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Indian man went on rampage with bus, hits 40 vehicles, 9 dead, 30 injured

Calm down newbie, it is just a discussion.

He was upset about the issues you stated in your post. He had the time to think about what he was going to do about his issues. Instead of seeking medical such as anger management sessions with a professional to deal with his 'strong feelings' about those issues, he decided to hurt people and/or go Postal*, hence an act of cold blooded murder.

Enraged he gets on a bus and causes a mayhem.

*Going postal, in American English slang, means becoming extremely and uncontrollably angry, often to the point of violence, and usually in a workplace environment


Mr. einstein, he did not had any motive to kill those people, neither he knew any of them. After he was caught he said that he dont remember what he did. There goes your cold blooded murder myth to ****.

Stop copy pasting stuff, and start using your own brain, oldie.
How is it mass murder ? A driver goes on rampage and you call it mass murder ?

When was the last time someone in India killed 9 people and injured 30? Do Indians kill other Indians everyday? If they do, we won't call this news.
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