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Indian military personnel for Moscow soon for S-400 training

No jets bro, that S-400 gizmo scans everything.

if they want jets 5th gen to be exact and not get stuck on 4th gen rafeals they will have to obey Usa!

rafaels are great but they dont make IA invincible or greater than Plaf or Paf so india is in a delicate position!
let me ask the question a different way, willUSA sanction Russia and India. On s-400 and offer patriot batteries to India instead. Will India finally become a folly state of the west. Will India no longer be part of the non aligned movement ensuring that in a conflict Indian blood would be spilled to serve the west?

Biden is going to be so pissed hahaha. The dude is the most anti-Russian president to sit there since Kennedy lol.
Sanctions could be coming.
Won't be the first time. I reckon India has already taken that into consideration. If sanctions come then so do more Rafales. Not a bad situation.

I am also banking on another 54 rafales. 🤞
Won't be the first time. I reckon India has already taken that into consideration. If sanctions come then so do more Rafales. Not a bad situation.

I am also banking on another 54 rafales. 🤞

True India has a great supplier in France.
If ifs and buts were candy & nuts. There will be some wrangling. Geo-politics is not exactly a zero sum game.

I get the if’s and buts .......yet india is changing her forever policies and is trying to become a regional power. It wants to change the world it lives in with the help of the west. Case and point
1) Let’s call Kashmir, Ladakh, galwaan ,Tibet ......part of India

2) let’s join QUAD and antagonize a global superpower China with constituents that will never come to defend us

3)stay away from regional trade intiatives which China is part or leading Belt and road , Asian TPP trade forum which all other members of the QUAD are part of.

4)try a land war with China ..... by building roads so the Chinese army can come crashing down from the north. This was the main thing that stoped the Chinese in 1962.

5) turn from a perceived secular country to a bigoted Hindu country.

All these are movement from India’s stated position. Meaning there is a change in the air all of India’s strengths are being reduced while weakness being pronounced

let me ask the question a different way, willUSA sanction Russia and India. On s-400 and offer patriot batteries to India instead. Will India finally become a folly state of the west. Will India no longer be part of the non aligned movement ensuring that in a conflict Indian blood would be spilled to serve the west?


Its laughable to watch Pakistani's moronic interpretations of India US or Russia's intentions and actions. Here are some brutal truths for Pakistani's to digest.

1) India will have S400 batteries operational in India

2) There will no sanctions against India from USA or NATO .

3) No sanctions that WILL BE CONTIGENT on having to buy US fighters, either the f21 or the F35. NOR DOES IT IMPLY that were India to decide to buy such fighters or any others they would be denied to India as these would be bought with INDIAN MONEY .

4) What India buys or not is India's business as it always has been and paid for in hard currency. It has NEVER ACCEPTED BAKSHEESH weapon systems contingent on QUID PRO QUO.

5) There will never be foreign troops stationed on Indian soil to fight third countries in a war that is not India's.

6) Biden's US and Putin's Russia can decide for themselves what is in their best interests and act accordingly as will India , independent from foreign interference.
Its laughable to watch Pakistani's moronic interpretations of India US or Russia's intentions and actions. Here are some brutal truths for Pakistani's to digest.

1) India will have S400 batteries operational in India
Yes with Russian kill switches, to be turned off if india joins the QUAD, a delivery of spares will be stoped as well.........

2) There will no sanctions against India from USA or NATO .

We shall see, there is a high probability of US sanctions as 1) Biden is not a modi supporter 2) if there are no sanctions on India they will have to remove sanctions from Turkey . This the Europeans would be against. 3) would be a great way to bring rahul back to power.

3) No sanctions that WILL BE CONTIGENT on having to buy US fighters, either the f21 or the F35. NOR DOES IT IMPLY that were India to decide to buy such fighters or any others they would be denied to India as these would be bought with INDIAN MONEY .

I believe india will never be offered the f-35 there is too much risk with Indian crashing a few of these and creating back marketing. If india is willing to fight China and lauches an attack on China this may have been possible but India surrendered all the occupied lands to China without firing a shot. The west has limited confidence now on India.
The west will however bleed india dry for second tier stuff like the F-18, f-16 , Rafael, p-8s etc. see at least Paksitan did jot need to pay to acquire these systems the American tax payer paid for this to sort their india problem. The west really hates India.

4) What India buys or not is India's business as it always has been and paid for in hard currency. It has NEVER ACCEPTED BAKSHEESH weapon systems contingent on QUID PRO QUO.
So why join the QUAD ? So you are saying India paid for its systems and still towed the western line for its doom. How much of an inferiority complex does Indians have

5) There will never be foreign troops stationed on Indian soil to fight third countries in a war that is not India's.
You are right no western power would shed blood for india it’s far more sporting for the Indians to shed blood for the west for free like good colonial slaves!

6) Biden's US and Putin's Russia can decide for themselves what is in their best interests and act accordingly as will India , independent from foreign interference.

They have and have decided to sacrifice india for their pleasure. The problem in all this is that India will try to embroil Pakistan in this, well no matter inshAllah by 2023 our economy and military will be able to sustain an Indian onslaught. Again Chinese funded military expansion. At least we are fighting for our economy this time.
Yes with Russian kill switches, to be turned off if india joins the QUAD, a delivery of spares will be stoped as well.........

What do you mean join the Quad. Quad means 4 and the 4 members of Quad are USA , India, Japan and Australia. India is in the Quad and Russia knows this and has known this, the idea of Russian kill switches is for utter morons.

I believe india will never be offered the f-35 there
Trump offered the F35 if India abandoned the S400. India said NO. It has no desire to buy this expensive piece of hardware as the French plane will fit India's needs best.
So why join the QUAD ?

India is building a Ocean going blue sea navy that needs to roam across the globe. Just as China has ships in the Indian ocean, Indian ships will be in the China sea. It needs friendly ports in Australia and Japan for requisitions fuel R&R etc.

it’s far more sporting for the Indians to shed blood for the west for free like good colonial slaves!

The only people who have shed blood for foreign powers in South Asia is Pakistan. It allowed the US bases and training for the Taliban . The US killed Pakistanis casually as did the Taliban and their many of shoots that were created with another foreign power , the Saudis. Today Chinese are garrisoned in Gwadar behind their fenced of compounds and protected by the Pakistani army.
Trump offered the F35 if India abandoned the S400. India said NO. It has no desire to buy this expensive piece of hardware as the French plane will fit India's needs best.

India was never offered the F-35 by Trump. Congress approves weapons sales not Trump.
Time changes, so do the circumstances. The world is not binary, so yeah its always what you can do or manage.
Let's see whether India or Pakistan survive next 7 years. Then will talk again on this topic.
Both will survive... Why do you think one or none of them survive.... No war is going to happen atleast in next 10 yrs
let me ask the question a different way, willUSA sanction Russia and India. On s-400 and offer patriot batteries to India instead. Will India finally become a folly state of the west. Will India no longer be part of the non aligned movement ensuring that in a conflict Indian blood would be spilled to serve the west?

No... We will not become a folly state... We always maintain arm length when it comes to sovereignty... We learnt from Pakistan's mistakes of getting involved in unrelated wars..
If we see a slightest indication that Indian leaders are deviating from India first policy, we ruthlessly remove the leaders....
In next few days new negative import list is going to come... West has to bring best of best weapons to woo India... We are recognised as reasonable and responsible nation...
When India placed orders for S-400 a lot of people jumped in glee hoping for sanctions on India. There were few comments about it in the US but then it all became quiet. Meanwhile India signed multiple defence equipment contracts with US. This happened with US knowing fully that India is going ahead with S-400.
US is still offering a lot of its advance tech to India.

Meanwhile Indian technicians have left for training to Russia.
Some friends are still hoping for US sanctions.

Come on dudes? Next halla gulla will take place when systems are delivered to India.

If US wanted they would have already imposed the sanctions. Sanctions are not happening. Keep hoping. Good luck.
Both will survive... Why do you think one or none of them survive.... No war is going to happen atleast in next 10 yrs
I was not talking about wars between Pakistan and India. Its the civil wars I was talking about.
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