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Indian in US Convicted of Sexually Assaulting Sleeping Woman on Flight

If anyone here can keep aside their hatred for India and are logical enuf, they will understand this case is not that straightforward as the article seem to suggest.

No immigrant along with his wife will try to unbutton someone in a flight. She was asleep not unconscious right?

There is obviously more than what seem to the eye.
Indians are pampered in the US. After all, they are so faithful as pet dogs against Muslim intruders. I wonder why the US woman did not appreciate her pet dog's natural instincts. It's really tragic when the master is so cruel to her faithful pet.
It's a monumental waste of taxpayer's money to house a foreigner only to deport him after he's released. Just deport him now.
Really! That's your justification of a criminal, maybe if you didn't have this lenient view of a sexual abuser your country wouldn't have so many rape cases.
Punishing someone isn't just to teach them a lesson, it's to warn other people from making the same mistake.
If they let him go like that, every foreigner will have a free pass to commit a crime and get deported if caught.
Really! That's your justification of a criminal, maybe if you didn't have this lenient view of a sexual abuser your country wouldn't have so many rape cases.
Punishing someone isn't just to teach them a lesson, it's to warn other people from making the same mistake.
If they let him go like that, every foreigner will have a free pass to commit a crime and get deported if caught.

Like sexual abuse doesn't happen in Pakistan or committed by Pakistanis elsewhere?

Nevertheless, I'm a US citizen and US taxpayer. Do you know how much it costs to house a prisoner in US jails? It's mind-boggling expensive. Jails should be reserved for those who commit the most egregious of crimes -- murderers, rapists, those who harm children. If he was a US citizen it's one thing, but why waste money on a foreigner who broke US law?
Like sexual abuse doesn't happen in Pakistan or committed by Pakistanis elsewhere?

Nevertheless, I'm a US citizen and US taxpayer. Do you know how much it costs to house a prisoner in US jails? It's mind-boggling expensive. Jails should be reserved for those who commit the most egregious of crimes -- murderers, rapists, those who harm children. If he was a US citizen it's one thing, but why waste money on a foreigner who broke US law?
Yes it happen's but I don't advocate for them to be released without serving their time.
And again if they let people get away that easy by just deporting them you do realize that crime rate of foreigners would sky rocket as it's not just these type of crimes. US has a big drug problem and all the people coming from south America will be free to commit crime and if they get caught just deport them and they'll come back into US illegal again and keep repeating the cycle.
So your argument has a basic flaw as courts don't punish just to teach the criminal, they punish people to warn the innocent of the consequences of committing a crime.
Finally what about the rights of the women he violated, shouldn't she get justice or according to you they can tell her we deported him now he can live a free man in another country and probably do stuff like this again, but hey you're safe.
Cupping her breasts isn’t a big crime. He shouldn’t be punished heavily for it. Also we don’t know if the other sexual acts they had were consensual or not. It’s a common issue in the West where women complain about being raped even though they consented to it. The woman’s plaintiff should be investigated throughly.

Believe me brother. You live in the US too. You should know how biased the US justice system is. This might’ve not even been a “rape”. Woman are known to litigate against men who break their heart. She perhaps is really interested in the man, and using the court to blackmail him into getting together. Just a thought. I can’t remember but there are other cases like this where the man “rapist” was actually innocent
Cupping her breasts isn’t a crime unless its your mother, wife or sister...right?! Bet you won’t feel so forgiving then, now would you?
Maybe he did it, maybe he didn't. I don't understand why that is representative of indian community there.
Some of the comments from Pakistanis and Indians on this thread just shows the culture in the Subcontinent where rape is condoned, sexual harassment is ok, the Subcontinent is disgusting, disgraceful.
Some of the comments from Pakistanis and Indians on this thread just shows the culture in the Subcontinent where rape is condoned, sexual harassment is ok, the Subcontinent is disgusting, disgraceful.
What’s more disgusting is the pathetic Western nutjobs (AKA Ayesha Gulalai, Rehman Khan fan boys) who believe these lying women without any ounce of doubt. Just because they are women doesn’t make their side of the story true!!! The man could be innocent, like I said—Western courts are really biased against men.
What’s more disgusting is the pathetic Western nutjobs (AKA Ayesha Gulalai, Rehman Khan fan boys) who believe these lying women without any ounce of doubt. Just because they are women doesn’t make their side of the story true!!! The man could be innocent, like I said—Western courts are really biased against men.

You are a fuckwit why don't you **** off back you shit hole.
Why no punishment? because he is a fellow indian?
What makes you say his life is already a living hell?

It would be better just to deport him back to India and declare him persona non grata. I'm sure his life is already a living hell.
Cupping her breasts isn’t a crime unless its your mother, wife or sister...right?! Bet you won’t feel so forgiving then, now would you?
Cupping breasts is cupping breasts. Let me tell something you the liberal way of thought. It may sound like trolling, but I am not. This is facts. In Western society, breasts aren’t considered private parts for both men and women. Have you heard of the “Free Nipples Movement”? Women are campaigning here for equal rights, so they can be able to show their nipples in public like men. So transcending to this practicular story. Cupping a man’s breasts is equal to cupping woman’s breasts. Which is not a big deal at all.
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