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Indian Male troops won’t accept women commanders


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Male troops won’t accept women commanders: Government to SC


Shows lack of discipline and blind trusted coordination in Army.
There's a "me too" moment in every line of that article. Indian "secularism" is so funny.
It's not Saluting the Man (or in this case Woman), but the Rank. Are Indian soldiers career soldiers, or do they enlist for a limit time?

I don't blame the indian male troops---. Females should not lead the male troops during parade---.

If the females want to lead troops---then they should lead female troops---.

Rarely /never has a female ever proved herself to be an equal in ground combat to male troops or better than males---.

If she is not better than the male troops then she must not be allowed to lead men---.
Pakistani mullahs in armed forces won't follow the orders of their female senior (if any) counterparts either unless the department is medical related.
If its an ego thing the dept. doesnt matter.
By your observation, the medical core should have collapsed by now..

In medical field, it is generally accepted and people usually don't have much choice either especially related to the subject they don't know.
Why won't they accept a female commander? hanuman knows they are piddly & weak as their male not to mention hairy! :lol:
In medical field, it is generally accepted and people usually don't have much choice either especially related to the subject they don't know.

Any occupation that requires commuting around the country ,getting deputed outside country or frequent transfering becomes unfavorable for Pakistani women as it disturbs the family unit as per our social norms. In this regards either a husband or wife has to sacrifice their career to stay together.Since a male has been the primary breadwinner while the female a secondary one(due to her additional maternal duties) it is established in our society that female has to sacrifice in this regards..In the west a big portion of divorces happen due to this aspect of individuality where a female considers it her right to do what she wants in her life..AH this is not an issue in our society.

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