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Indian Girls - Spin Off Thread (split from Paris Air Show)

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Adux is taking every one but the important question is who will take him?

lol!!!! nice one...
I do get my share!!! and me Shrek very very happy......lol
For me,

Beauty is never about the colour,

but about facial features, body shape and skin tone

And then SEX happens; and only then i repeat only then you look into her attitude, good character, and all other yada yada...and decide wether you take her out for a second candle light dinner date

I am very selective, and I really mean that...

Cuz i like them, i like the way they are, especially the scandinivian one's

blondes have a pecuilar character i dont know but i have been with quite a few to know that, I wouldnt probably marry any foreigner, there is good reasons for that.

dating anyone is fine.
I have nothing like that, the best girl i ever met in my life was a blonde!!!!!!! I was a stupid *** to actually let her go.

Calcutta has blonde's?

I would marry any woman who is the right choice for me
I have nothing like that, the best girl i ever met in my life was a blonde!!!!!!! I was a stupid *** to actually let her go.

Calcutta has blonde's?

I would marry any woman who is the right choice for me

Been out with a few Scandinavians and they tend to be loons :lol: Funny thing one of my good Finnish friends said to me on this subject was "mate I can't understand the fascination with blondes. We all prefer dusky dark hair"

So I guess as the saying goes "The grass is always greener on the other side"

I expected you to concentrate on my che-guvera t-shirt
Ah yes how Ironic!

Did you know his is the most used image apart from Jesus's

I know, I just thought it looked cool and I do admire "some" of his work and lifestyle.

And about blonde's; I have met mostly german, norwegian and scottish women; and i am happy to say they are all very intelligent and god damn sexy... Best thing about being in a good uni, you get to meet brainy chicks from all over the world
hey guys what do ya think about me punjabi top to toe........?????
Hiya there Nina!!!!!
welcome to Defence.pk
hi guys i say there is no ladieees here so i must fill the gap its no mans world no more

thanks for replying all ya lovely guys

i am no film acctress you guys on about i am real....:)
i see ashwarya rai is married now she is alright i like rani........dont get wrong ideas i am straight.....:)
in actors none of them are any good........honestly....amirkhan is alright is any of you guys looklike him as none of you have your real photos on......never mind....
Well, I dont think any of us over here looks like Amir Khan, But then again we arent computer geeks...lol

I like rani mukerjee but she got terrible voice, reminds me of the time when i feel down while absailing..lol

Are you from Punjab province in Pakistan?
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