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Indian Missiles - News, Developments, Tests, and Discussions

A little offtopic but it will answer your post

India and Pakistan were very causal in nuking each other:Bill Clinton.

In the event of an Indo-Pak nuclear war, India will emerge the ultimate “winner” after wiping off Pakistan[/B] but lose up to 500 million of its own people, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and historian Taylor Branch has claimed in his 700-page book The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President which hit the stores today.

The casual manner in which Indians and Pakistanis spoke of a nuclear war scenario alarmed Bill Clinton, the then US President, who admitted “they really talk that way”.

Branch claims Indian leaders had portrayed such a scenario during the 1999 Kargil conflict to Clinton who was ready to “jump on a plane” to prevent its escalation into a full-fledged nuclear war as Pakistan, fearing military defeat, had almost prepared itself to nuke India.

(For full news item plz check link)

oh congratulations guys we have a defence anylist here:lol:

so my dear defense anylist the time you sre trying to tell us to hide your misery was 11 years ago.

Now i am going to be surprised if you tell me that Pakistan may not possess well over 120 Nukes by now.. I mean it is good if you dont know.

Times have changed kiddo ..gone the days when wajpai used to tell us that dark clouds are coming.:pakistan:

now we can hit India from head to tail and every major city would be wiped out if god forbids we decided to do a preamptive strike on Indian nuclear assests upon any conciderable intelligence .

oh congratulations guys we have a defence anylist here:lol:

so my dear defense anylist the time you are trying to tell us to hide your misery was 11 years ago.

Now i am going to be surprised if you tell me that Pakistan may not possess well over 120 Nukes by now.. I mean it is good if you dont know.

Times have changed kiddo ..gone the days when wajpai used to tell us that dark clouds are coming.:pakistan:

now we can hit India from head to tail and every major city would be wiped out if god forbids we decided to do a preamptive strike on Indian nuclear assests upon any actionable intelligence .


well mate if you might had read the news completely you might had noticed that it said that Indians said that they will lose 50 crores of its citizens as Pakistan will hit major cities and other key areas. But in the same time pakistan might lose its whole population. But Pakistan said that some population might stay alive due to rough terrain :cheesy:

And mate I am not saying this Billy said it
Tell me, how many empires has india (not the Afghans, Mughals, Persians) defeated?

BTW, i couldn't find any source proving your claim that 60 marathas killed 500 Pathans with only 2 swords, you might want to provide link if you have any!

In my opinion no one knows how to fight a war better than a Pathan! After all it was Pathans from NWFP who captured 40% of Kashmir!

I think Pathans lost this battle:::

Battle of Saragarhi: 21 against 10,000:cheers:

Also as you talked about NWFP.............I think you should know that pathans lost that area in wars, thats why its in Pakistan but not in Afghanistan, ( Sorry if offeneded)
well mate if you might had read the news completely you might had noticed that it said that Indians said that they will lose 50 crores of its citizens as Pakistan will hit major cities and other key areas. But in the same time pakistan might lose its whole population. But Pakistan said that some population might stay alive due to rough terrain :cheesy:

And mate I am not saying this Billy said it

we had started a thread on this topic and it was not billy it was your warmonger x pm Wajpai who said it and a writter exposed it.

That was 11 years ago and Pak had small quantity of Nukes but now we might have 3 times more nukes than before so i think both will not exist and unle sam will be happy.
India is ahead of Chinese missile programme, says DRDO chief

New Delhi, Feb 10 : Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Director V.K. Saraswat on Wednesday said that India's anti-ballistic missile defence programme is ahead of China's programme.

Addressing media here, Saraswat said: "This is one area we are ahead of the Chinese."

He announced that Sunday's test of the Agni- III missile would clear the decks for the induction of the missile into the services.

The test, carried out by Strategic Forces Command sets the stage for the induction of nuclear-tipped missile.

China had only one missile in the 2500-km category, the DF-21 and was now focused only on building intercontinental range missiles (ICBMs) of the DF-31 and DF-41 in the 6000- 10,000 km range.

"But our accuracies are better than the Chinese missiles," Dr Saraswat said.

He, however, declined to mention the Circular Error Probability or CEP of the Agni-III

China, in January 2007, had displayed its anti-ballistic missile capabilities while knocking out a disused satellite in space. This was the world's first declared A-SAT test.

Earlier in January, the Chinese declared that they had successfully tested a ground-based mid-range anti ballistic missile.

"China only had the building blocks for an ATBM," Saraswat said.

"We started our ATBM programme in 1999 and in terms of capabilities, we are way ahead of them," he added.

Saraswat said India had perfected the building blocks for an A-SAT weapon but there were no plans to field any such system

PS: It looks like DRDO chief picking up the boisterous comment making style of pakistani scientists.
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we had started a thread on this topic and it was not billy it was your warmonger x pm Wajpai who said it and a writter exposed it.

That was 11 years ago and Pak had small quantity of Nukes but now we might have 3 times more nukes than before so i think both will not exist and unle sam will be happy.

Mine warmonger ex PM Vajpayi????

Dude need i remind you that Kargil was not started by Mr.Vajpayi.

We respect our Prime Ministers and trust them. He was a very cool man. India loves Him.

and mate Indian population is vay over billion ..........Pakistan population will finish early ..............Dont you think that mate???
Lol, Amir Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, Salaman Khan, Saif Ali Khan! these names sound familiar don't they? Lol, indian girls are dying for all these Pathan (Aryan Race) celebs! And Ashoka (a Pathan) is worshiped by indians!

It is a defense forum, since u have shown lac of knowledge i will try to educate u, so just read with open eyes.

Lol, sorry but first educate the 400 million people living in slums first! and you might want to provide them toilets as well!;)

1. Why r u bringing religion into this.

Who's bringing religion into this? I'm talking about Pathans, not Islam! the thing is, you people twist everything to fit your dreams.

2. Ur brother Dark Blood have said in the same thread that "No one But a Muslim General , Indian Muslims can not Own this Pride as they are a Bunch of " Munafiqin"."

Well, only Allah can judge!

3. U people just twist everything just to fit your dreams. First u says India munslims are not muslims and i don't want to name the Mods who also said that since the Shahrukh/Salman/Aamir drink alchohole and have hindu temple in their homes they are not muslims, but when u want to twist the facts they becomes muslims.

So first decide they r muslims or not?

i never said they are Muslims or not because only Allah can judge!, i said they are Pathans! lol, you want to educate me? lol, first learn the difference between PATHAN ( a race) and Islam/Muslim (A religion)!;)

5. Ashoka was 100% Hindu update ur knowledge.

Uhhhh what? no, wow its surprising you want to educate me? but you yourself don't know the history of your own country! Ashoka was a follower of Buddhism!

I'm surprised you don't know who Ahmed Shah Abdali is? The same Afghan who sacked Delhi ten times in 20 years, he humiliated indian armies in the famous battle of Pani Pat!

1.) Abdali was Afgan, if people living in present pakistani side were strong then how can he reached Delhi.

Who's talking about Pakistan:what:? I'm talking about Pathans and how we dominated india in the past, and how we continue to have influence inindia in many ways lol!

2.) Delhi does not means whole India.

Either way, still doesn't change the fact of how you were humiliated 10 TIMES!

3.) "Ahmad Shah began his military conquest by capturing Ghazni from the Ghilzai Pashtuns and then wresting Kabul from the local ruler, and thus strengthened his hold over eastern Khorasan which is most of present-day Afghanistan" This proves that he started his career by killing fellow muslims.

Lol, don't give me that nonsense! Even Salahudin Ayubi fought military campaigns against the Arab kingdoms in Egypt and Iraq to unite the Muslims and then he later on conquered Jerusalem from the Crusaders! These things happened numerous times in history, when Muslims began to fight amongst themselves and divided the Muslims lands, a leader emerged who united the lands even if it be by force! After all there was no other option left!

4.) At the time of Abdali the Delhi was under the rule of Mughals not ny Hindu king. So a weak Mughal ruler can not save his territory of Delhi.

"The year 1761 was the turning point, Marathas confederacy was heavily defeated by the Afghan Chieftain Ahmadshah Abdali in the ‘Third Battle of Panipat’"
History of Maharashtra, Historical Information of Maharashtra, Great History of Marathas

5.) Read History carefully, Jat raja Suramal, Sikh King and Several kings of Rajputana have not partisipated in the war. Only a single Maratha army fought with Abdali+Rohelas army+Mughal army+baluch+Pashtun army.

Whoa, where did all these people come from? I was only talking about Pathans? And you say i twist facts for my own "dreams" lol!

1.) This is amazing the person who have killed thousands of Muslims and does not belong to Pakistan u have named ur missile over him. This shows ur IQ.

Pakistan has a LOT of Pathans, they are the second largest ethnic group in Pakistan, Pakistan is also heavily influenced by Persian and Afghan culture due to cultural ties with those regions so yeah in a way we do have a connection with Abdali! But then again, why is Pakistan in this? i thought we were discussing india and its obsession with Pathans?

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Regarding the 60 marathas story ,I am not making this thing up.I had read it somewhere( before 2/2.5 years) and have heard it from my marathi friends as well.I will try to get the link.

It doesn't make sense that 60 men armed with 2 swords kill 500 enemy troops!

Sounds more like a super hero story from a comic book!
1. Battle of Rajasthan :
The rout of the Arab invaders at the hands of the Rajputs.
In the words of the Arab chronicler Suleiman, “a place of refuge to which the Muslims might flee was not to be found.”

2. Rout of Mohammad Ghauri by Prithviraj Chauhan at the first battle of Tarain. Ghauri retreated to come back again and win by deceit.
Indian Muslims can not Own this Pride as they are a Bunch of " Munafiqin".

excuse me sir' but you have no right say this about anyone same can be said about pakistanis with respect yes there are many muslims who do not support pakistan they are as good as any other muslims and vice versa one should not call a person munafiq just coz he or she do not share the same opinion regarding a particuler country,party, sect etc its not in good taste or manner.

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India is ahead of Chinese missile programme, says DRDO chief

New Delhi, Feb 10 : Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) Director V.K. Saraswat on Wednesday said that India's anti-ballistic missile defence programme is ahead of China's programme.

Addressing media here, Saraswat said: "This is one area we are ahead of the Chinese."

He announced that Sunday's test of the Agni- III missile would clear the decks for the induction of the missile into the services.

The test, carried out by Strategic Forces Command sets the stage for the induction of nuclear-tipped missile.

China had only one missile in the 2500-km category, the DF-21 and was now focused only on building intercontinental range missiles (ICBMs) of the DF-31 and DF-41 in the 6000- 10,000 km range.

"But our accuracies are better than the Chinese missiles," Dr Saraswat said.

He, however, declined to mention the Circular Error Probability or CEP of the Agni-III

China, in January 2007, had displayed its anti-ballistic missile capabilities while knocking out a disused satellite in space. This was the world's first declared A-SAT test.

Earlier in January, the Chinese declared that they had successfully tested a ground-based mid-range anti ballistic missile.

"China only had the building blocks for an ATBM," Saraswat said.

"We started our ATBM programme in 1999 and in terms of capabilities, we are way ahead of them," he added.

Saraswat said India had perfected the building blocks for an A-SAT weapon but there were no plans to field any such system

PS: It looks like DRDO chief picking up the boisterous comment making style of pakistani scientists.

DRDO chief too has a big mouth like the general.
i wont be surprise if some forum members said that but this is from DRDO chief?:rofl:
Dont just talk, show sth to backup the talk.
excuse me sir' but you have no right say this about anyone same can be said about pakistanis with respect yes there are many muslims who do not support pakistan they are as good as any other muslims and vice versa one should not call a person munafiq just coz he or she do not share the same opinion regarding a particuler country,party, sect etc its not in good taste or manner.


Thanks for the advice .

I do not expect Indian muslims to support Pakistan as we do not need their support.

BTW what would you call those so called Muslims who are Paying Tax to a Govt which is Killing Innocent Kasmiries on Daily basis?

More than 60000 Kashmirs have been Killed by state sponsored
Terrorism so why Muslims if they really are Muslims paying tax to an Anti Muslim govt?
Mine warmonger ex PM Vajpayi????

Dude need i remind you that Kargil was not started by Mr.Vajpayi.

We respect our Prime Ministers and trust them. He was a very cool man. India loves Him.

and mate Indian population is vay over billion ..........Pakistan population will finish early ..............Dont you think that mate???

A PM who vows to attack another nation and in order to destroy it he is happy with losing his more than half of the population is called a " Warmonger ".

Same is your X Army Chief mr Deepak Kapoor who thinks he can Fight China and Pakistan at the same time and Capture Islamabad in 76 Hours:rofl::rofl::blink:
Deepas Capoor is an idxot, so are many of his compatriot generals. They are real shames to Endians.
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