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‘Indian history was distorted by the British’

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It has only recently happened during the rule of Hindutva flag-bearer BJP that a re-writing of history is done and concocted archaeological evidence is introduced to prove that Aryans were indigenous to India.

One thing that clearly indicates is the Geography described in Rig Vedas. The hymns clearly describe only river Indus and it's tributaries from Yamuna in the east through Punjab and then towards west to Afghanistan.

Indus the river to which all other rivers 'hasten' like 'mother crying to their sons' - River Sindhu.

Sindhu is a recurrent theme in Rig Vedas:

1. Sindhu with his path of gold.

2. Sindhu rich in horses, chariots, clothes, ornaments - the river wears honey growing flowers.

According to Sanskrit scholars, the Geography described in Rig Vedas points out to Western Punjab and Eastern Afghanistan. The rivers further in the east are rarely mentioned: Yamuna a few times, Ganges only twice and Saraswati only in the later years of Vedas.

It is only in the later Hindu texts, Satapatha Brahmana and Mahabharatha that geography shifts towards east into North-Cental Indian plains and Ganges becomes as the central sin cleansing diety.

Now, the aryavarta (The sacred Hindu Homeland) was also re-oriented to North-Central India.

1. Mahabharatha has faint memories of a time when 'Land of Five Rivers' (Punjab) was sacred.

2. A land fit only for Malecchas (Non-Sanskrit speakers) - the people without religion or virtue.

3. 'The men of the fiver rivers drink alcohol and eat beef with garlic, their women dance naked.

4. The location of fabled Saraswati was shifted east from Indus Valley to the Junction of Ganges and Yamuna.

It was this eastward shifting geography of Ancient Hindu texts that lead earlier archaeologists to arrive at 'Aryan Invasion Theory'.

The most recent archaeological digs in Pakistan and Central Asia show a continuously eastward shifting culture.

Vedas and archaeology give other clues about the geography of Aryans:

1. Their sacred drink Soma - brewed from a mountainous plant.

2. Side by side bodies buried in foetal positions (Central Asian tradition) and remains of cremation.

3. Whole hymns about horses in Vedas and absence of horse bones in Pre-Rigedic Indian archaeological digs. In the extreme Northwest of Pakistan - Chitral and Gilgit (next to Central Asian Republics) - recent digs have found not only ancient horse bones (from the times of Rig Vedas) but also metal stirrup and long iron maces. In line with the Rigvedic attribution of sacredness to horse the culture of horse reverence is still present in some mountain communities of North West Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asian communities.
Let me correct you a little bit more the original 8000 verses text was named 'JAYA' originally .

You agree with me here that Mahabharata was not the original text as we read today but a modified text which was written adding some features which also emphasize society of India during the golden ages which also includes "Rigid Caste system".

Caste system is mentioned in the later part of rigveda itself , the purusha sukta (10 mandala 90th sukta ).Vedic sanskrit the so called 'bhasha' is quiet different from the classical scripture , its almost impossible to make later additions in RV.

बराह्मणो.अस्य मुखमासीद बाहू राजन्यः कर्तः |
ऊरूतदस्य यद वैश्यः पद्भ्यां शूद्रो अजायत ||

The Brahman was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rājanya made.
His thighs became the Vaiśya, from his feet the Śūdra was produced.
[RV 10.90.12]
Correct ! but that doesn't makes it the ORIGINATOR. Castes Were developed in vedic period itself they became 'rigid' later .

The caste system you are mentioning the olden texts (i.e ) not written in Golden ages of Hinduism was not a rigid one. That is there is a mention of castes but people are not categorized based on birth but deeds. So we cannot say it as a equivalent todays's caste system. Better to say there is no todays caste system in Ancient India.

That's also a good point ! Now tell me until there is a discovery of pre-harrapan vedic archeological site(which is looking impossible ) , why should one not believe that the vedic period is later to 'early' IVC ?

There is no concrete evidence to show IVC is prior to Rigvedic period also. So the Vedic culture which is a very primitive form of Hindu culture predates the IVC where we see the same rituals like fire worship and others and also city based culture.
It has only recently happened during the rule of Hindutva flag-bearer BJP that a re-writing of history is done and concocted archaeological evidence is introduced to prove that Aryans were indigenous to India.

One thing that clearly indicates is the Geography described in Rig Vedas. The hymns clearly describe only river Indus and it's tributaries from Yamuna in the east through Punjab and then towards west to Afghanistan.

Indus the river to which all other rivers 'hasten' like 'mother crying to their sons' - River Sindhu.

Sindhu is a recurrent theme in Rig Vedas:

1. Sindhu with his path of gold.

2. Sindhu rich in horses, chariots, clothes, ornaments - the river wears honey growing flowers.

According to Sanskrit scholars, the Geography described in Rig Vedas points out to Western Punjab and Eastern Afghanistan. The rivers further in the east are rarely mentioned: Yamuna a few times, Ganges only twice and Saraswati only in the later years of Vedas.

It is only in the later Hindu texts, Satapatha Brahmana and Mahabharatha that geography shifts towards east into North-Cental Indian plains and Ganges becomes as the central sin cleansing diety.

Now, the aryavarta (The sacred Hindu Homeland) was also re-oriented to North-Central India.

1. Mahabharatha has faint memories of a time when 'Land of Five Rivers' (Punjab) was sacred.

2. A land fit only for Malecchas (Non-Sanskrit speakers) - the people without religion or virtue.

3. 'The men of the fiver rivers drink alcohol and eat beef with garlic, their women dance naked.

4. The location of fabled Saraswati was shifted east from Indus Valley to the Junction of Ganges and Yamuna.

It was this eastward shifting geography of Ancient Hindu texts that lead earlier archaeologists to arrive at 'Aryan Invasion Theory'.

The most recent archaeological digs in Pakistan and Central Asia show a continuously eastward shifting culture.

Vedas and archaeology give other clues about the geography of Aryans:

1. Their sacred drink Soma - brewed from a mountainous plant.

2. Bodies buried in foetal positions (Central Asian tradition) and remains of cremation.

3. Whole hymns about horses in Vedas and absence of horse bones in Pre-Rigedic Indian archaeological digs. In the extreme Northwest of Pakistan - Chitral and Gilgit (next to Central Asian Republics) - recent digs have found not only ancient horse bones (from the times of Rig Vedas) but also metal stirrup and long iron maces. In line with the Rigvedic attribution of sacredness to horse the culture of horse reverence is still present in some mountain communities of North West Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asian communities.

The east ward shift of culture happened inside India when Saraswathi dried up and the "Saraswat Brahmins" who composed Vedas shifted to Ganga Yamuna Basin and South towards Kerala.

Mountains also present in India.

If you observe the terrain of Indian subcontinent the terrain stretches from Bengal to Balouchistan in one continuous plain, and the civilization also the same. Any one out side this sub continent is considered as Maleccha.

Saraswathi river was shifted from Gujarat to Ganga Yamuna basin (dried up and tributaries joined Yamuna).

Only significant river that was mentioned more times any is Saraswathi river and recent studies showed that it has flowed in India and dried up due to Monsoons and tectonic plate shift.

Regarding "Horse" people do use horses in those days People might have traded horses (Indian subcontinent and Central asia) using barter system.

Horse mentioned in Vedas means it is not mandatory that it must be indigenous.

There are lot of animals mentioned in vedas Horse is one animal.

In Mahabharata North west India (pakistan) also mentioned.

You donot see the rich traditions and culture in central asia, which also doubts the AIT.

It is near river banks civilizations rise and evolve not in Mountains.
No Raja Dahir was Not our Hero
Our hero was Mohammad Bin Qasim who Spread Islam in India
No Raja Dahir was Not our Hero
Our hero was Mohammad Bin Qasim who Spread Islam in India

Mohammed bin Qasim only conquered today's pakistan and that too he lost to Indian kings in "Battle of Rajasthan" and went back to where he came.

Islam came to India through traders long before Qasim.
No Raja Dahir was Not our Hero
Our hero was Mohammad Bin Qasim who Spread Islam in India

But all Pakistani claim, Pakistan was not the part of India and Indian have no claim on Indus Valley Civilization and Taxila University. How you declared Raja Dahir of Alor and Sindh instantly as Indian and India respectively.
But all Pakistani claim, Pakistan was not the part of India and Indian have no claim on Indus Valley Civilization and Taxila University. How you declared Raja Dahir of Alor and Sindh instantly as Indian and India respectively.

These guys they contradict themselves, they got used to this contradictions for 65 years :lol:
But all Pakistani claim, Pakistan was not the part of India and Indian have no claim on Indus Valley Civilization and Taxila University. How you declared Raja Dahir of Alor and Sindh instantly as Indian and India respectively.
Bro, Confusion is Infectious. Precaution is the better than cure. :lol:
But all Pakistani claim, Pakistan was not the part of India and Indian have no claim on Indus Valley Civilization and Taxila University. How you declared Raja Dahir of Alor and Sindh instantly as Indian and India respectively.

Indus valley civilisation was exclusive to what is Pakistan, Indians are not part of Indus valley civilisation.

We know our history, this area in known history has been part of India twice, not that India ever existed as a nation.

Indians on the other hand have run away and went their ways thanking the British that they freed them and gave them a nation.

Indians are more they welcome back if they wish to live under banner of Islam and mughalistan.
So now the correct history must be learned from French.
Incredibly Ingeniousness India keeps getting Impressive!
Indus valley civilisation was exclusive to what is Pakistan, Indians are not part of Indus valley civilisation.

We know our history, this area in known history has been part of India twice, not that India ever existed as a nation.

Indians on the other hand have run away and went their ways thanking the British that they freed them and gave them a nation.

Indians are more they welcome back if they wish to live under banner of Islam and mughalistan.

A person with Turkish ancestry will tell us history of Indic people. :rofl: By the way you sound more like that clown Zaid Hamid. :cheesy:
So now the correct history must be learned from French.
Incredibly Ingeniousness India keeps getting Impressive!

This guy only said what was earlier confirmed by Indian archaeologists.
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