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Indian ex-president APJ Abul Kalam due on Wednesday

lolololol, are you a 4th grader? Pakistan doesn't have nukes for 51 years, what happened then? Pakistan would crush you by any means if you even think of attacking.

There are some reasons behind which india never attack to get Kashmir, the main reason is that india knows very well that Kashmir belongs to Pakistan & their occupation of Maqbooza Jammu & Kashmir(Occupied Jammu & Kashmir) was & is illegal. Population of Kashmir(Azad Kashmir & Maqbooza/Occupied Jammu & Kashmir) want indian forces to get lost from Kashmir, Most peoples in Azad Kashmir are patriotic Pakistanis & most people in Occupied J&K either want indepandance or otherwise want to merge with Pakistan. Pakistan is a big regionnal power & if attacked will crush any country easily & indian authorities knows this well.

P.S Don't go further offtopics, if you wanna discuss about Kashmir, open a new thread.

Pakistan have nothing to do with 62. Pakistan Jubilation is 47-48, 65 & 99.

Also report all the posts that are not related to the thread.

we do not attack pakistan because we are not pakistan...we are India...we do not want wars but progress....otherwise we would have also ended up in failed state list :)

I don't need to read that thread. Political islam was part of Muhammad's (pubh) life! There is no doubt in it, we are just following our leader! I was directing you to that forum because most of them are pious muslims without any prejudice against india or any other country! they would have corrected you! I know this situation is very awkward, being a muslim and indian at the same time led you to embrace non political ideology of Islam..... It is your life, your wish, keep praying in your bedroom when your so called muslim brothers are being butchered everywhere for being muslim!

If every muslims starts following so called political ideology of islam then they should be kicked out of all the non-islamic countries including the secular ones...enough with this hypocrisy...
If every muslims starts following so called political ideology of islam then they should be kicked out of all the non-islamic countries including the secular ones...enough with this hypocrisy...

You can try kicking them out, it won't work. Muslims will keep on following this political ideology anywhere the live till the end of time because we are not hypocrites like you. :coffee:
You can try kicking them out, it won't work. Muslims will keep on following this political ideology anywhere the live till the end of time because we are not hypocrites like you. :coffee:

Almost all your posts are nonsense and have no basis. They have only one agenda - India bashing. I wonder which school you went to...
Almost all your posts are nonsense and have no basis. They have only one agenda - India bashing. I wonder which school you went to...

Whatever school I have went to its better than yours. Our schools don't produce racist
hypocrites. :coffee:
Doesn't 1971 ring a bell? If you had nukes that time , it wouldn't have happenned. But turns out you didn't have nukes and in a month's time , half your country was gone , almost your entire naval fleet was destroyed , 90,000 soldiers were our POWs.

Go & visit 71 threads where millions times it is discussed how Pakistan lost that war. It was not only indian efforts, but combined efforts of india, Russia, terrorists of mutki, geography, etc etc, also the 80% population was supporting india. & half of our country mean by population not by area as Bdsh was one almost 8 times smaller than Pakistan. Also legally Pakistanis have never view Bdsh as part of Pakistan, it is discussed several times that Bdsh was not part of mainland Pakistan plan, but a fourth country Bengalistan to be formed after Pakistan, Osmanistan, Hindustan(india).

Who told you all 90k were soilders? out of 90k only 40k were soilders, rest were diplomats, govt officials, govt workers, police, teachers, etc.

Our population is 6 times your population, we can easily defeat you just due to sheer numbers. Our GDP ppp is 10 times yours
List of countries by GDP (PPP) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since we spend the same amount (2-3% of GDP) on military, our military spendng is 10 times yours , now please tell me how you will ever "crush" us. In about a decade , our military spending due to GDP growth will be 20 times yours and keep increasing. You can never even dream to defeat us in conventional warfare. Not that you people can defeat us in nuclear warfare either. Since India is 5 times the size of Pakistan , a lot of our centres of population will still survive , the same is not for pakistan. Small country , only a few major centres of population that will need to be attacked. i can even count them on fingertips,. Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan ,karachi , Lahore, Peshawar,Quetta,Rawalpindi ,Multan. India has around 65-70 cities with more than 800,000 population. Pakistan has 8. See the difference?

Population has nothing to do with war, about GDP your answere is your own post, it is cuz india have almost 7 times more population than Pakistan. Pakistan can easily defeat you by any means & may be occupy some parts too but Pakistan problem is that it will face international sanctions & even so called brother Middle East countries will leave Pakistan alone as they did in 99. 99 is not too long to forget how Pakistan defeat india, if Pakistan doesn't have enormous international pressure from America, Europe, Saudis, Middle East etc & if Pakistan's leader Nawaz haven't accept $$$$ from US than Pakistan would still be holding those freed parts. Militarily it was Pakistan's win but Pakistan lost diplomatically.

Also india is approx 4 times bigger by land area than Pakistan & not 5 times so it is not some small country as you projecting, and there are not just 8 cities in Pakistan, a person must be dumb or retard to think so, Punjab alone have 16-20 cities.

Having said all this , I was not trying to be belligerent or arrogant. I want India and Pakistan to be good friends in the future and work towards peace and prosperity in our region. We won't get any joy by killing millions of your people and you won't get any joy by killing millions of our people

Peace in the region can come only if Pakistan & India solve Kashmir issue which is acceptable to all 3 involved parties, your own newspaper claimed that Jinnah wanted Pakistan to fight side by side with india if any 3rd country attack india but india gave Pakistan only reasons to hate india, first india occupied Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh & Manvadar, than Kashmir, than even after Nehru's promise to give right of self determination to Kashmiris in 48-49 he never give them, than you meddled in Pak affairs & became part of breaking the country & celebrating it by your cntry's prime minister calling viewing it as she have drown the 2 nation theory. So by all these acts peace will always be in dreams.

P.S You claim you want India & Pakistan to be good friends but still instead of condemning & reporting trolls who drag Pakistan in this thread you too become their backup.
Go & visit 71 threads where millions times it is discussed how Pakistan lost that war. It was not only indian efforts, but combined efforts of india, Russia, terrorists of mutki, geography, etc etc, also the 80% population was supporting india. & half of our country mean by population not by area as Bdsh was one almost 8 times smaller than Pakistan. Also legally Pakistanis have never view Bdsh as part of Pakistan, it is discussed several times that Bdsh was not part of mainland Pakistan plan, but a fourth country Bengalistan to be formed after Pakistan, Osmanistan, Hindustan(india).

Who told you all 90k were soilders? out of 90k only 40k were soilders, rest were diplomats, govt officials, govt workers, police, teachers, etc.

Population has nothing to do with war, about GDP your answere is your own post, it is cuz india have almost 7 times more population than Pakistan. Pakistan can easily defeat you by any means & may be occupy some parts too but Pakistan problem is that it will face international sanctions & even so called brother Middle East countries will leave Pakistan alone as they did in 99. 99 is not too long to forget how Pakistan defeat india, if Pakistan doesn't have enormous international pressure from America, Europe, Saudis, Middle East etc & if Pakistan's leader Nawaz haven't accept $$$$ from US than Pakistan would still be holding those freed parts. Militarily it was Pakistan's win but Pakistan lost diplomatically.

Also india is approx 4 times bigger by land area than Pakistan & not 5 times so it is not some small country as you projecting, and there are not just 8 cities in Pakistan, a person must be dumb or retard to think so, Punjab alone have 16-20 cities.

Peace in the region can come only if Pakistan & India solve Kashmir issue which is acceptable to all 3 involved parties, your own newspaper claimed that Jinnah wanted Pakistan to fight side by side with india if any 3rd country attack india but india gave Pakistan only reasons to hate india, first india occupied Hyderabad Deccan & Junagadh & Manvadar, than Kashmir, than even after Nehru's promise to give right of self determination to Kashmiris in 48-49 he never give them, than you meddled in Pak affairs & became part of breaking the country & celebrating it by your cntry's prime minister calling viewing it as she have drown the 2 nation theory. So by all these acts peace will always be in dreams.

P.S You claim you want India & Pakistan to be good friends but still instead of condemning & reporting trolls who drag Pakistan in this thread you too become their backup.

Ok , looks like i'm talking to a kid. GDP and population have everything to do with military strength. Since we have a GDP that makes yours look tiny , we have a much larger military expenditure that we can use to buy weapons , keep a larger army , build weapons etc. You would be steamrolled in any war because you just can't afford to buy those many weapons , and because of the sheer size of the army. About kargil war , where do I even start. Look up any non pakistani forum and clearly India won the war. You people had 2 weeks of fuel supplies left since Indian navy had blocked your ports. US had to beg us to stop our war effort or not only kashmir , but even more areas of pakistan would be under our control.
Was in Dhaka a few days ago ... In the last function I interacted with a group of children from South Asia .... One little girl of six years rose and said... "Kalam sir! I have a question". I spotted her and brought her to the stage ... She said, "My name is Sanyukta... and I am in class one. Sir, I want to ask you... Do you like Science?".
I, along with the audience smiled... I said, "Science has been my life".
Then she asked, "Sir! then tell me, how can I also start liking science?"

Little Sanyukta has a question far deeper than it appears... How do we, as educationists, teachers and parents, make science taught in way that it appeals the young mind?


Was in Bangladesh ... where I met the Honorable Prime Minister Sheikh Haseena ji on 4th July ... we discussed on aspects of sustainable development including PURA, What Can I Give Mission, PURA model for Bangladesh in Khullan for about an hour ...

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