

Malaysia does hate Israel @rambro can add more. The Israelities won't even get a visa to Malaysia. In fact, having an Israeli visa stamp on your passport means you will be denied entry to Malaysia.

Same with KSA and UAE - they deny entry to Israeli citizens and Israeli visa holders. Just because their governments have a few secret dealings with Tel Aviv doesn't mean any love is lost.

Egypt and Syria don't hate Turkey as much as you think. There are people of all the three nationalities freely living and moving around each other's territories. Have you ever been to Sharm-Al-Sheikh? Didn't think so. Yes, a lot of Turkish staff at the resorts there. Same with so many Egyptians living in Ankara and Istanbul.

You get all your information about international diplomacy from WhatsApp university of BJP IT cell. That explains so much igorance. Don't open your mouth, people who have actually travelled to or live in these countries will laugh at India's education system which creates fools like you.

India is definitely a big ZERO as your types are sadly becoming the most popular example of Internet Indians.
Yup Iran doesn't hate Turkey, That's why Iran is sending Pakistani, Afghani & Irani Militias to Syria & Libya so they can Fight aliens there, And Turkey loves Iran that's why They are bombing Iranian assets in Iraq & in Return Iran gives Missiles strike warnings to Ankara.
Actually Iran is biggest threat for Turkish dream.
Doc you're an ajeeb qism ka character. I've noticed you like to dwell on past glories of your people A LOT. Haaliya waqt (present times) mein aajaiye. Your people are nothing but a spent force now. Jo bacchay kucchay Parsi thay Karachi mein, they've died out or are dying out due to low fertility rates and endogamy. The same will happen in Bombay in 50 years. I don't know why you keep waxing rhetoric over some imagined revival of Zoroastrianism. And as for you and Nilu Pule and all your chawl-like friends, we are glad we don't have your types here in Pakistan. The Nana Patekar jhopadpatti essence is just too strong in you.


Lets talk about me when you're back.

And if I'm around actively.

There are a very few Muslims I actually like (even tolerate in my circle socially to be honest) and you could be one of them.

Cheers, Doc
Doc you're an ajeeb qism ka character. I've noticed you like to dwell on past glories of your people A LOT. Haaliya waqt (present times) mein aajaiye. Your people are nothing but a spent force now. Jo bacchay kucchay Parsi thay Karachi mein, they've died out or are dying out due to low fertility rates and endogamy. The same will happen in Bombay in 50 years. I don't know why you keep waxing rhetoric over some imagined revival of Zoroastrianism. And as for you and Nilu Pule and all your chawl-like friends, we are glad we don't have your types here in Pakistan. The Nana Patekar jhopadpatti essence is just too strong in you.
I think it's a myth that endogamy causes defect. Not only is this notion unscientific guess it is also factually incorrect. At least 30% of Pakistani marriages are between cousins and a much bigger proportion of marriages in Arab countries are cousin marriages. In North India (not South) roughly zero percentage of marriages are between blood relations. But both Pakistanis and Arabs are physically and mentally healthier than North Indians on an average and also have better appearance. @dharmi @padamchen

Lol... Indian Muslims are not Indians. No Muslim can be a Hindu supporter and side against a Muslim nation. In any conflict between a Hindu nation and a Muslim one... The Muslims residing in the Hindu country either have to support the Muslim nation or else remain neutral.
You want to say, Indian Muslims should support dog and pork eating China who is killing their countrymen in Ladakh. What a meaningless and fuzzy logic? All Indian citizens must support their motherland.
You want to say, Indian Muslims should support dog and pork eating China who is killing their countrymen in Ladakh. What a meaningless and fuzzy logic? All Indian citizens must support their motherland.

Yes, they should support China over India because India is islamaphobic.
Yup Iran doesn't hate Turkey, That's why Iran is sending Pakistani, Afghani & Irani Militias to Syria & Libya so they can Fight aliens there, And Turkey loves Iran that's why They are bombing Iranian assets in Iraq & in Return Iran gives Missiles strike warnings to Ankara.
Actually Iran is biggest threat for Turkish dream.

Why don't you Indians do a bit of Google search before running your mouth on issues you don't understand well. Here's from your favourite and trusted source, Wikipedia (considering a large number of Wikipedia editors are Indians there should be no dispute):

The relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Turkey have always been peaceful since the establishment of the modern states. Iran and Turkey are major trade partners. Turkey and Iran have heavy mutual influence on each other, due to geographical proximity, linguistic and ethnic relations (e.g. Azerbaijanis, a Turkic people who speak a Turkic language, are the second largest ethnicity in Iran and Kurds, an Iranic people, are the second largest ethnicity in Turkey)

Iran and Turkey also have very close trade and economic relations. Both countries are part of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO).

ran and Turkey have extensive tourism relations for years. Turkey receives 2 million Iranian tourists each year and economically benefits. As of 2013, tourists from Turkey comprise one of the largest that visit Iran, comprising 391,283 registered tourists

Sure they have a few problems as well, mostly because Turkey is a NATO ally. But Iran is an international pariah thanks to the United States, and almost there's no country that doesn't have any problems with Iran! Even India keeps its distance.
Muslim body issues fatwa for boycott of Chinese goods
The All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam, a religious and social organisation headed by five senior clerics, has issued a fatwa to boycott Chinese products in the country
Published: 21 Jun 2020, 9:30 PM
Engagement: 0
The All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam, a religious and social organisation headed by five senior clerics, has issued a fatwa to boycott Chinese products in the country.

The clerics said the community members should stand with the army and government in this hour.

Expressing concern over India-China face-off, National general secretary of All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam, Maulana Shahbuddin Rizvi expressed concern over the India-China face-off and said, "A fatwa has been passed for boycotting Chinese products on a query posted by a Bareilly-based resident. The clerics in the fatwa have condemned the conspiracy of China to encroach upon Indian land and the killing of our brave soldiers."

The panel of five clerics include national president of All India Tanzeem Ulama-e-Islam Mufti Ashfaq Hussain Qadri, Mufti Iqbal Ahmad Misbahi, Mufti Tauqir Ahmad Qadri, Mufti Hashim Raza Khan and Qari Saghir Ahmad Rizvi.


Still you have to prove that you are Indian and it is nothing to do with this
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