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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

An excellent news and a big win for DRDO. This is a golden day for all the scientists involved in the project.

great news....slowly but steadily moving towards our goals.

Till yesterday we were saying Akash project will bear fruits in future...the future is here as predicted...we are achieving it one by one.

Its really a good news to hear that our Armed forces are giving orders for Indegenous weapon system. Its really a big order for DRDO labs which worked hard for buidling such a cutting edge weapon which was successfully tested by users (IAF and IA ) which are well known for rejecting the indegenious weapon , Its good to hear that IA and IAF both started accepting the local weapon system, whether it is LCA, Arjun.
And if same weapon is used by IA and IAF then it will give advantage to work under network centric mode and can easily be integrated with UAV and other early warning platform in near future.

Congrats to all the scientists and technicians, involved in such a wonderful weapn system development and testing. Now we are really confident that Akash-II will be more deadlier than current version in terms of range, payload and more effective on longer range.
Hey Is Trishul Active???

Case closed as a TD after 2 squads in operational use.

Its was fully developed but the navy, airforce and army already opted different system requirements. So DRDO went for SR-SAM. The Trishul project was shelved as a tech demonstrator. It has given important inputs into future SR-SAM, Barak NG and BMD systems.

But the experience gained through Trishul is incredible.
The SR-SAM aka Maitri uses most of the technologies alike radars and other C3I developed for Trishul.Only a missile with few technologies is included in JV.
Literally it means,SR-SAM will be an upgraded version of Trishul.
Trishul has a reaction time of 5 secs.{ this is really considered as a best reaction time for a QR-SAM system}

SR-SAM as the name says(upgraded Trishul) will use the much more sophisticated beam guidance and will have a reaction time of less than 4 secs.And adaptive capability to deal with multi- threats.{Might show-up as a CIWS for IN}

All the required mission centers were designed and developed in India.
Initially it was tought to have an India only upgraded programme with the use of a variant of Astra.But later given up to save time while having MBDA onboard.
Hi , Mauryan

what is you take on - why MoD went with MBDA on SR-SAM instead of IAI/Rafael with whom we are already working on Barak8 and purchasing their QSr-SAM SPYDER
The SR-SAM aka Maitri uses most of the technologies alike radars and other C3I developed for Trishul.Only a missile with few technologies is included in JV.
Literally it means,SR-SAM will be an upgraded version of Trishul.

Source ? As far as i know the Hardware for SR SAM will be totally different compared to Trishul. Also how did you arrive at conclusion of few technologies. SR SAM was supposed to be combination of knowledge derived from Trishul and VL Mica with ownership being Indian. MBDA was supposed to provide us or help us with all critical technologies such as seeker , propulsion, tvc , etc (i dont know remember).
True the developmental knowledge and efforts will be used for Trishul, but to say it is just an upgraded Trishul might be a stretch unless ofcourse you can provide a source. Please help me.

SR-SAM as the name says(upgraded Trishul) will use the much more sophisticated beam guidance and will have a reaction time of less than 4 secs.And adaptive capability to deal with multi- threats.{Might show-up as a CIWS for IN}

All the required mission centers were designed and developed in India.
Initially it was tought to have an India only upgraded programme with the use of a variant of Astra.But later given up to save time while having MBDA onboard.

Can you explain a bit further ? I did not understand.
Trishul was shelved , stop trying to beat life into a dead horse.

Any tech or experience we gained from the project forms the basis for co-development of new missile.
EXCLUSIVE: Akash Mk-II SAM To Fly In Two Years

The Mark-II version of India's Akash surface-to-air missile has begun development and will be ready for a first flight in 24 months -- that's the guarantee its makers, the Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL) have given to the Air Force and Army. With orders worth Rs 23,300-crore in the bag, the Akash is the currently toast of India's missile programme. Top sources have revealed that while most of Project Akash staff is currently focused on ensuring that serial production is trouble-free, a select team of scientists and engineers has been handpicked to begin Mk-II.

The Akash Mk-II will be a longer-range, faster and more accurate SAM. Ok, now here's the low-down on the Akash Mk-II. The missile will have an intercept range of 30-35 km, or a little over 10-km more than the Mk-I version. Apart from extending range, the Mk-II project mandate will be to increase accuracy of the missile's guidance system and the fire control system, push up the missile's performance, agility, speed, efficiency and accuracy. This will involve tweaking of almost all major systems, including the missile itself, signal processors etc.

Project Akash-II has set itself a deadline of 18 months to begin simulated trials, following which it will begin a routine of development test-firings. While Mk-I cost DRDO Rs 1,000-crore to complete, the Mk-II project has taken a decision not to ask for funds unless it absolutely needs them. An interim feasibility study conducted by the laboratories concerned has shown that scientists are confident of getting the first prototype up and ready on a modest tech-dem budget extended to all follow-on programmes.

Good job carry on guy. now DRDO come up with project deadline and they are insure our arm force that they can deliver their project in same time frame.
EXCLUSIVE: Akash Mk-II SAM To Fly In Two Years

Project Akash-II has set itself a deadline of 18 months to begin simulated trials, following which it will begin a routine of development test-firings. While Mk-I cost DRDO Rs 1,000-crore to complete, the Mk-II project has taken a decision not to ask for funds unless it absolutely needs them. An interim feasibility study conducted by the laboratories concerned has shown that scientists are confident of getting the first prototype up and ready on a modest tech-dem budget extended to all follow-on programmes.

LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence: EXCLUSIVE: Akash Mk-II SAM To Fly In Two Years

the highlited part shows the confidance of the scintists.:yahoo:
While Mk-I cost DRDO Rs 1,000-crore to complete, the Mk-II project has taken a decision not to ask for funds unless it absolutely needs them.

That was the best part in whole article .... :victory:
i wish DRDO carry on by this way
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