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Indian military personnel for Moscow soon for S-400 training

Sanctions are only effective if India operates US weapon systems, which they do now. Most likely, US will twist Indian arms behind the scene for concessions using the threat of sanctions as leverage. Isnt all of IN ASW fixed wing fleet now of American origin?

As for sanctions on India, the only way they will not happen is if US removes the sanctions from Turkey first. That way they will not only save face but also shore up their relationships with a NATO member. If there are no sanctions on India but they remain in place on Turkey, the latter is likely to leave NATO.

India, however, on its side is hedging its bets too and not buying a lot of American hardware if it can find options from Russia or Europe that are on par. Even on the GE engines, they might be going with RR instead. So Indians themselves don't know what really the impact will be. They can't back out of the deal with Russia this late in the game either else they antagonize Putin and their largest military supplier as well. So they are trying to walk a fine line with fingers crossed.
Somehow I got the feelings "S 400 ke bure din ane walle hain. :omghaha: :omghaha:
jee newj - indian s-400 vikram downed 10 f-16 of PAF in 1 min without wasting on meejael!

bakhts on pdf will provide bs facts to authenticate jeenewjs and Anis bs realnewj!
No... We will not become a folly state... We always maintain arm length when it comes to sovereignty... We learnt from Pakistan's mistakes of getting involved in unrelated wars..
If we see a slightest indication that Indian leaders are deviating from India first policy, we ruthlessly remove the leaders....
In next few days new negative import list is going to come... West has to bring best of best weapons to woo India... We are recognised as reasonable and responsible nation...

the question was not when India will become a folly state but why it has become one! If better giddies were offered by the west why buy the Rafael ? Why not the f-35 or f-18 or f-15?

The current Indian foreign and domestic policy sounds a lot like a political slogan designed to sooth the anxieties of a traumatized nation which has realized that India is not shinning, than a coherent policy!


I get the if’s and buts .......yet india is changing her forever policies and is trying to become a regional power. It wants to change the world it lives in with the help of the west. Case and point
1) Let’s call Kashmir, Ladakh, galwaan ,Tibet ......part of India

2) let’s join QUAD and antagonize a global superpower China with constituents that will never come to defend us

3)stay away from regional trade intiatives which China is part or leading Belt and road , Asian TPP trade forum which all other members of the QUAD are part of.

4)try a land war with China ..... by building roads so the Chinese army can come crashing down from the north. This was the main thing that stoped the Chinese in 1962.

5) turn from a perceived secular country to a bigoted Hindu country.

All these are movement from India’s stated position. Meaning there is a change in the air all of India’s strengths are being reduced while weakness being pronounced

Thank you for the response.

Let me answer each to the best of my ability.

1) Let’s call Kashmir, Ladakh, galwaan ,Tibet ......part of India - Kashmir & Ladakh are part of India. No ifs. No buts. In hindi/urdu "Kisi mein itna dum nahin hai ke ye dono humse cheen le".
Can you give me one govt article or statement which says Tibet is part of India? Indian govt by default supports the One-China policy. Don't tell me you are taking these from Twitter trolls.

2) let’s join QUAD and antagonize a global superpower China...- Well well. Screw CCP. We will do whatever is to our benefit. We have the ability to match China on our western front, man to man & machine-to-machine & at the same time not leave our eastern border unguarded. You and everyone saw that. We aren't Ukraine waiting for NATO to come & help us. Also to jog your memory - SEATO, CENTO.

3)stay away from regional trade intiatives - What trade initiatives. We have done ok till now without these so-called China-centric trade initiatives. How will these help us? All this BRI is hogwash. That said if it benefits you. Then go ahead with full steam.
Anyways we do business with China. We don't ask for alms. Forget 2020 where the whole world has been brought down by CCP Virus. Check our goods & services export numbers from 2019. We have our own market & export markets. We are not overly worried about China. There is a place in this world for everyone. Look at Bangladesh & how its exports are growing. Also, heard about DMIC?

4)try a land war with China - Well China imposed a stand-off. We responded with alacrity & matched the PLA. If they really wanted a war. What is stopping them? As per you, they are anyways a superpower.

5) turn from a perceived secular country to a bigoted Hindu country - Don't get me started. It really doesn't matter what a religious extremist country's citizen thinks. You have the blasphemy law which has been much misused. How many minorities are left in Pakistan? What were minority numbers in west Pak vis-a-vis India in 1947 & what are they now. We have done a much much better job.

All these are movement from India’s stated position. Meaning there is a change in the air all of India’s strengths are being reduced while weakness being pronounced - There is definitely a change in the air. The perceived passivity of the Indian state is out of the window.

We are not trying we are an Asian power. Both economically & militarily. Our time will come when we become a world power to reckon with. We are not in a hurry like China. Practically speaking we cannot match what China has achieved over the past 2 decades. But, we will get there at our own speed & with the chaotic decision making that comes with a 1.3B democracy.
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Thank you for the response.

Let me answer each to the best of my ability.

1) Let’s call Kashmir, Ladakh, galwaan ,Tibet ......part of India - Kashmir & Ladakh are part of India. No ifs. No buts. In hindi/urdu "Kisi mein itna dum nahin hai ke ye dono humse cheen le".
Can you give me one govt article or statement which says Tibet is part of India? Indian govt by default supports the One-China policy. Don't tell me you are taking these from Twitter trolls.

2) let’s join QUAD and antagonize a global superpower China...- Well well. Screw CCP. We will do whatever is to our benefit. We have the ability to match China on our western front, man to man & machine-to-machine & at the same time not leave our eastern border unguarded. You and everyone saw that. We aren't Ukraine waiting for NATO to come & help us. Also to jog your memory - SEATO, CENTO.

3)stay away from regional trade intiatives - What trade initiatives. We have done ok till now without these so-called China-centric trade initiatives. How will these help us? All this BRI is hogwash. That said if it benefits you. Then go ahead with full steam.
Anyways we do business with China. We don't ask for alms. Forget 2020 where the whole world has been brought down by CCP Virus. Check our goods & services export numbers from 2019. We have our own market & export markets. We are not overly worried about China. There is a place in this world for everyone. Look at Bangladesh & how its exports are growing. Also, heard about DMIC?

4)try a land war with China - Well China imposed a stand-off. We responded with alacrity & matched the PLA. If they really wanted a war. What is stopping them? As per you, they are anyways a superpower.

5) turn from a perceived secular country to a bigoted Hindu country - Don't get me started. It really doesn't matter what a religious extremist country's citizen thinks. You have the blasphemy law which has been much misused. How many minorities are left in Pakistan? What were minority numbers in west Pak vis-a-vis India in 1947 & what are they now. We have done a much much better job.

All these are movement from India’s stated position. Meaning there is a change in the air all of India’s strengths are being reduced while weakness being pronounced - There is definitely a change in the air. The perceived passivity of the Indian state is out of the window.

We are not trying we are an Asian power. Both economically & militarily. Our time will come when we become a world power to reckon with. We are not in a hurry like China. Practically speaking we cannot match what China has achieved over the past 2 decades. But, we will get there at our own speed & with the chaotic decision making that comes with a 1.3B democracy.

Oh so you are one of those......

1) the reason China is arming Pakistan is to move the LoC 30 to 40 kms into occupied Kashmir, they want to create a new route via sakardu so in the next 3 years you will see a massive road project in Giligit bultistan, India will hopefully miscalculate and shell the work, Paksitan and China will retaliate taking back DBO, sai chin and 30-40 kms of occupied Kashmir or about 15% more. I don’t know if we will stop there or continue on the rest of Kashmir. India would have to decide what is more important to it Delhi and Kolkata or Kashmir. All this is thanks to India not following the wisdom of Chankia and build roads for the Chinese army to come down from the mountains and raid India. This has been India’s history for the last 2000 years the Muslims came from the north, the afghans came front he north.....

2) it would be awesome if QUAD is formalized because 95% of Indian arms and ammunition and spares come from Russia. QuAD is anti Russia meaning ..... no spares or ammunition in a war. This is why chai wala’s are not good prime ministers, these myths are just that myths. If india was capable it would have changed the LOC or Pakistan.

3)yes the recent Indian negative growth speaks to this. In short India will become a western satellite state. we as part of ceto And cento had economic benefits from this but in the long run lost a lot by not fostering local trade. when You don’t agree with the west they cut you out of their value chain. This is why all other QUAD members are part of the Chinese trade initiatives. So have at it hos 😀

4) yes China won this conflict without firing a shot. This is the power of a superpower. The Chinese plan is simple the want india out of DBO which is why they are in a place to cut this off. They also plan to build roads and train links on in gilgit Batistan. This is via Sakurdu., China is arming Pakistan changing the parity it holds with India the plan seems to be to move the LOC 30-40 Kms inside Indian occupied Kashmir-about 15% more to take it outside the range of indian artillery . The question is will we stop if we take over further territory. with increased equipment parity. the choice from India will be to lose Delhi and Kolkata or kasmir.
see Pakistan has changed its borders by force
-1947 GB and 1/3 of Kashmir
-1965 neutralized India’s western arms and ammunition that india was suppose to use against China. This was a well executed western plan
-1999 Kargil Pakistan still holds 50% of kargil heights ,

so imagine what would happen when we have military parity with India and ourecnomic growth is threatened

5) yes Pakistan has a lot of experience in bigotry! If you doubt our abilities ask the Soviet Union what we did to them with 10 million Afghans. Pakistan has now successfully changed india into a bigot and will end her as they are masters at this game. Imagine Pakistan already has 200 million Muslim soldiers in India how will India deal with this army it created for Pakistan.

see india is not even a regional power any more countries like Bhutan and Nepal are cutting india to size. The plan is for China to reinforce Pakistan militarily by 2023. build its ability to address the west and her Asian allies and deal with India by then . The recent surrender by India Without firing a bullet will embolden Pakistan and China and weaken the confidence of the west.

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