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Indian media recently concluded India-made four of China rumors



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Oct 26, 2009
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According to "Global Times" reported that
Through the Chinese and Indian prime ministers and foreign ministers of the reconciliation meeting, the recent rush of China's "vocal opposition" in the Indian media also began to reflect on the sound that open conflict between China and India costly. India, "Calcutta Telegraph," 28 days to find the root causes for such conflict, saying a number of non-ruling party in India who was trying to pour switched from 1988 Rajiv - Gandhi's visit to China has been slow but steady development of bilateral relations of the wheel of history, they "kidnapped "Sino-Indian dialogue on issues.

The first misunderstanding is that this year September 15, India, widely published in major newspapers so-called "Chinese soldiers opened fire on the Indian side," a detailed report, claiming that there are two Indian soldiers were wounded. India, however, surveys have found that there is no shooting.

The second misunderstanding is the so-called "China hamper India's candidate for UN Secretary-General." In 2006, India, Tharoor for UN Secretary-General recommended a candidate was to say that China cast a negative vote. But in fact, as early as Tharoor is recommended before the Beijing authorities had decided not to veto any candidate for Asia, and the ultimate right to veto Tharoor, only one country - the United States.

The third: the same is that some TV scholars and writers have concocted a lie --- China destroyed India's UN Security Council permanent members of the opportunity. Some media said that because China is opposed to India, Germany, Japan, Brazil, "four-nation alliance," the draft resolution, so that India no chance to become permanent members. The fact is that China was opposed to the Japanese. In fact has never supported India to become a permanent member of UN Security Council is the USA.

When the U.S. and India signed a nuclear agreement, but also a kind of rumors there --- China blocked the agreement was signed, and to prohibit the United States to India's export of nuclear technology and nuclear materials. But the fact is,China did not do that.

Although the "Calcutta Telegraph," This article can not be between China and India to resolve all misunderstandings and differences, but the "Times of India" said that China and India there is open conflict probability is very low, because the two leaders have decided to eliminate misunderstanding may be through the establishment of a "hotline" to increase mutual trust and other channels。
LOL@ the post made by OP, such a post only proves my point further HAHAA. Another Indian warmonger provoking war, trying to gain attention from our media because it feels left out LOL.
Ahh thats what their media is doing. And i failed to understand why they are creating war mongering
I must eat.. for a second I thought TRP meant Tikka roll paratha.
Back to the topic, War mongering is too strong a word, Its more along the lines of plain yellow journalism capitalizing on recent tensions to get more circulation and attention.
How does India even have ANY proof that the terror attacks were of Pakistani origin? Why don't you investigate the hills of Afghan, Osama's home because that's where the funds are from. Listen Indians, I don't hate the nation but some of its people are getting on my nerves, claiming some bullsh1t on one hand but on the other, rejecting it after it gets refuted by its own people(People who live on the border refuted the Indian govt.'s claims in this case), how PATHETIC.
As I said in a post somwhere on this forum that Indians use circastic remarks, inuendos to bring yellow posting style to this forum. they never fail to fullfill strange style of theirs.
As I said in a post somwhere on this forum that Indians use circastic remarks, inuendos to bring yellow posting style to this forum. they never fail to fullfill strange style of theirs.

You meant "sarcastic" and not "circastic" remarks. Now we don't fail to fulfill our strange style. Perhaps we learnt well from our media :rofl:
Planet warrior, u have typical indian style of ignoring the facts by pointing on typo on the hope that the problem will go away.

U guys are like a pigeon on a ledge when seeing cat closes his eyes believing the cat is gone.

:hitwall: :blah:
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