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Indian Military Picture Thread

You have an extremely good point there. However the equipment in both the Military and Para-Military forces follow a "trickle-down" method of distribution. I.E. the most important and elite units get the most sophisticated gear.
Now the ladies in question belong to the CRPF which is in fact a Police unit, hence the SLRs. If they get posted to an active area, then they are likely to get the INSAS or AKs. No H&Ks or Tavors for them.
While the Home Guards (a CD unit) still train with the venerable Lee-Enfields. But then they are the least likely to use them in business- so that somewhat balances out.

Hope that helps clarify.

Actually Tavor and AK are the weapons of choice in Kashmir , not INSAS.

Almost all the RR units are being equipped with Tavors and if not with the AKs as these are more suitable for CQBs than INSAS.
You know Chinese and Tibetans are entirely different.

Not much difference between them physically, put an indian and tibetan side by side, hell yeah tibetan looks 90% more chinese than indian :D
Not much difference between them physically, put an indian and tibetan side by side, hell yeah tibetan looks 90% more chinese than indian :D

There is nothing called 'Chinese' in the first place.

The scientific term is 'Mongoloid'. And we have our share of Mongoloid people in India.

And give the choice to a Tibetan he will 100% choose India over China :devil:

I think they are at LAL kila
Actually Tavor and AK are the weapons of choice in Kashmir , not INSAS.

Almost all the RR units are being equipped with Tavors and if not with the AKs as these are more suitable for CQBs than INSAS.

RR units are from IA. These young Ladies are from the CRPF. My remarks were predicated on that fact. The CRPF in the Valley uses Aks and INSAS. Only now is MHA planning to acquire TAVORS for troops under its control. And for use in the Red Corridor first, where there are no RR units.
RR units are from IA. These young Ladies are from the CRPF. My remarks were predicated on that fact. The CRPF in the Valley uses Aks and INSAS. Only now is MHA planning to acquire TAVORS for troops under its control. And for use in the Red Corridor first, where there are no RR units.

Thanks for the clarification.

Maybe I understood "if posted in active zones" from your post in a different sense.
because they all look like Chinese :partay:

Oh yeah we hired Chinese police women during the CWG since we have a very small population and not enough police personnel (scarcasm) :pop:
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