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Indian MMRCA Bill Balloons To $17 Billion

The price of eveything has gone up。This is especially so in India where the inflation level has been in double digits for years。

12 billion in Jan 2012. 17 billion by the end of 2013. That's way to optimistic。

if the programme stays alive, the eventual cost will be way over 20 billion dollars. 30 billion is not out of the question.

Just watch it. :azn:

Stop day dreaming......

If India is paying $12 billion in dollars then how it became $17 or 20 billion......where rupee came to picture:hitwall:
But I also think that MMRCA deal will not include 126 MMRCA but rather 200 MMRCAs. Any reports that IAF getting some used Mirage-2000 from Taiwan or France as a stop gap between LCA delays....???


The value Indian MMRCA deal is set to inflate to a whopping $17 billion from the original $12 billion by the end of this year thanks to the falling Indian rupee.The rupee currently stands at INR 59. 80 against the dollar and economists predict this number could rise up to INR 65 by the end of this year.

At the time of the announcement in January 2012, the rupee was being traded at INR 42 against the dollar and the deal was then valued at approximately $12 billion for 126 fighter jets.

With the current value of the rupee, the deal could potentially be worth $15 billion. However, if negotiations are postponed until later this year India may very well end up with a $17 billion bill from Dassault.

The deal was originally expected to be concluded by June 2012; however both sides have been unable to reach an agreement.

Earlier last month, top executives from HAL and Dassault Aviation met on the sidelines of the Paris Air Show to discuss the progress of ongoing projects.

However, both companies refused to entertain any media queries about the MMRCA contract.

“Both the teams expressed satisfaction on the work already achieved by the integrated teams and renewed their commitment towards successful completion of the various projects,” they said in an official statement.

Offset hurdles have been the major road block to signing the deal. Dassault earlier this year wrote to the Indian MoD demanding it be given the overall responsibility of the project and clearly identify HALs role.

Despite the ministry asserting that HAL would act as the project’s ‘lead-integrator’ as per the terms of the RFI issued in 2007, Dassault is now insisting that it be given the freedom to decide on the quantum of work to be shared between companies.

According to the original terms, eighteen of the 126 planes are to be purchased directly from Dassault, while HAL will manufacture the other 108 under a licence at an upcoming facility in Bangalore.

Once the contract has been signed, HAL will have a very short period to set up an entirely new assembly line for the Rafale fighters. According to a report published by a French publication Usine Nouvelle last year, Dassault could end up producing more than 18 aircraft in France than originally agreed to because “they (some 500 French companies) would still get far more than 50% of the production associated with the future contract during the initial years”.

The report also adds that although “the RFP originally demanded offsets of 50% of the contract value and technology transfers, several factors could explain this work division that is so favorable for French industry”.

Meanwhile, in 2012 the Indian government mandated that transfer of technology could be counted as offsets, though it might not apply to the MMRCA as this tender was floated under the earlier procurement policy. This also could be an issue of contention in the commercial negotiations as the MMRCA contracts mandates 50% offsets.

Meanwhile, French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said that his country hopes to begin exporting Rafales to India by 2016.

Le Drian is expected to visit New Delhi soon to conclude the Indian MMRCA contract, the report added.

Link - Indian MMRCA Bill Balloons To $17 Billion | idrw.org

Why you are on spree of posting moronic articles from this garbage blog idrw ?
Isnt the topic disscussed like 1000 times. Or is it really necessary to discuss it everytime Rupee falls ???

AFAIK the payment is to be made in Euros. And situation there hasnt change too much in last decade.
+ Plus india has 10 billion dollers backup which was given to EU as loan last year. No worries.
hahaha-IDRW AGAIN!!!???

The price of the deal has always been in dollar terms as set forth in ever MoU and RFI/RFP since 2008. As such as part of the intial agreements all the bidders signed they have accepted certain dollar-euro dollar-rupper rupee-Euro ERs (as they were in 2008/9) so the price of the deal is going to remain relatively fixed- it can't "balloon" in such a manner :hitwall:

= $12.6 BILLION for 126 FIGHTERS


$2 BILLION FOR TOT and setting up production in india


$5 billion for weapons like scalp cruise missle, mica BVRS and meteore ramjet BVRS AND OTHER EXTRAS.

this deal has i precicted SOME TIME BACK will cost $20billion and take until 2026 to deliver 126 fighters

Very expensive, too late and will not serve the purpose. It doesn't make sense when China inducts 5th Generation Fighter, India inducts 4th Generation fighter. There is a technological gap of one generation.

Common sense dictates this deal to be cancelled. Out of $17 billion, If India invests $10 billion in Infrastructure development and remaining $7 billion in military R&D, It will do wonders in long run for the country.
The tender takes into account of currency fluctuations that is standard business practise
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