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Indian MoD Plans To Trim Fat in 1.5 Million-man Armed Forces


Apr 28, 2011
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Our Bureau
01:36 PM, May 2, 2016

Indian MoD Plans To Trim Fat in 1.5 Million-man Armed Forces
Tribune Indiareported Sunday.

India’s Ministry of Defence has decided to appoint a committee to suggest reforms in the armed forces.

The purpose of setting up a committee is to bring in major structural changes in the Army, IAF and the Navy and to do away with posts that may have become redundant and ensuring modernization or addition of new equipment shouldn’t mean a corresponding rise in numbers for the forces, Tribune Indiareported Sunday.
The committee could be headed by a retired three-star rank officer who would be required to understand all operational needs and knowing how warfare has evolved or is set to evolve in the future. The last such committee, headed by former Defence Secretary Ajai Vikram Singh, on reforms was set up a decade ago.

Sources told Tribune India the three forces had been asked to project what all could be done away with in the age where the traditional war fighting is changing rapidly.

However, the committee has not been given any targets for reducing numbers, sources said, one of its key targets would be to reduce expenses. This may include multiple use of lands where any of the services has a station in close proximity to each other.

According to the report, a large chunk of the budget for this fiscal has been kept for salaries under the “capital” head. A sum of INR 90,208 crore, including a sum of INR 78, 586 for new equipment, weapons, aircraft, naval warships, Army vehicles has been allocated, while salaries for the three services – Army , Navy and the IAF , along their civilian staff — has been budgeted at INR 95,849 crore – that is INR 5,641 crore more than the capital expense.

what is wrong with the leading guy in the photo? is he suffering from constipation leading to intestinal obstruction?
hussain nawaz has chronic constipation and is unable even to pass flatus thus stays "ba wudu" all the time as per javed ch but still he doesn't yell like this.:offtopic:
Shouldnt they plan to gain weight...?

Its the teeth to tail ratio that they are suggesting a re look at .

what is wrong with the leading guy in the photo? is he suffering from constipation leading to intestinal obstruction?

Is this all that could be gleaned from the article ? !!

Or.. was it meant to be funny ?
what is wrong with the leading guy in the photo? is he suffering from constipation leading to intestinal obstruction?
hussain nawaz has chronic constipation and is unable even to pass flatus thus stays "ba wudu" all the time as per javed ch but still he doesn't yell like this.:offtopic:

Try shooting your own Pakistani soldiers screaming commands - by using continuous shoots and see how they too look like. Perhaps an expression of passing stones?

Look buddy, just because that picture happens to be of Indian soldiers, you trolled. The courtesy has been returned. Keep to the topic.
Our Bureau
01:36 PM, May 2, 2016

Indian MoD Plans To Trim Fat in 1.5 Million-man Armed Forces
Tribune Indiareported Sunday.

India’s Ministry of Defence has decided to appoint a committee to suggest reforms in the armed forces.

The purpose of setting up a committee is to bring in major structural changes in the Army, IAF and the Navy and to do away with posts that may have become redundant and ensuring modernization or addition of new equipment shouldn’t mean a corresponding rise in numbers for the forces, Tribune Indiareported Sunday.
The committee could be headed by a retired three-star rank officer who would be required to understand all operational needs and knowing how warfare has evolved or is set to evolve in the future. The last such committee, headed by former Defence Secretary Ajai Vikram Singh, on reforms was set up a decade ago.

Sources told Tribune India the three forces had been asked to project what all could be done away with in the age where the traditional war fighting is changing rapidly.

However, the committee has not been given any targets for reducing numbers, sources said, one of its key targets would be to reduce expenses. This may include multiple use of lands where any of the services has a station in close proximity to each other.

According to the report, a large chunk of the budget for this fiscal has been kept for salaries under the “capital” head. A sum of INR 90,208 crore, including a sum of INR 78, 586 for new equipment, weapons, aircraft, naval warships, Army vehicles has been allocated, while salaries for the three services – Army , Navy and the IAF , along their civilian staff — has been budgeted at INR 95,849 crore – that is INR 5,641 crore more than the capital expense.


Look no further than the Army- swallowing up 55-60% of the entire ($40BN) defence budget and then 75-85% of that goes on their salaries/OPEX- that's an eye watering amount that goes solely on maintaining current force levels. The IA can easily be trimmed of 30% of their manpower (a mix of support roles and infantry) and this will lead to an equivalent increase in firepower of 400-500% if they invest the freed up funds in force multipliers. The days of bayonet charges and winning wars by attrition of the other side are LONG since over, those clowns in the seniormost postions of the IA just need to wake up to this reality. The IA doesn't need anything like the amount of infantry they have, they should be focusing on mechinisation and further developig their NCW capabilities.
The days of bayonet charges and winning wars by attrition of the other side are LONG since over, those clowns in the seniormost postions of the IA just need to wake up to this reality. The IA doesn't need anything like the amount of infantry they have, they should be focusing on mechinisation and further developig their NCW capabilities.

Do you have a Services background ?
The IA can easily be trimmed of 30% of their manpower (a mix of support roles and infantry) and this will lead to an equivalent increase in firepower of 400-500% if they invest the freed up funds in force multipliers.

30 % ?

What are the funds that will released which would increase the Fire power by 500 % !!

What force multipliers do you suggest ?

those clowns in the seniormost postions of the IA just need to wake up to this reality.

What makes you feel they are clowns ?

The IA doesn't need anything like the amount of infantry they have, they should be focusing on mechinisation and further developig their NCW capabilities

Instead of spoon feeding you , I 'd suggest you google and check how many Corps are deployed in the Mountains. Then make a threat assessment based on which all areas are disputed and revisit your remark above.
One Mountain "strike" corps for North East.

That's the official B/S to oil the Americans. Actually the new Strike Corps has been raised to spearhead a military adventure into BD.
That's the official B/S to oil the Americans. Actually the new Strike Corps has been raised to spearhead a military adventure into BD.

Why would we carry out an ' adventure' into BD ? What advantage would India get by increasing is Muslim population manifold in one stroke !!

Why do BD posters forever want to be the damsel in distress ? !! Dying to be noticed.

Worry about your own country where more than half the population are outside the writ of the central govt. FYI, Track 2 negotiations have been going on for some time with Mamta, Gogoi and Sarkar to kick out Indians and federate with us. No Bharati Strike Corps can prevent this.

Urgent medical help is needed here.
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