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Indian Forces Get Non-Lethal But Effective Weapons To Tackle Chinese Troops | Exclusive

Damn, look at this.....

Designing a product and manufacturing/supporting it are two very different things. Even if the product is really useful in non-lethal close proximity combat, I doubt that the small company would be able to find the manufacturing expertise to produce and service it in mass scale. :undecided:
Designing a product and manufacturing/supporting it are two very different things. Even if the product is really useful in non-lethal close proximity combat, I doubt that the small company would be able to find the manufacturing expertise to produce and service it in mass scale. :undecided:
Don't dare to send your soldiers with these toys to face Chinese. You are going to fight a very well trained, appropriately dressed, well fed, technologically much superior, physically taller and focused army in the harsh conditions.

This time, the score might be much higher, and China might have to develop an entire website dedicated for the clips.

Better you give your army weapons (I think some of them were already carrying them last year too), instructions to use them when their CO is being beaten to death, and not to jump into the cold near freezing river to die of hypothermia.
A few points of comedy from the video;

At 0.35 seconds "20 Indian soliders and an unspecified number of Chinese soliders".

So gents it's gone from 45 PLA soldiers killed to 'unspecified'. It seems the photos of the surrender and capture of masses of Indian troops has knocked a little sense into them.

At 1.40 the 'Vajra', electric Trishul etc. I don't suppose they've thought about how much water is in the area through melted snow, rivers etc. Water contains charged ions and impurities which conduct electricity very well, so the weapon not only poses a danger to enemy troops but also the user and his comrades. Imagine trying to shock people with all those damp clothes and hitting your friend.

At 2.40 the 'sapper's punch'. Now we all know the region is extremely cold so why did these numb nuts produce a reinforced glove without fingers? I suppose they're not too concerned with frostbite and how fingers and the extremities (toes, ears) are the first to go.


With a chilled hand how quickly can you throw a punch or wield a weapon with accuracy? Also no, they don't need to be fingerless for a better grip, good gloves on the market can allow good gripping.
Here is a good example of one;

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Designing a product and manufacturing/supporting it are two very different things. Even if the product is really useful in non-lethal close proximity combat, I doubt that the small company would be able to find the manufacturing expertise to produce and service it in mass scale. :undecided:

Unless they team up Windlass

Don't dare to send your soldiers with these toys to face Chinese. You are going to fight a very well trained, appropriately dressed, well fed, technologically much superior, physically taller and focused army in the harsh conditions.

This time, the score might be much higher, and China might have to develop an entire website dedicated for the clips.

Better you give your army weapons (I think some of them were already carrying them last year too), instructions to use them when their CO is being beaten to death, and not to jump into the cold near freezing river to die of hypothermia.
India will avoid using weapons that would escalate the conflict. It is not in India's strategic interest to accelerate China's ambitions.
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