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Indian foreign minister hails Iran for setting up talks between Taliban and Afghan govt

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Taliban didn't even meet your FM. Your FM, in another attempt for an audience with the Taliban is running to Russia. So yeah, we aren't worried.
Hahah bad news for Pakistan???

Has any one noticed a recent paranoia and desperation in India print and electronic media???

One hand they are trying to connect Taliban take over with Kashmir , on the other desperate for cordial diplomatic relations with Talibans. Their entire state machinery is knocking every door to help India establish diplomatic relations with Talibans, they even approached Pakistan for same ( narrated by Modi Yourself ( NSA) in Jirga Program on Geo news).

India thought they would be part of whatever solution is reached with regards to Afghanistan when US leaves, but as always US couldn't care less. Even now the US has been consistently telling India to focus on China.

India needs to realise that the only route to Talibans is via Pakistan. No country be it Iran, Russia or China would protect Indian assets at the expense of Pakistan. In fact they are all dependent on Pakistan for their own interests in Afghanistan.

There is a reason why Pakistan agreed for Turkey to take Kabul Airport, Turkey is not only Pakistan's close ally but share's similar stance on Kashmir.

Every thing is connected, International politics is not merely sound bites and media propaganda.
Btw this Twitter handle belongs to a random extremist sitting in india.
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Hindu Extremist India should also arrange talks between the Afghan Government and the Taliban in New Delhi and also enlighten the Taliban of the good works India's Hindu Extremist Government is doing in Kashmir and for Muslims in general all over India.

While you're at it, also remind them of India's love for the Taliban.

2009: There are no good Taliban, cautions India

2011: India Boosts Afghan Military Role

2015: India strongly condemns Taliban attack on Kabul guesthouse

2016: Taliban Warns India Over Military Aid to Kabul

2017: India condemns Taliban attack in Afghanistan, says states hosting terrorists must eliminate them

2019: India Delivers Two Mi-24V Attack Helicopters to Afghanistan
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Bad news for Pakistan.
Looks like Iran arranged talks between India and Taliban too.
Did anyone throw some grass in front of intruding Indian FM? After killing scores of Afghans in collaboration with other occupation forces during the last two decades, how shameless Indian are while begging for a meeting with Taliban. Same Taliban that Indian have consistently been labeling them as terrorists. Are Indians eating their words? Well Indians can eat any filthy thing if that suits their interest. You drink urine and eat shit, what else can be more disgusting in this world?
Bad news for Pakistan.
Looks like Iran arranged talks between India and Taliban too.
Bro your ministers are following everywhere talibans goes from doha to iran to now in russia. Your ministers are so desperate they'll even agree to follow taliban on their visit to Pakistan just to save your ***. Do you think the taliban will forget which side you supported for 20years. You people laughed and made fun of them when their families were being butchered by the invading forces. Your future in Afghanistan is done. Your govt quietly closed 2 of your embassies, airlifted people. Pack your shit and get the **** out of Afghanistan.
Who cares if Taliban talks to Afghan govt, Iran, or even India.

End of the day the reality is clear. Once the Afghan focal point comes to a close, Kashmir will quickly follow.

India if facing down the Wrath of Pakistan, and now China. Soon it will also be facing the Taliban.
Bro, you know my Sect why are you taunting me, China is getting close to them, the future relationship between us and them will only improve, both Pakistan and Iran have legitimate interests in Afghanistan, india does not, will not and never will.

You were saying with confidence on other thread that Iran will not allow extra regional nations to interfere in Afghanistan, but to entertain Indian officials at a time when Talibans are there, knowing fully well the nature of India-Iran past support to northern alliance, knowing Pakistan redlines, I wonder where did you get that assurity from that Iran will not play their usual slippery role?
You were saying with confidence on other thread that Iran will not allow extra regional nations to interfere in Afghanistan, but to entertain Indian officials at a time when Talibans are there, knowing fully well the nature of India-Iran past support to northern alliance, knowing Pakistan redlines, I wonder where did you get that assurity from that Iran will not play their usual slippery role?

All nations have their national interest, but seeing as the US and india are close allied and China is getting closer to Iran, and the Saudis are getting closer to india, we can safely assume that Pakistani and Iranian interests are converging
All nations have their national interest, but seeing as the US and india are close allied and China is getting closer to Iran, and the Saudis are getting closer to india, we can safely assume that Pakistani and Iranian interests are converging

It all sounds good and I do agree with you, but to entertain Indian officials and the timing of it, I think Pakistan needs to keep Hawkeye on these Persian mullahs.
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