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Indian Hindu extreme groups are Oslo terrorist Breivik's dream allies


Aug 15, 2009
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A group of men demonstrating against what they called Hindu terrorism after the attack on a train in India in 2007, when 68 people were killed. Hindu Nationalist groups will later have claimed responsibility for the attack. PHOTO: AP

Hindu Nationalists regarded as an important ally Violent Hindu nationalists regarded as a dangerous and growing trend in India, and terror accused Anders Behring Breivik gave them his full support in the fight against the Muslims and kulturmarxistene.

Terror campaign last Friday has not only increased awareness of the extreme-right on the European continent. Also in India should the government now to be more on guard against potentially militant nationalist movements.

A fairly extensive range of specific references to the Indian protest movements in the so-called manifesto has started speculation and suspicion also there.

In his quest to gain allies in the self-declared battle against Islam and multiculturalism, attach to the accused Anders Behring Breivik just Hindus a key role, according to The Hindu.

By Breivik just 1500 pages long so-called manifesto we pay tribute to India's role in 102 of them. Here he argues that it is essential that European and Indian resistance movement draws lessons from each other and work together as closely as possible.

- Our goal is more or less identical, he writes.

What he as known has referred to as a kulturmarxistisk order is said to be about to take control not only in Europe but also in India. The Communists will destroy all of Hindu faith and culture, he claims.

- India will continue to be destroyed and die unless the Indian nationalists unite and turn to win, writes Breivik in its so-called manifesto.

And while some Hindu nationalist leaders have marked clear distance, has a parliament member from the largest opposition party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) given him some support.

- Murder Man's ideas are not wrong, but his methods are, he said this week, according to The Times of India.
Sent 8,000 copies worldwide

As part of efforts to mobilize a worldwide resistance movement, encourages Breivik to establish contact with a number of nationalist groups on Facebook, and obtain members' personal e-mail addresses.

- I spent thousands of hours to do this in a period of more than 6 months (from two Facebook accounts) and I, alone, managed to send the compendium [the so-called manifesto, jour.anm] to more than 8,000 dedicated nationalists, Printer Breivik.

The recipients will include cultural conservatives in India. Breivik lists in the same context, the Indian National Security Guards (NSG) as the only relevant Facebook group that is not European.
Jews, Buddhists and Hindu nationalists

But recipients will also be in North America, Australia, South America, Armenia and Israel, according to the American newspaper Christian Science Monitor.

The goal, he states, is to seek cooperation among Jews in Israel, Buddhists in China and the Hindu nationalists to stave off Islam.

He also hopes to followers in Russia, the Philippines, China and Thailand, he writes in the so-called manifesto.

Pakistan-enclaves in Europe

The so-called manifesto shows sporadically to India's past and present:

What he calls the Holocaust against Hindus during the Moslem conquest, which began on the 800's and lasted about 500 years.
Division in 1947, with Pakistan as a growing problem in the region as a result.

- Western European countries will remain broken as long as there are large Muslim enclaves (mini-Pakistan'er) in all major cities, he writes in the context of the latter event.
- Hindu Terrorism increasing threat

In recent years, especially after a series of deadly attacks against Muslims, the so-called Hindu terrorism is seen as a growing danger in India.

Radical Hindu nationalist groups, so-called Hindutva, is the militant orientation, according to several commentators, including as set out in Asia Times.

The debate gained momentum especially in years when a Hindu holy man, Swami Aseemanand, shall be granted four attacks on Muslims in 2007 and 2008. One of them is the attack on a mosque in Hyderabad, which killed 14 people, and another is attacked on a train between India and Pakistan in which 68 people lost their lives.

The man described himself as a revenge attacks against Islamic militants, in a "bomb bomb" strategy.


The train, belonging to Samjhauta Express, is completely burned out by Deewana in India. PHOTO: AP

commends attack

Breivik praises Hindu nationalists for such riots and attacks, but said the behavior also seems counterproductive.

- Instead of attacking Muslims, they should align itself with the traitors in category A and B and consolidate military cells and actively seek to overthrow the government kulturmarxistiske.

It Breivik here refers to as "Category A-traitors" are politicians, chief editors and others with great power, while "Category B-traitors" is "kulturmarxistiske and multi-cultural politicians."

Breivik makes it clear that he, with his so-called Templar order Justicia Knights, stands ready to provide military support to the nationalists in what he calls India's civil war and the deportation of Muslims.

From single acts of terrorism to the fight against kulturmarxistene gradually into global warfare with the use of weapons of mass destruction, he writes.
Expert: - Dangerous trend

Breivik then lists the website of India's main opposition party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the major Hindu nationalist volunteers corporations Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.

Allegations of violence against Muslims has previously hailed from, among other things, the above RSS organization.

According to Wikileaks leaking documents to Rahul Gandhi, designated as a future Prime Minister of India, having considered radical Hindu nationalism as a greater threat to India than militant Islamism.

- It's a dangerous trend because the majority [of radical Hindu nationalist groups, jour.anm.] Have minorities as a target, said a political commentator at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi to Aftenposten in January.

Hindunasjonalister ansett som viktig alliert - - Verden - Aftenposten.no
i dont know why samjhota express tragedy is not highlighted in india and arrest all the hindu extremists, its not only bad for pakistan but india itself

being too lenient to these rogue elements and they will become braver and stronger

pakstan must also demand an official apology from india on this tragedy
The man was a terrorist, the RSS boys are terrorists. They can all rot in hell as far as I'm concerned.
According to Wikileaks leaking documents to Rahul Gandhi, designated as a future Prime Minister of India, having considered radical Hindu nationalism as a greater threat to India than militant Islamism.

Man ! This line cracks me up ! Rahul Gandhi, future PM !?? :rofl:

Congress will be history in the coming general elections ! Why do you think Rahul has still maintained his Italian passport ???


A group of men demonstrating against what they called Hindu terrorism after the attack on a train in India in 2007, when 68 people were killed. Hindu Nationalist groups will later have claimed responsibility for the attack. PHOTO: AP

Hindu Nationalists regarded as an important ally Violent Hindu nationalists regarded as a dangerous and growing trend in India, and terror accused Anders Behring Breivik gave them his full support in the fight against the Muslims and kulturmarxistene.

Terror campaign last Friday has not only increased awareness of the extreme-right on the European continent. Also in India should the government now to be more on guard against potentially militant nationalist movements.

A fairly extensive range of specific references to the Indian protest movements in the so-called manifesto has started speculation and suspicion also there.

In his quest to gain allies in the self-declared battle against Islam and multiculturalism, attach to the accused Anders Behring Breivik just Hindus a key role, according to The Hindu.

By Breivik just 1500 pages long so-called manifesto we pay tribute to India's role in 102 of them. Here he argues that it is essential that European and Indian resistance movement draws lessons from each other and work together as closely as possible.

- Our goal is more or less identical, he writes.

What he as known has referred to as a kulturmarxistisk order is said to be about to take control not only in Europe but also in India. The Communists will destroy all of Hindu faith and culture, he claims.

- India will continue to be destroyed and die unless the Indian nationalists unite and turn to win, writes Breivik in its so-called manifesto.

And while some Hindu nationalist leaders have marked clear distance, has a parliament member from the largest opposition party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) given him some support.

- Murder Man's ideas are not wrong, but his methods are, he said this week, according to The Times of India.
Sent 8,000 copies worldwide

As part of efforts to mobilize a worldwide resistance movement, encourages Breivik to establish contact with a number of nationalist groups on Facebook, and obtain members' personal e-mail addresses.

- I spent thousands of hours to do this in a period of more than 6 months (from two Facebook accounts) and I, alone, managed to send the compendium [the so-called manifesto, jour.anm] to more than 8,000 dedicated nationalists, Printer Breivik.

The recipients will include cultural conservatives in India. Breivik lists in the same context, the Indian National Security Guards (NSG) as the only relevant Facebook group that is not European.
Jews, Buddhists and Hindu nationalists

But recipients will also be in North America, Australia, South America, Armenia and Israel, according to the American newspaper Christian Science Monitor.

The goal, he states, is to seek cooperation among Jews in Israel, Buddhists in China and the Hindu nationalists to stave off Islam.

He also hopes to followers in Russia, the Philippines, China and Thailand, he writes in the so-called manifesto.

Pakistan-enclaves in Europe

The so-called manifesto shows sporadically to India's past and present:

What he calls the Holocaust against Hindus during the Moslem conquest, which began on the 800's and lasted about 500 years.
Division in 1947, with Pakistan as a growing problem in the region as a result.

- Western European countries will remain broken as long as there are large Muslim enclaves (mini-Pakistan'er) in all major cities, he writes in the context of the latter event.
- Hindu Terrorism increasing threat

In recent years, especially after a series of deadly attacks against Muslims, the so-called Hindu terrorism is seen as a growing danger in India.

Radical Hindu nationalist groups, so-called Hindutva, is the militant orientation, according to several commentators, including as set out in Asia Times.

The debate gained momentum especially in years when a Hindu holy man, Swami Aseemanand, shall be granted four attacks on Muslims in 2007 and 2008. One of them is the attack on a mosque in Hyderabad, which killed 14 people, and another is attacked on a train between India and Pakistan in which 68 people lost their lives.

The man described himself as a revenge attacks against Islamic militants, in a "bomb bomb" strategy.


The train, belonging to Samjhauta Express, is completely burned out by Deewana in India. PHOTO: AP

commends attack

Breivik praises Hindu nationalists for such riots and attacks, but said the behavior also seems counterproductive.

- Instead of attacking Muslims, they should align itself with the traitors in category A and B and consolidate military cells and actively seek to overthrow the government kulturmarxistiske.

It Breivik here refers to as "Category A-traitors" are politicians, chief editors and others with great power, while "Category B-traitors" is "kulturmarxistiske and multi-cultural politicians."

Breivik makes it clear that he, with his so-called Templar order Justicia Knights, stands ready to provide military support to the nationalists in what he calls India's civil war and the deportation of Muslims.

From single acts of terrorism to the fight against kulturmarxistene gradually into global warfare with the use of weapons of mass destruction, he writes.
Expert: - Dangerous trend

Breivik then lists the website of India's main opposition party Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the major Hindu nationalist volunteers corporations Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad.

Allegations of violence against Muslims has previously hailed from, among other things, the above RSS organization.

According to Wikileaks leaking documents to Rahul Gandhi, designated as a future Prime Minister of India, having considered radical Hindu nationalism as a greater threat to India than militant Islamism.

- It's a dangerous trend because the majority [of radical Hindu nationalist groups, jour.anm.] Have minorities as a target, said a political commentator at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi to Aftenposten in January.

Hindunasjonalister ansett som viktig alliert - - Verden - Aftenposten.no

He is a psycopath but i agree with him one one thing

Congress chutiyas,Communist Pussies,Islamic Apologists,Marxist Historians,People on the pay roll of the catholic church and its nepotistic designers deserve to be blown off the face of mother india.
i dont know why samjhota express tragedy is not highlighted in india and arrest all the hindu extremists, its not only bad for pakistan but india itself

being too lenient to these rogue elements and they will become braver and stronger

pakstan must also demand an official apology from india on this tragedy

Please,that way Pakistan ll spend an eternity waking up and apologizing to India for its ***** misdemenours.
you have no clue about RSS and its beginnings,you better get deleted and dare not open your trap.

Clearly a pointless post that deserves to be deleted. Why not post something productive rather than show your ignorance?
I agree with TheDeletedUser. Lets get rid of terrorism EVERYWHERE.
Clearly a pointless post that deserves to be deleted. Why not post something productive rather than show your ignorance?
I agree with TheDeletedUser. Lets get rid of terrorism EVERYWHERE.

Did you call him ignorant by supporting an ignoramus? And you thought that was a productive comment on your part? He was right though. Perhaps a quick reading about RSS might help..
people are so much exxagerating Hindu terrorist n hindutva etc etc etc

But Hindu terrorism is just imagination...
you have no clue about RSS and its beginnings,you better get deleted and dare not open your trap.

Don't bother... these secular fascists are so bruhaa about RSS but when it comes to fighting Jihad, they wet their pants and get worried about their votebanks. Typical fence-sitters. While I am not an RSS member, they have done good work for our Buddhist community as well.
I am a minority in India as per law........thanks to Majority ...........I feel like the majority in India.

Dont worry my Pakistani friends.......the moment there is increased radicalization in Hindus I will inform you people first .......so that you can pack ur bag
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