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Indian invasion of Nepal in slow motion

white_pawn it's worthless effort. Some peple's mandate is set to not looking at the other side of the coin, if you know what I mean.
I don't think there is anything to understand from your desperate and childish post. As evidence are piling up on indian raping and looting, more deception and lie are only things expected from indians.

What you posted are propaganda STORY of migration; propaganda as pretext for ethnic cleansing against indian Muslim population. Nonetheless, you try to equate migration with systematic inidan occupation of neighbors land, raping and looting innocent people of other country. That goes to show indian mindset.

This thread is not about Bangladesh but showing how india is encroaching and occupying land from neighboring country. How indian forces practice raping and looting in Nepal and elsewhere in neighborhood.

Ohhh what an evil force India is :rofl::rofl:

Actually your post goes on to show your mindset. Interested only in flame baiting, without caring for a need to have necessary evidence. If you trust sensationalist media reports, I can post even more bullsh!t.

And in today's world, countries do not operate on the principle of acquiring more & more territory, unless there is a significant gain in it. For Nepal, we have none. Nobody will just encroach any other's territory, gain nothing & just get the relations screwed up. And if at all this is true, one would expect some reaction from their government, in this case which is missing. So, instead of flame baiting, why don't you just STFU?
And if at all this is true, one would expect some reaction from their government, in this case which is missing.

Other than your desperate rant,

recent Nepali govt change was result of direct interference from india. Current Nepali govt and army chief are indian puppet. Thats why even when all parties of Nepal are protesting Nepali govt is mum.

Here is what an indian wrote about indian interference in Nepal.

Indian role


Coming back to the Indian role in this whole issue: the Indian ambassador's moves to pressurise the Nepali polity to retain Katuwal was a blatant expression of interference in Nepali affairs. Any self respecting Nepali, let alone a Maoist or any other leftist politician would have bristled at this interference, which however is part of a long legacy of intrusion in Nepali affairs. No wonder, the Maoists have openly accused the Indian bureaucrats of playing a meddlesome role. For this Indian, the Indian ambassador's actions are even more galling because the Indian establishment had played a positive role in the culmination of Nepal into a republic from a highly unpopular and illegitimate monarchy.

Is this latest trend of negative influence- direct meddling, scheming with other political parties to push the Maoists into a corner and thereby endangering the peace agreement as well as the constitutional building process,related to the fact that India wants to retain its levers of influence? In other words the current Indian establishment is uncomfortable with the Maoists' stated intent of asserting a sovereign and a truly independent domestic and foreign policy. While, on the other hand during the time when the Left Front supported the Indian government the stated intent was not to meddle with the Nepali polity but to maintain healthy relations with whichever political dispensation which was in power.

This writer after his visit to Nepal just after the constituent assembly elections had warned that a derailment of the republican process of constitutional building and overcoming of some challenges such as the Army-PLA integration could be possible because bad habits such as treating Nepal as part of a geopolitical game between neighboring powers were still in place in the strategic calculuses of India and China. This fear seems to not have been misplaced.

It is imperative that the unconstitutional move of the Nepali president has to be overturned. The independent civil society in Nepal has reacted to the president's moves by demanding a judicial decision on the actions, both by the Nepali president as well as by the CoAS. Prominent civil society activists including Shyam Shrestha, Devender Raj Pandey and Krishna Pahadi who were involved in the anti-monarchy protests in Kathmandu in 2005, have now been arrested for protesting against the president's actions. This suggests that the Maoists have gained sympathy of independent and republican voices in the country.
A New Praxis in a changed world: Search results for Nepal
Other than your desperate rant,

recent Nepali govt change was result of direct interference from india. Current Nepali govt and army chief are indian puppet. Thats why even when all parties of Nepal are protesting Nepali govt is mum.

Here is what an indian wrote about indian interference in Nepal.

I have had enough of your foolish contentions of Bangladeshi Government being Indian stooges & Nepali Government being Indian puppet. Probably, any Government which does not agree with your personal notions of governance, are Indian stooges.

And if at all we are interested in acquiring Nepali land, we would prefer to have Indian stooges in their government & control the whole land by remote control. And you have already proven that we are in a position to do so. Much better than openly encroaching their land, displace 6000 people & raping hundreds of women.
Demographic Invasion Of Assam By Bangladeshi Muslim Immigrants?

Looks like the Bangladeshi Muslims are ‘invading’ North East India and turning these small border states into parts of “Greater Bangladesh”. Well thats if you believe the HINDUvta mobs in India.

Dhananjay Mathur

Demographic Invasion Of Assam By Bangladeshi Muslim Immigrants

Presence of illegal Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants in India is nothing new. In almost every district of states like Assam, Tripura or West Bengal one can easily identify Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants by their Urdu-mixed Bengali and typical accent. However over last fifteen years or so this problem of illegal immigration has taken a new alarming shape. Recent statistics clearly show that North Eastern states, especially Assam have become the victims of demographic invasion due to illegal Muslim migration from Bangladesh.

In the political arena, the person who recently studied this migration phenomenon in an elaborate manner and analyzed the situation in quite some depth is Lt. Gen. (retd) S K Sinha, Assam’s present Governor. Sinha was appointed as Governor of Assam in August 1997 by the then United Front Central Government replacing Loknath Mishra. Sinha’s appointment came at a time when insurgency has resurfaced in the State and the Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) government headed by P K Mahanta was facing flak from the people.

In March 1999, Sinha submitted a 42-page report to President K R Narayanan drawing his attention to the influx of Bangladeshi immigrants into lower Assam regions. Sinha, a retired lieutenant general who served in the area as an army officer for many years, is well aware of the problems caused in the region by infiltration. Before preparing the report titled ‘Illegal immigration into Assam’, he held prolonged discussions on the subject with several people from varied backgrounds and different shades of opinion. He also extensively toured the areas of Assam bordering Bangladesh.

The report stated that illegal influx of Bangladeshi Muslims into the state may lead to serious consequences, and could threaten the national security. Sinha observed, “The long-cherished design of Greater Bangladesh, making inroads into the strategic land link of Assam with the rest of [India], can lead to severing the entire land mass of the North-East, with all its rich resources, from the rest of the country. This will have disastrous strategic and economic consequences.”

The report provided an accurate picture of how the Bangladeshi Muslims have settled along the river Brahmaputra, stretching from western Assam’s Dhubri district to eastern Assam’s Lakhimpur district. “The ground reality is that, of late, almost all the illegal migrants coming into Assam are Muslims,” Sinha pointed out. With statistical tools and analysis, the report also gave a detailed picture of how the influx of illegal migrants is fast turning the lower Assam districts into a Muslim-majority region. It also clearly stated that it would only be a matter of time when a demand for their merger with Bangladesh will be made and the loss of lower Assam will sever the entire landmass of the northeast from the rest of India. The statistics provided in the report gave a shocking but accurate snapshot of the demographic invasion that is going on in Assam. 57 of Assam’s 126 constituencies were found to have more than 20 per cent increase in the number of voters between 1994 and 1997 whereas the all-India average is just 7.4 per cent. Statistical Analysis showed that Muslim population in Assam has shown a rise of 77.42 per cent over what it was in 1971 (there was no census in Assam in 1981). Officials found that four districts in the state (Dhubri, Goalpara, Barpeta and Hailakandi) are already Muslim-majority whereas three more are fast approaching that stage. At the time of Independence, only Dhubri was a Muslim-majority district. And even by very conservative estimates, at least 1.5 million illegal Bangladeshi immigrants are said to be living in the state of Assam.

S K Sinha’s report also pointed out the ineffectiveness of the controversial Illegal Migrants Determination by Tribunal Act (IMDT) which was enacted by Congress Government in 1983 only for the state of Assam. Although the outward and superficial objective of the act was to detect and deport illegal immigrants in Assam, there were obviously ulterior political motives behind it. Under the hood of “providing adequate safety measures against the harassment of minorities” Congress Government created this act which provided them with convenient legal framework to convert illegal Bangladeshi Muslim immigrants to eligible voters. The basic flaw cited by critics of the act is that the onus of furnishing the proof of a person’s citizenship rests with the complainant, and not the person whose citizenship is in doubt. Also according to this act, a ration card is more than sufficient for proof of domicile. For past few years, Congress and CPM parties have been issuing these cards illegally to the Muslim immigrants to fulfill their political agenda.

The IMDT act was also found highly impractical, as currently there are only 16 tribunals functioning in Assam meant for detecting thousands of illegal Muslim immigrants. Considering the fact the Foreigners’ Act of 1946 is in force for the rest of India to detect illegal immigrants, IMDT is also very discriminatory to the people of Assam.

Although there have been attempts earlier to scrap the act, so far every single attempt has been unsuccessful. Students of Assam under the banner of All Assam Student Union took up the cause and launched an agitation for about six years starting from 1984 to 1990. In 1997, the issue raised a storm when former Prime Minister H D Deve Gowda promised the All Assam Students Union to carry out a repeal in order to make the act more effective. However, Gowda had to backtrack in the face of strong opposition from the Congress, which was supporting the United Front government. In 1998 when BJP Government was in power, in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha during a session of parliament, Union home minister L K Advani said: “The scrapping of the IMDT Act, 1983, is under consideration of the government”. It was one of the major promises made by the BJP in Assam during the Lok Sabha elections; a promise that helped the party win new support among the Hindus of Assam, which was clearly reflected in the election results. Congress and Communist party members expectedly and vehemently opposed BJP’s move. Surprisingly even AGP Government at that time came up with an illogical argument that they would not support the BJP on this issue as the party considered only Muslim nationals living in Assam as illegal migrants. AGP conveniently forgot that record shows that 98 percent of the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam are Muslim and the remaining two percent which are Hindu, had to take political refuge in India because of the state-sponsored Islamic oppression on them in Bangladesh. However the real cause of Assam’s Chief Minister P K Mahanta’s reluctant regarding this issue is different. He himself very well knows that scraping of IMDT act means a significant loss of Muslim votes for AGP. This is really ironic considering the fact that Prafulla Mahanta is a product of AASU, the organization whose sole aim was to repeal the IMDT act.

Prafulla Kumar Mahanta of Assam is not the only political figure in country to gain advantage of the growing problem of illegal immigration. In fact, his counterpart in West Bengal, Mr. Jyoti Basu has already excelled in the minority vote bank politics and has amply demonstrated in numerous occasions how low he can stoop to achieve his dirty political ambition. Not long ago, the sympathy wave emanating from minority votebank politics had blinded the CPI(M) cadre in West Bengal when the organized communist mob had forcibly freed the illegal Bangladeshi nationals deported by Maharashtra administration from Mumbai at Kharagpur and Howrah railway stations. In March 1997 however, the former Union Home Minister Indrajit Gupta (a hardcore communist) himself admitted that India has an estimated 10 million foreigners living illegally in the country.

In his report, “Illegal immigration into Assam”, Lt. General Sinha pointed out that when India was partitioned in 1947, Assam would have been part of East Pakistan if it hadn’t been for the vehement opposition of the late ‘Lokapriya’ (People’s Beloved) Gopinath Bordoloi. Failure to get Assam included in East Pakistan remained a source of abiding resentment in Pakistan. Sinha has quoted Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, who once wrote, “One at least is nearly as important as the Kashmir dispute, that of Assam and some districts of India adjacent to East Pakistan. To these Pakistan has very good claims.” Sinha has drawn attention to the fact that even a pro-India politician like Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Father of Bangladesh, had observed, “Because Eastern Pakistan must have sufficient land for its expansion and because Assam has abundant forests and mineral resources, Eastern Pakistan must include Assam to be financially and economically strong.” Sinha also gave a breakdown of suspected illegal immigrants in India by state: West Bengal has 5.4 million, Assam 4 million, Tripura 0.8 million, Bihar 0.5 million, Maharashtra 0.5 million, Rajasthan 0.5 million and Delhi 0.3 million.

Pointing out that leading intellectuals in Bangladesh have been making out a case for ‘lebensraum’ for their country, Sinha warned, “No matter how friendly our relations with Bangladesh, we can ill afford to ignore the dangers inherent in a demographic invasion from that country.” “We must not allow any misconceived notions of secularism to blind us to these realities,” he has said. “Concrete steps must be taken on a war footing to ensure that the borders are as nearly sealed as possible and the unabated flood of infiltration is reduced to a trickle.”

Other than the obvious imbalance in economic and social infrastructure, illegal Muslim migration in Assam has one more disastrous implication. Here it will not be out of place to mention that the Indian military intelligence, about four years back, had unearthed an ISI plot of pushing Bangladeshi Muslims into India with a view to swelling their numbers in the border districts of Assam and West Bengal. The aim was to tilt the demographic balance heavily in their favor so as to create in the long run fertile religious grounds for the demand for a new pro-Pakistan state. The ISI seems to be succeeding in its design as the demographic equilibrium has been disturbed to a great extent, rendering the original inhabitants a minority in their own land. According to chief of the army’s eastern command, ISI is steadily spreading its wings in northeastern states and West Bengal. The Pakistani agency was not only using West Bengal as a corridor to the north- eastern region where it was supplying arms to the insurgents, but the Muslim- dominated border districts of other eastern states were also getting its increasing attention.

Recent developments in Assam are clear indication to the fact that Muslim organizations are well in control of terrorism in Assam. In May, 1999 the Indian Government received sensational information clearly indicating direct contact between a group of Kashmiri Muslim Terrorists and two extremist Muslim terrorist outfits of Assam - Muslim Tiger Force and Revolutionary Muslim Commandos. These Muslim groups which operate in the NorthEast states owe their allegiance to the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Toiba, two of the world’s most murderous Islamic terrorist groups.

Two other Muslim militant organizations, namely, Muslim Liberation Tigers of Assam (MLTA) and Muslim Liberation Army (MLA) are training batches of Muslim terrorists and criminals in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly in Poonch and Rajouri sectors. Yet another sensational connection has been unearthed with the discovery of a recent clandestine visit by Muslim terrorists belonging to the Muslim Liberation Tigers of Assam to Kashmir and Rajouri sector as “tourists”. The captured terrorists revealed that Pakistan is pumping immense sums of money into the northeastern region of India with periodic messages from across the border to have a particular portion of the money thus received transferred to the “specified” persons in Jammu and Kashmir. Since 1990 more than NINE Muslim terrorist organizations have taken root in Assam alone. Today terrorist organizations in Assam like Muslim Liberation Army, Muslim Liberation Tigers of Assam, Muslim Security Force, Islamic United Reformation Protest of India, United Muslim Liberation Front of Assam, Revolutionary Muslim Commandos, Islamic Liberation Army of Assam, Islamic Sevak Sangh, Muslim Tiger Force etc enjoy moral and financial support from International Islamic fundamentalist groups and figures such as Osama Bin Laden.

Its about time Indian Government realizes that its just not a local problem to state of Assam, but is a threat to the National security of India. Its about time the state Government of Assam realizes that because of its politics of minority votebank, residents of Assam will be victims of a bloodier Islamic aggression than that Kashmir has observed. The following suggestions by Lt. General S K Sinha regarding the illegal Bangladeshi migrant in NorthEast should be immediately acted upon by both Central and State Governments as a bare minimum precautionary step for the sake of the entire country:

The highly discriminatory Illegal Migration Determination Tribunal Act for the state of Assam, which has proved its futility over the last 15 years, should be repealed and the Foreigners’ Act of 1946 should be used for detection and deporting of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. Officials from outside Assam be deputed for this task.

The Border Security Force battalions deployed in the state should not be given the responsibility of holding unduly extended frontages. As in Punjab, a battalion should hold a frontage of just 30km. Additional BSF battalions should be provided and diversion of the personnel for other duties must be avoided.

The National Register of Citizens should be updated and computerized and a separate register of stateless citizens should also be maintained.

Multi-purpose photo identity cards should be given to all nationals, with a higher priority accorded to districts bordering Bangladesh.

If the Central Government of India and the affected states do not work closely to come up with an effective solution to this ever-growing demographic menace, the situation can become explosive, severely jeopardizing the national security of India. Any negligence towards this issue of Muslim immigration might very well produce many more Kargils in the North Eastern regions of India.

Demographic Invasion Of Assam By Bangladeshi Muslim Immigrants? | UK Asian Blog

Thanks to our dear congress for bringing them home since independence. During independence there were a hundred of them. Now there are millions of them. Thanks in advance because they will be legalized for sure in future.

It's 60 years of independence and we still couldn't fence the border. Thanks to congress again.
Indian SSB drive Nepali families out of their villages

Holiday Desk

Taking the advantage Nepal's internal political crisis, the Indian border security force, Seema Surakshya Bal (SSB), has driven out hundreds of Nepali families living in different villages along the Nepal-India border in west Nepali district of Dang, Kathamandu's major English-language Kantipur Daily reported quoting the victims.

Villagers from some 22 entry points bordering Dang district on the Nepali side and Balarampur, Shravasti and Gonda districts on the Indian side have fled their homes as the SSB assaulted and kidnapped their women, the daily alleged.

Nepali farmers in Bara district have claimed that, Indian villagers have been encroaching upon Nepali land for farming purposes. "We are forced to become mute spectators when they rape our ladies," said Begaram Pun of Siriya village. Likewise, Nepalnews on the web has claimed: "More than 15 girls have already gone missing.

Nepalese media reports have also alleged that Nepali girls and women are being abducted regularly in the bordering areas of the district by Indian criminal outfits for sexual abused.

In the last one week, over 6,000 Nepali residents in the Indo-Nepal border area have been forced out of their villages by the SSB personnel. Of them, 1,800 have taken refuge at the Satbariya community forest of Deukhuri, Dang after SSB encroached their land and torched their homes, the report said.

Purna Kumari Bista, 70, of Rajpur, Dang told Kantipur Daily: "They torched our houses saying you can't live here... We had to leave with the family to protect our lives." She also claimed the SSB shifted border pillars some 35 metres inside Nepali land.

Ghatri, another villager was quoted by the newspaper as saying, "they (used to) come to our houses brandishing guns and take away our ration and live stocks. They (would) beat us up if we tried to protest. Probably there is not a single person in the village who has not been beaten up at least once." The displaced persons have been living in make-shift tents at Karri community forest in Satbariaya.

As an immediate measure, the local administration has decided to ask the government for the establishment of police posts in the bordering villages and create a favourable atmosphere for the villagers to visit Indian bordering areas to buy foodstuff and other daily essentials.

Political protests
Protesting against Indian encroachment in Dang and other Nepali areas, five smaller fractions of the Communist Parties of Nepal staged a sit-in before the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu on Wednesday. Members of the Rastriya Janamorcha Nepal (RJN), Janamorcha Nepal,� Nepal (Integrated), Revolutionary Left Wing and CPN (Marxist) participated in the protest at the gates of the Embassy in Lainchour, Kathamandu.
Meanwhile, the Unified CPN (Maoist) has decided to generate national consensus against encroachment of Nepali territory by the Indian side. A meeting of the party's parliamentary board, held Wednesday, also decided to call a joint meeting with other political parties to discuss the situation. On Tuesday last, the Maoists had demanded that the Indian government end encroachment of Nepali land on the border and immediately return all seized land to create an environment of peace.
"India has time and again encroached Nepal's land, forcing locals to flee from their homes which is an open challenge to Nepal's national territorial integrity," Maoist spokesman Dinanath Sharma said in a press release issued by the party to protest the encroachment and atrocities against Nepalis living in border areas. The press statement said that even the International Relations and Human Rights Committee of the Parliament had in its report stated that border pillars of that area had gone missing and the land has been encroached.
Unified CPN (Maoist) is the only major party which is openly voicing its concern over the encroachment of Nepalese territories by SSB forces and the atrocities committed by them against Nepalese citizens. However, the Nepali media has registered its strong opposition to the incidents calling for permanent mechanism to monitor and negotiate border disputes.
In its editorial titled 'Perennial Problem', the Kathmandu Post on Wednesday said such incidents "naturally arouse nationalist sentiment, anger and resentment towards India".
According to latest news from Nepal, political parties have agreed to send an all-party delegation to Dang for inspection of the land encroached by the Indian security forces, displacing thousands of Nepalese from their land. The all-party meeting held Thursday morning at the invitation of Unified CPN (Maoist) named Maoist lawmaker and Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Protection of National Interests Amik Sherchan to lead the delegation with one representative each from all parties. The committee will visit the encroached area by Saturday.

It goes to show level of indian interference in Nepal and other countries sovereignty. Further proves Nepali army chief and some of his officers are puppet of india.


Big jolt to India as Nepal sacks army chief

4 May 2009, 0039 hrs IST, Indrani Bagchi, TNN

KATHMANDU/NEW DELHI: Thumbing a nose at India, Nepal's Maoist PM Pushpa Kamal Dahal `Prachanda' sacked army chief Rukmangad Katuwal on Sunday, a

move that could result in the new Maoist government toppling soon. ( Watch )

It's a huge setback for India, because South Block had pushed hard to retain the army chief. Prachanda's decision has made India look very silly, because all of India's highly visible pressure diplomacy - with the Indian ambassador virtually camping at Prachanda's doorstep - came to nought.

After Sunday, India is getting ready to back an "alternative" - a coalition of the Girija Prasad Koirala-led Nepali Congress, Communist Party of Nepal-Unified Marxist Leninist (UML) and the Madhesi Janaadhikar Forum (MJF).

Soon after Katuwal's removal, four allies of the Maoists - UML, MJF, Sadbhavana Party and Communist Party of Nepal (United) - distanced themselves.

South Block screwed up BIG

With the UML pulling out of the government soon after, Prachanda's government is teetering, leaving the field open for another combination of parties to take centrestage. Prachanda had been stopped from sacking Katuwal last week because India had piled on a lot of pressure. Prachanda was smarting from the Indian pressure and determined to go ahead.

India's pressure was interpreted as interference in Nepal's internal affairs, as it was seen to be propping up the army chief personally, because he is a graduate of NDA and IMA, apart from being an adopted child of the late King Mahendra, Gyanendra's father. Sources in Delhi said the tide turned against India in Nepal decisively after deposed king Gyanendra dropped by to visit Sonia Gandhi here recently.

That cost India dear, specially as Prachanda is determined to distance himself and his nation from New Delhi. Nepalese media also reported that the army had been planning a "soft coup" if Prachanda went ahead, which stopped the government in its tracks. But that concern does not seem to have had much impact on Sunday. India's big worry in Nepal is that the passage from a democracy to a Maoist dictatorship could well become reality.

India's image and influence has taken a beating in Nepal through the current crisis. Backing a new political formation (NC-UML-MJF) in Kathmandu is no credible solution, said sources. It's unlikely to last, because no government will be able to pass anything through Parliament without the Maoists' support.

Back in New Delhi, there is a growing perception that India has messed up in Nepal. In fact, even before Sunday's act, Prachanda had indicated that the 12-point agreement worked out in Delhi between the Nepal parties should be scrapped. Sources said a new ambassador to Nepal could be a possibility after the new government comes in here.

The continuing struggle over the army chief had even prevented Prachanda from travelling to Beijing this week. Even there, India is on a different page, because it has objected to Prachanda contemplating signing a treaty of friendship with Beijing.

In any case, the gloves are now ready to come off in India's relationship with the Maoist government and relations are likely to get much worse in the foreseeable future.

Katuwal's removal, after a two-month standoff, also comes just about three months before he was due to retire. "The cabinet has decided to remove the army chief since he could not provide a satisfactory explanation to the three charges levied by the government," Maoist information and communications minister Krishna Bahadur Mahara, who is also the spokesman of the government, said after the cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Katuwal had been asked to explain why he had continued military recruitment despite the government's halt order and reinstated eight brigadier-generals who had been retired by the defence ministry. He was also rapped over the army pulling out of the National Games when Maoist combatants too decided to take part.

I don't think there is anything to understand from your desperate and childish post. As evidence are piling up on indian raping and looting, more deception and lie are only things expected from indians.

What you posted are propaganda STORY of migration; propaganda as pretext for ethnic cleansing against indian Muslim population. Nonetheless, you try to equate migration with systematic inidan occupation of neighbors land, raping and looting innocent people of other country. That goes to show indian mindset.

This thread is not about Bangladesh but showing how india is encroaching and occupying land from neighboring country. How indian forces practice raping and looting in Nepal and elsewhere in neighborhood.

Its a ballant lie..by some frustrated and insecure souls.. I dont think indian army crosses the border and rapes innocent civlians, one or two bad apples would be there.. but i refuse to believe this stuipd propoganda..!!!!
I have shown this thread to my Nepali friends and they laughed their *** off. I asked them to post a reply, but they have no interest in taking part in these type of conversations.
Thanks to our dear congress for bringing them home since independence. During independence there were a hundred of them. Now there are millions of them. Thanks in advance because they will be legalized for sure in future.

It's 60 years of independence and we still couldn't fence the border. Thanks to congress again.

indiatech, I think the purpose of that post was how you can get convoluted posts to support any "Conspiracy" theory on the Internet. Hence the need for "credible" sources. So you need not thank the Congress for this ;)

The fact is that India's invasion of Nepal is as ludicrous as some massive Islamic invasion by Bangladesh immigrants. Although there might some truth in the sense that there were few border skirmishes or that some illegal immigrants crossed over. It is nowhere near the situation being depicted in these articles.

India is already creating lots of trouble in BD so u must concentrate on that and leave Nepal aside. After Nepal we have China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan etc etc in our list, wait lot more to come.
Indian SSB involved in kidnapping and raping hundreds of Nepali women

by Mohan Nepali June 03, 2009

Media reports in Kathmandu confirm on Wednesday that the Indian paramilitary force SSB was in an organized way involved in displacing the Nepalis from the villages bordering India. About 2000 Nepalis from seven villages in the Dang district were reported chased away by the SSB.

Some victims seeking shelter in Satbariya community forest of Dang painfully disclosed the fact that the Indian force SSB members have frequently kidnapped Nepali girls and raped them. They said that the SSB men would kidnap many of the girls and disappear them for sexual purposes. In so many cases, they kept the kidnapped Nepali girls under their gun control for many weeks. The victims were reported extremely nervous and frightened. They admitted that so far hundreds of girls, who went to jungle for their domestic animals' fodder tolerated frequent rapes for fear of losing their lives.

Villagers also said that many girls kidnapped by the SSB men have disappeared for ever. They were extrremely hopeless regarding any relief and rescue by the Nepal government.

Meanwhile Maoist-related students spontaneously took out to the streets of Kathmandu protesting against the injustice committeed by the Indian paramilitary troops. They said that all political forces must unite to safeguard Nepal's national sovereignty and independence.

However, some leaders of the Nepali Congress and the UML told media that there was no Indian interference. Most of the Nepalis have accused them of becoming puppet rulers of India.

So far, Nepali media archives confirm that India has forcefully captured more than 60,000 hectares of Nepal's land.

One anti-border encroachment activist from Nepal Sadhya Bahadur Bhandari told media that India is encroaching Nepal's border not for little land but for capturing and making Nepal a Himalayan province under India.

Indian SSB involved in kidnapping and raping hundreds of Nepali women | GroundReport
white_pawn it's worthless effort. Some peple's mandate is set to not looking at the other side of the coin, if you know what I mean.

Yup i do understand, as there are ppls in here as you said just look at only one side of the coin and dont care of what's on the other side. And keep living in the world of black & white and done know there are other colours also :disagree:. I really feel pity for these kind of ppls. But lets hope positive for them.

By the way thank. :enjoy:
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