Oh really , either you are a citizen in modern nation state or not, unlike in shariat where if you are a muslim you are the preferred one.now tell me how does a non citizen is treated in UK for criminal offence , same way as other citizen or there is a separate law regarding the non citizen if they commit criminal offence. now compare that with a sharia one , a muslim is treated separately for criminal offence .does the UK courts discriminate if a Indian kills a UK citizen and in another case an UK citizen kills an Indian , both in UK territory , the rules are same. Now tell me can one non-muslim get away by paying blood money after killing a muslim in sharia stae while muslims can get away. .
also a modern nation state allows a person can renounce the citizenship and also later be allowed to return to the same country if need arises , can the same be said about a shariat state . you can be killed legally after converting . now dont tell me that how todays modern islamic states are not islamic. action only counts not words. even islamic countries which practice democracy has these laws . the proof lies in the pudding not the how tasty it is decribed in the cook book.
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