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Indian Intelligentsia Paranoia Deepens as Snow Melts Along the LAC


Sep 26, 2018
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Browsing through the SM accounts of Indian Defence Analysts and politicians one finds the community again in the grip of PLA paranoia. After decades of continuous Salami Slicing of Indian held territories, the group of Elite analysts are again sounding the Alarm Bells. To what extent their paranoia bears fruit, one thing is for sure China has traumatised the Indian nation permanently, which once considered itself an emerging Global Super Power.
Below are a few thoughts of the renowned Indian Intelligentsia.

As the snow is melting along the Himalayas the Indian media has also upped the ante.
As Harsh Winter Subsides, China Enhances Military Activity Along LAC
China seems to be no in mood to vacate other areas after this round of mutual withdrawal. What would be India's response is something to see here.
Air Marshal Retired Pranab Kumar Barbora had this to say recently" China would rather tie us down and bleed us as much as it can so that we aren't able to lift our heads to face them".
I see that their butts are itching again. Maybe they’ll get a scratch from missiles, artillery, and guided rockets instead of spiked clubs this time around.
I didn't necessarily mean with China. It could mean rising tension in the Pakistan or Bangladesh border ( One is already an unofficial Chinese ally. The other is trying to leave Indian orbit) .
they’ll get a scratch from missiles, artillery, and guided rockets instead of spiked clubs this time around.
I firmly believe China will cut India to size without much hassle, poor Indians are already soiling their dhotees. Chinese are a Wise nation and know the art of warfare.
I didn't necessarily mean with China. It could mean rising tension in the Pakistan or Bangladesh border ( One is already an unofficial Chinese ally. The other is trying to leave Indian orbit) .

Then Pakistan or Bangladesh or do the spanking for China.
Sure... China out of all countries is going to interrupt India while it makes a humongous error.

Browsing through the SM accounts of Indian Defence Analysts and politicians one finds the community again in the grip of PLA paranoia. After decades of continuous Salami Slicing of Indian held territories, the group of Elite analysts are again sounding the Alarm Bells. To what extent their paranoia bears fruit, one thing is for sure China has traumatised the Indian nation permanently, which once considered itself an emerging Global Super Power.
Below are a few thoughts of the renowned Indian Intelligentsia.

As the snow is melting along the Himalayas the Indian media has also upped the ante.
As Harsh Winter Subsides, China Enhances Military Activity Along LAC
War mongering Indians need to be taught another lesson by China. Indians think because they have a few Squadrons of Rafales that they can take on the world.
India is the chicken that has volunteered itself to be killed to scare the rest of the monkeys. China will not allow India, as much as it can help it, to emerge as a continental rival, not even a serious threat (consider they stated Rafale was meant to also be able to deliver nuclear weapons on Shanghai and Beijing). This is the time India’s boasting has finally caught up with it. India bite off more than it can chew when it tangled with China.
China is not looking for war in near future. It will happen in 3-4 years.
3-4 years is generous statement.

If indian establisment keeps on Mouthinf, it will happen in 3-4 months.

For the sake of peace to prevail. Indian leaders need to just shut up
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