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Indian Home Minister warns to divide Pakistan

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Rajnath Singh must be producing a new Bollywood movie himself this time.

My Indian friends Pakistan is 10 years ahead of you in terms of technology and 30 years ahead in terms of battlefield training.

Yes, but, our civilian leader can't continue to accept the blame for India's aggression in Pakistan from Afghanistan and at LOC. They need to speak up openly and quit showing weakness. US won't come to our aid. Modi is delusional and is just poking Pakistan to see how far he push us.

1. Modi takes himself too seriously: Left his wife after 3 months to dedicate his life to a "greater cause."
2. He boasts about officially sanctioned killing in Gujarat.
3. His demonetization scheme is utter failure. If he can act without thinking against his own people, imagine what he might be "planning" for us.
4. Since he became a PM, communalism has only increased: Muslims and Christians are being harassed and killed by the Hindu "civilians."

Sharif, grow a spine. Otherwise step aside.
EIC wasn't that strong then. They only got powerful following the Seven Year's War.

Nadir Shah's sack of Dehli was a bigger factor.

At first, Nader fought with the Afghans against the Ozbegs until they withheld him further payment. In 1727 Nader offered his services to Tamasp II (±1704-1740), heir to the Safavid dynasty. Nader started the reconquest of Persia and drove the Afghans out of Khorasan. The Afghans suffered heavy losses, but before they fled Ashraf massacred an additional 3000 citizens of Esfahan. Most of the fleeing Afghans were soon overtaken and killed by Nader's men, while others died in the desert. Ashraf himself was hunted down and murdered.

By 1729 Nader had freed Persia from the Afghans. Tamasp II was crowned Shah, although he was little more than a figurehead. While Nader was putting down a revolt in Khorasan, Tamasp moved against the Turks, losing Georgia and Armenia. Enraged, Nader deposed Tamasp in 1732 and installed Tamasp's infant son, Abbas III (1732-1740), on the throne, naming himself regent. Within two years Nader recaptured the lost territory and extended the Empire at the expense of the Turks and the Russians.

In 1736 Nader evidently felt that his own position had been established so firmly that he no longer needed to hide behind a nominal Safavid Shah and ascended the throne himself. In 1738 he invaded Kandahar, captured Kabul and marched on to India. He seized and sacked Delhi and, after some disturbances, he killed 30000 of its citizens. He plundered the Indian treasures of the Moghal Emperors, taking with him the famous jewel-encrusted Peacock Throne and the Koh-i Noor diamond. In 1740 Nader had Tamasp II and his two infant sons put to death. Then he invaded Transoxania. He resumed war with Turkey in 1743. In addition, he built a navy and conquered Oman.
That is before the Seven Year's War. It really weakened the Mughal Empire and left them easy prey.
Emperor Nadir Shah, the Shah of Iran (1736–47) and founder of the Afsharid dynasty, invaded Northern India with a fifty-five thousand strong army, eventually attacking Delhi in March 1739 where he sacked the city, after issuing orders for a general massacre to take place. His army had defeated the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah at the battle at Karnal and had taken over control of northern India.
That is before the Seven Year's War. It really weakened the Mughal Empire and left them easy prey.

Nadir shah came from parsia- At that moment mughal also declared war . But he took control of north side area. but the capital and other side also was under mughal empire.
Nadir shah came from parsia- At that moment mughal also declared war . But he took control of north side area. but the capital and other side also was under mughal empire.
I understand that but I'm a little confused what exactly you are debating with me here.
Why does he want to divide Pakistan ? He should also focus on arresting the criminals inside INDIA. He should also focus on eradicating the corruption that has taken over civil service, bureaucracy, police.
NEW DELHI (Dunya News) – Home Minister of India Rajnath Singh has warned Pakistan, on Saturday, in a direct statement of dividing the country. While making a false claim, he said that Pakistan was making attempts to destabilize India, reported Dunya News.

“Pakistan was divided in two parts, if it doesn’t realize soon, it will be divided among ten parts”, Rajnath Singh said in a fanatical caution to Pakistan. Adding to his baseless claims, he made false allegations against Pakistan of ceasefire violations on Line of Control (LoC)..

I am sure he is referring the tasty Indian dish called "Pakistan Chicken Tikka Massala" to be divided into pieces. He needs to see what's going inside his own country. The level of intolerance towards minorities could break India as these minorities have been asking for a safe place to live for decades now (the Sikhs, the Muslims, etc, etc).

With Pakistan's growing economy, with Iran now totally backed off of destabilizing Baluchistan using Indian resources, this dream of Mr. Singh seems to be pretty distant. Pakistan is in news on daily basis pretty much with regards to more and more regional integration. How do you break a country that everyone wants to join growth in, from China, Central Russian states, Russia to the EU countries and the UK? Too much Whiskey or pipe dreams going on when these comments were posted.
Why don't you guy's pm each other over dick sizes instead of discussing it in this thread.

I thank you for that and I mostly agree. I just think that Mughal's didn't have a firm control over all of India.

I think it is related with the topics.
I am sure he is referring the tasty Indian dish called "Pakistan Chicken Tikka Massala" to be divided into pieces. He needs to see what's going inside his own country. The level of intolerance towards minorities could break India as these minorities have been asking for a safe place to live for decades now (the Sikhs, the Muslims, etc, etc).

With Pakistan's growing economy, with Iran now totally backed off of destabilizing Baluchistan using Indian resources, this dream of Mr. Singh seems to be pretty distant. Pakistan is in news on daily basis pretty much with regards to more and more regional integration. How do you break a country that everyone wants to join growth in, from China, Central Russian states, Russia to the EU countries and the UK? Too much Whiskey or pipe dreams going on when these comments were posted.
The Sikh's are fine and so are the Muslims. You should worry about the racial hatred in America first.
"Pakistan was ruled by foreigners for 2000 years, if it doesn't realize soon,it will be ruled again.
And for the dividing part

Everyone's posting their maps. I found one too, this is pretty authentic and shows a Chinese plan to first divert Indian water from multiple rivers to Pakistan (including the Indus) and then, annex regions from India, that are connecting to China and give them a much better share of economic and financial power and make them extended part of the Chinese empire. I don't like the idea, but the map is here for people's review.

Why don't you guy's pm each other over dick sizes instead of discussing it in this thread.

I thank you for that and I mostly agree. I just think that Mughal's didn't have a firm control over all of India.

1st during the akbar era whole india became the part of mughals. Bcz indian Providences raj put s under the agreement with Akbar. Akbar said do war , or make a relationship . However Akbar was not a good person. But in that time this south-asian territory under control of mughals and they were bound to ottoman caliphate. And caliphate was ruled by the muslims.
so india will divide Pakistan into ten parts namely.???
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