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Indian Mujahideen is funded, managed by Pakistan's ISI, claims Bhatkal

A real shocker, this. Never imagined the ISI would have ties to a radical islamist organisation killing innocent.people. This shattersmy whole world
India should report this evidence to the United Nations at once and have a couple of resolutions passed against Pakistan.

and earth revolves around the sun.. No one opens a frikkin thread for that.. waste of time and bandwidth
India should report this evidence to the United Nations at once and have a couple of resolutions passed against Pakistan.


lol, it's funny because they won't do it, simply because it wouldn't hold up in any in any form of justice system, except the Indian justice system.
Yeh bakri ch*** ne kya naya batha diya?

The world knows who is behind most terroriist incidences in the world, most terrorist universities and their trainers are present, every potential terrorist goes there to get his degree in terror.
lol, it's funny because they won't do it, simply because it wouldn't hold up in any in any form of justice system, except the Indian justice system.

sure hell better than ur joke courts

btw i thought a country reeling with terrorists will lead to its citizens quite hateful to it.but i guess i was wrong
Yaseen will spill all the dirty beans n support he got from across the border
sure hell better than ur joke courts

btw i thought a country reeling with terrorists will lead to its citizens quite hateful to it.but i guess i was wrong

lol, keep talking, it only makes me laugh harder.
A man will even say he is God after bein beaten up do bad... So let's take this with a pinch of salt unless we actually have GOOD evidence, from non Indian sources that are NOT 'anonymous' :rofl:
India should bombard Pakistan with dossiers and cancel cricket matches.....that will teach the Pakistanis not to mess with India! :sarcastic:
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