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Indian killed in Pakistan jail

RIP........ Just dont commit crimes..... coz they dont pay!

not needed.

Remember Kashmir singh and Surjeet singh. The moment these guys cross wagah border they give the interview to news channels about how good spies they were and how they served mother India. At least this time, we won't have to regret for releasing a spy.
Wrong precedent... I hope the erring officials lose their jobs and are tried for murder.

Its not a smart thing to piss off authorities when in jail, even I know that, to top it off, if you're an Indian you're asking for trouble by starting a tiff over a verbal remark.

I would imagine the trick to surviving jail is to keep your head down and wait it all out.
Yup indeed. Your martial race is once again proven. Numerous jailers (most probably in their 20s and 30s) beating to death a 60 year old dude. Man you Pakistanis are one big strong lot.

Would condemn the death of some poor Indian fisherman. Not these spies.
Would condemn the death of some poor Indian fisherman. Not these spies.

It was never alleged that the deceased was a "spy". His crime was to cross into Pakistan from Kashmir without the necessary permits. Do you really believe that a spy would be sentenced to 5 years in any event. Even some of your more sensible countryfolk found your statement distasteful. You should remove it
It was never alleged that the deceased was a "spy". His crime was to cross into Pakistan from Kashmir without the necessary permits. Do you really believe that a spy would be sentenced to 5 years in any event. Even some of your more sensible countryfolk found your statement distasteful. You should remove it

Well even Surjeet Singh wasn't a spy until he himself admitted while talking to news channels. :rolleyes:
An indian cant even take a Pakistani beating-
Kudos to the Pakistani POW Sipahi Maqbool Hussain for surviving indian brutality for 40 years-
GOD knows how many Pakistani prisoners in Indian jails are tortured to death & over here on the death of one Indian in Pakistani jail, hindis start a new thread to start new framing scheme, which India loves to play.

These Human Right group are totally 100% Anti Pakistanis, working for foreign powers & listening to their orders.
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