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Indian Military Picture Thread

One poster we all grew up looking



This dude got shot at...look at his bullet proof....he has tied his bullet proof with a thing that looks like a shoe lace.

This shows how risky it really is for these guys...theses are RR personnel.

After watching such pics only one feeling comes...RESPECT!

and see this pic


I salute these brave men.

Soilders also carry extra ropes and improvise on their own in case of the equipment ...... but again it could be possible that the bullet proof jacket was loose for him, nice observation though :D

Soilders also carry extra ropes and improvise on their own in case of the equipment ...... but again it could be possible that the bullet proof jacket was loose for him, nice observation though :D

ya..but the bullet mark is real...magnify and see the pic...it will look more clear.
This dude got shot at...look at his bullet proof....he has tied his bullet proof with a thing that looks like a shoe lace.


This shows how risky it really is for these guys...theses are RR personnel.

After watching such pics only one feeling comes...RESPECT!
Battle Hardened Soldier.....he still look like asking for more......MY RESPECT

and see this pic


Kadam kadam Bardhaija, kushi kay geet gayeh jaa, yeh zindagi hai kom kee, tu kom pay lutayeh jaa.

I salute these brave men.

I have a question regarding the headgear worn by the Indian soldier in the picture above. Is it a basic steel helmet with a wide cloth covering on it's lower rim or is it purely of non-metal construction (e.g a thick cap for cold weather)? Also what advantage does it offer over the more conventional types of headgear apart from the warmth, which I see as the obvious bit?

Secondly, another question, I have noticed that not many soldiers are equipped with ballistic helmets. Is there an active program for their mass introduction and if possible is there a particular design the Indian armed forces use? For instance, Iranian forces use a design similar to the US PASGT, and are thus far available to only certain Iranian groupings.

I have a question regarding the headgear worn by the Indian soldier in the picture above. Is it a basic steel helmet with a wide cloth covering on it's lower rim or is it purely of non-metal construction (e.g a thick cap for cold weather)? Also what advantage does it offer over the more conventional types of headgear apart from the warmth, which I see as the obvious bit?

The helmets or the so called ones are called Pataka's. It is very widely used amongst IA. However these are normally and only used in CT operations and area's. It is basically lightweight , offers unobstructed vision and protect's critical areas. The forehead covering is basically a thick plate designed and tested to stop ak rounds (a fav insurgency weapon) whereas the top portion is thick cloth/foam to protect against cold and to stop sharpnels. However on LOC and on borders, soldiers manning posts wear proper ballistic helmets.

Secondly, another question, I have noticed that not many soldiers are equipped with ballistic helmets. Is there an active program for their mass introduction and if possible is there a particular design the Indian armed forces use? For instance, Iranian forces use a design similar to the US PASGT, and are thus far available to only certain Iranian groupings.

I dont believe there is any shortage of ballistic helmets. Soldiers dont wear it because they choose not to wear it. In CT operations Pataka takes precedence because of the ease it offers while conducting operations. In future as part of F INSAS programe , government plans to introduce new helmets, new bulletproof jackets along with IT systems for each and every soldier for monitoring, surveillance and better situational awareness.
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