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Indian muslim billionaire to give most of his wealth to charity

all his money is going to peoples pockets ... you do know that the money that you give for charity is baically 70% owned by the company that your gave it to and that 30% is for who you gave it too LOL.... iant ghonna happend too many selfish people.. not that i wouldent have second thoughts but at the end it gose to the needy what else can you do as a deed
Oh man at the day of judgment he has to give accountability for 17 billion $$$, that day he will be cursing his wealth , along with Arab Sheiks.

Definitely Charity will make his way easy.
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If he gave away a couple billion you could call it a stunt, but I don't think giving away almost all your wealth can be labelled a mere stunt!

Well its a bit complicated to explain, and I am feeling lazy to type huge paragraphs. May be I will explain later on this thread how and why I see this as a stunt. Till then cheers.
Well its not only the recession times, it has happened multiple times. The case of recession is known to many but I will cite another example, if you remember, 2 yrs back the value of dollar was going down fast and rupee was getting stronger. Most of these services companies, make profit out of weak rupees and the profit of his company WT was becoming marginal. That time he took a decision to ask employees to come to office on saturdays ( those who work in fixed price projects) without any extra benefits. But now when the dollar has become stronger why is he not revoking those decisions? Why employees need to work on saturdays without any extra benefits?

As I said before, these all are publicity stunts, he has made fortune out of exploiting employees and nothing else. He really doesn't care about employees' satisfaction, the policy is to let the dissatisfied ones go out, we will hire fresh people.

All shareholers care for is profit, and there's not a tiny company in the world that does not have disgruntled employees, let alone one that employs 108K thousand...

Not undermining your own experiences... but pls look at his actions in the right perspective...

BTW ur point abt treating employess well is a valid one...
Well flying economy class is a PR stunt. Most of the time the airlines promote him to Business class free of cost as everyone knows him. So basically he flies 99% times on business class in economy price.

If you worked for Wipro (Not in the Shikakai times :P) then you must also know that the light colored suits he wears cost more than any business class flight one could take in the world. If a man with a schedule as tight as his flies in economy, then it sure is PR stunt.

But with that line, we should also remember that in the cut-throat competition that businesses worldwide require, sustainable development and the welfare of employees are more than often compromised, with Steve Jobs as the best example.

Whom would you have greater respect for, a billionaire Bill Gates who is completely monopolistic, yet so philanthropic, or a billionaire Steve Jobs who is completely honest but not as philanthropic?

Azim Premji has a bit of both, be judicious while giving out the limited respect your heart may offer.

Oh yes, one last thing - All three of them are notorious enough for squeezing the life out of their employees.
All shareholers care for is profit, and there's not a tiny company in the world that does not have disgruntled employees, let alone one that employs 108K thousand...

Not undermining your own experiences... but pls look at his actions in the right perspective...

BTW ur point abt treating employess well is a valid one...

I think it was Abraham Lincoln who said that "You can not please all the people all the time, you should rather try to please most of the people most of the time"

So you are right when you said that in a huge company its bound to have some disgruntled ones. But what would you say if most of the people are unhappy most of the time.

BTW who told you that WT has 108K people? IT used to have 80K people before the last recession and now it has dropped 60K. 13k employees have resigned in the last 2 months and are just serving their notice period.
If you worked for Wipro (Not in the Shikakai times :P) then you must also know that the light colored suits he wears cost more than any business class flight one could take in the world. If a man with a schedule as tight as his flies in economy, then it sure is PR stunt.

Yes I have worked in WT, not WCP :D. As I said in my earlier posts, he has hardly ever traveled in economy class even though he books his tickets in that segment. Most of the people know him so the airlines promote him to Business classes almost always. If someone want to do some operations, he can check from the airline records, how many times he has actually sat in those crampy seats while flying for 18 hrs straight.

But with that line, we should also remember that in the cut-throat competition that businesses worldwide require, sustainable development and the welfare of employees are more than often compromised, with Steve Jobs as the best example.

Whom would you have greater respect for, a billionaire Bill Gates who is completely monopolistic, yet so philanthropic, or a billionaire Steve Jobs who is completely honest but not as philanthropic?

Azim Premji has a bit of both, be judicious while giving out the limited respect your heart may offer.

Oh yes, one last thing - All three of them are notorious enough for squeezing the life out of their employees.

Well, I have never worked under Mr Jobs or Mr Gates to comment. But this guy comes in media and talks big like, we are the R&D partner and high tech company, but come and look at the techies in WT. They are the most exploited people here. I know many many senior peoples personally in Wipro and none of them, i repeat none of them are happy the way they are treated.
Employee exploitation argument doesn't hold much ground. I have had experience with one of the biggest indian private sector bank and my guess is that it is same everywhere. I am sure employees gain as much as the Wipro. Without mutual benefits, it is hard to sustain and succeed in such a competitive industry. Although I like it to call my experience with the said private bank as one of the worst experiences in my life but at the same time, it was an excellent first break and a great learning opportunity and proved to be the launchpad for my future career advancements.

@TechLahore - I agree with some of your points. If PremJi gives away his wealth, it will be a first of its kind charity in India and might inspire others to follow. I hope he keeps his promise.
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Well, I have never worked under Mr Jobs or Mr Gates to comment. But this guy comes in media and talks big like, we are the R&D partner and high tech company, but come and look at the techies in WT. They are the most exploited people here. I know many many senior peoples personally in Wipro and none of them, i repeat none of them are happy the way they are treated.

I haven't worked under any of them, but heard some really sordid, at the same time amusing, stories from those who worked directly under them. Now when the jury is still out there on Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, it will be a long while till we see if Azim's money is making a difference in the lives of real people, or is simply changing numbers in his accounting books.

Not really undermining his intentions, I would say all of yous' please learn how a trust fund really works (or helps the controller) and keep a critical eye on the happenings, for they are way smarter than we. Giving him all the respect before he has really made a difference is exactly same as the Nobel prize given to Obama for the promises he made.

Results matter, not the promises or numbers.
But this guy comes in media and talks big like, we are the R&D partner and high tech company, but come and look at the techies in WT. They are the most exploited people here. I know many many senior peoples personally in Wipro and none of them, i repeat none of them are happy the way they are treated.

To call highly paid IT professionals in India as being the most exploited only shows how much in an Ivory tower some of these guys live. No wonder there is such public dislike for arrogant behavior like that. Wipro has to pay roughly the same as the rest of the IT companies, the market will take care of that.

This stupid belief that people owe you simply because you chose to work in a particular company is ridiculous. Making it personal only shows the immaturity of the person concerned. Nobody is forced to work anywhere, work wherever it suits you. If no one in Wipro is happy, they would not be where they are.

P.S. The grouse that a lot of these guys have with Wipro is that they did not get the same stock options that guys at Infosys got. So, they feel sorry for themselves and expect the rest of us to feel the same.
Poor exploited souls who only earn in lakhs per month(mid/senior levels). How on earth do they manage? My heart bleeds for this poor exploited souls.:P

Take some of the money and buy yourself some perspective.
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I have worked in three companies till now two of them well known while the third is a small organization. In all these exploitation whether at the lower middle or higher level is perennial. Not in one org did i see a employee say that he is happy there. Well u see the problem is that human mind is always making comparisons, with others on every single issue. This is what leads unhappiness and dissatisfaction, well in today's modern competitive world one has to be competitive but some where down the line humans forget the basic trait of satisfaction with what one has, because if u don't have this u can never be happy. :) well if u feel it a too heavy sermon forget it :)
Nice article guys but i feel its not rite to bring religion everywhere. Lets see human beings as human beings and not with what religion he belongs to.:toast_sign:
Nice to see some one giving away for charity.
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