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Indian ex-president APJ Abul Kalam due on Wednesday

Can't like most of the responses. He is not a political ledaer, more like a goodwill ambassador who served his country the way he thought best. Even if he was a politician we are advised by the Messenger (pbuh) to show respect to the leader of a nation who visits us (regardless of his religious affiliation).
Whatever the case, indian nukes helped india to strengthen her grip in kashmir. India could have
got nukes even without Kalam. But since he contributed in an islamophobic country's nuke and
missile programme, I consider him an enemy of muslim. Its just my opinion.

You forgot China :coffee:
Whatever the case, indian nukes helped india to strengthen her grip in kashmir. India could have
got nukes even without Kalam. But since he contributed in an islamophobic country's nuke and
missile programme, I consider him an enemy of muslim. Its just my opinion.

OK indians lets not derail the thread. Keep on talking about the greatness of shinning indian leaders.
He was not responsible for nuclear program. He was responsible for rocket program. But your same argument will apply to that as well.
Can't like most of the responses. He is not a political ledaer, more like a goodwill ambassador who served his country the way he thought best. Even if he was a politician we are advised by the Messenger (pbuh) to show respect to the leader of a nation who visits us (regardless of his religious affiliation).

Great thought. Political issues should be settled politically only. One should not be indulged in blame game and spread the avoidable hatred amongst us.
Can't like most of the responses. He is not a political ledaer, more like a goodwill ambassador who served his country the way he thought best. Even if he was a politician we are advised by the Messenger (pbuh) to show respect to the leader of a nation who visits us (regardless of his religious affiliation).

I wouldn't say a politician since he is not really cut out to be in politics, but yeah he was a hell of a lot better President than the current one. The man opened a new age for India, specially for the missile industry. He is and will always be one of very few Indian leaders who took their job as the leader of country seriously, and started a new chapter for India.

He was not responsible for nuclear program. He was responsible for rocket program. But your same argument will apply to that as well.

I seriously don't get why people see everything through the glasses of religion. Its not like the other Muslim countries are perfect, they still fight and kill each other. Even Bangladesh was not accepting the Muslim refugees from Burma, so why the whole cry for a man trying to do something for the improvement of his country. People do what they want to do and feel comfortable with everyone has pride for their nation. There are Muslims in Indian Army, and the police in Kashmir who fight to protect their mother land, so I don't see how the reasoning come into place.
Anyone contributing to the strength of genocidal indian army is an enemy of muslims. Kashmir
would have been independent by now if not for Indian nukes.

Who the heck are you dude, kashmir is Indian state...Look at your own back btw,.change your flags...BUSTED.
Snatch :lol: What was this super strong Army doing in Dec 1971?

You still live in 1971, showing again how backward thinking, and wnnabe strong you are, despite all the explanations that India never won any war against Pakistan.
In 1971 Bangladesh wanted its freedom and Pakistan stopped by respect for it, knowing well that India couldn't win.
So now you can wipe your tears and try to seek help for your too much inflated ego, it might just explode in your face.
You still live in 1971, showing again how backward thinking, and wnnabe strong you are, despite all the explanations that India never won any war against Pakistan.
In 1971 Bangladesh wanted its freedom and Pakistan stopped by respect for it, knowing well that India couldn't win.
So now you can wipe your tears and try to seek help for your too much inflated ego, it might just explode in your face.

dude whether u consider 71 or 65 or 1999 you can come up with a billion reasons but cant refute the fact that pakistan was humiliated and defeated. better accept the facts.
And couldn't be found in a billion or so Indians!:lol:

dude whether u consider 71 or 65 or 1999 you can come up with a billion reasons but cant refute the fact that pakistan was humiliated and defeated. better accept the facts.

If that makes you forget you defeat and humiliation in 1962, than it Ok, but reality speaks for itself.
And couldn't be found in a billion or so Indians!:lol:

If that makes you forget you defeat and humiliation in 1962, than it Ok, but reality speaks for itself.

sorry but 1962 has nothing to do with pakistan, so dont go offtopic.
Kashmiri freedom struggle could not have been suppressed for so long. With nukes India got a
bargaining chip. Without nukes PAK could have still tried to snatch kashmir without fear of
retaliation and APJ kalam contributed to india's strength in this case. He helped a islamophobic
country get stronger, so he is an enemy of islam and muslim in IMO.

Thankfully not all Muslims feel like this.
Can't like most of the responses. He is not a political ledaer, more like a goodwill ambassador who served his country the way he thought best. Even if he was a politician we are advised by the Messenger (pbuh) to show respect to the leader of a nation who visits us (regardless of his religious affiliation).

I agree. Even leaders from hostile countries should be respected and who knows it may change
their heart. Any foreign leaders should receive the bangladeshi hospitality. Allah(swt) knows best.

You forgot China :coffee:

China is a peace loving country. :china:
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