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खूश खबरी 33526 लोगो ने आजतक को अनलाइक कर दिया हे
अब जाग रहा हे हिन्दूस्तान....
Ok lets leave business quote ,what about other quote i mentioned ,don't believe whatever CONAAP post ,they are hand in glove

Look how these congoons defend their partner :o:

CII is congs favorite business chamber,anti modi brigade :-)

Could you cite that?
Could you cite that?
How can i cite ? CII likhega kya we are favorite of congoons?:lol:

Rahul baba @ CII dekh lete :-)

BTW 2004 Article:(

Advantage CII And How
Posted online: Friday, May 14, 2004 at 0000 hrs
How will the change in government affect the fortunes of the two apex industry associations, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (Ficci)? No prizes for guessing the right answer. For, with the Congress assuming power at the centre, CII could emerge as a more active platform for political and bureaucratic interface with industry, as Ficci was during the BJP-led NDA government.
The close association the two chambers have with BJP and Congress can be traced to their respective leadership as well as their historical past. While Ficci secretary general Amit Mitra had his early grounding in the BJP-affiliated Akhil Bharatiya Vidya Parishad (ABVP) and can call a number of BJP leaders as his friends, CII’s outgoing director general Tarun Das had active and close relationship with former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi and a number of other Congress leaders including Manmohan Singh and Pranab Mukherjee. Moreover, CII and Mr Das would get a leg up in the new political equation where the Left Front will have a powerful say as Mr Das has in recent times had an active relationship with West Bengal chief minister Budhhadeb Bhattacharya.

On the other hand, at an organisational level, Ficci’s Marwari business stronghold has had a traditionally long and close association with BJP.

But now CII is gung-ho. “We are confident that reforms are irreversible. Only, the approach to certain aspects of reforms (such as disinvestment) of the new government may differ from the previous government,” says CII director general designate N Srinivasan. His confidence, he says, also reflects from the assurances given by Dr Manmohan Singh on March 4, 2004 at CII’s National Council meeting.

For the record, Ficci also does not want to be left behind. Its president YK Modi says that “It is a clear mandate for the Congress.”

Ficci secretary general Amit Mitra also believes that “there will be no impact on the economic reform process. It will speed up because in the first 100 days, the government will have to take many decisions to shown their dynamism.”

CII’s topsy-turvy relationship with the ruling NDA can be traced to the aftermath of Godhra in 2002, when it criticised the Narendra Modi-led Gujarat government for its role in post-Godhra carnage. The sharp criticism of CII members including Rahul Bajaj, Anu Aga and Jamshed Godrej not only angered Mr Modi, but seemed to alienate the NDA government too.

CII also seemed to have tripped on the ego of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee in April 2002, when it invited Ms Sonia Gandhi to inaugurate national conference and annual session while Mr Vajpayee was invited to deliver concluding remarks. Meanwhile, CII lost out to Ficci in co-hosting Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas with Ministry of External Affairs.

Ficci on the other hand, enjoyed close rapport with the BJP-led NDA government
. It was credited for hosting the finance minister for the first ever public interaction after the budget announcement.

Mr Vajpayee also graced Ficci in a number of events during the past four-five years. The prime minister and the deputy prime minister LK Advani also graced the occasion during the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas organised in January 2003 and 2004. Mr Vajpayee was also present during the Indo-Asean Summit held during October 2003, a Ficci-led event. Other prominent ocasions when Mr Vajpayee attended Ficci events include the International conference on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for the last two years and seminar on urban infrastructre development (way back in 1998), where the PM announced the launch of golden quadrangle. Further, Ficci also held a number of Gujarat specific events including Vibrant Gujarat and Resurgent Gujarat in recent years.

आशुतोष अब आशुतोष गुप्ता बनेगें.... IBN7 से आमआदमी पार्टी के "वरिष्ठ"नेता आशुतोष का पूरा नाम है... आशुतोष गुप्ता.. येबैकडोर इंट्री के मास्टर हैं. पूरी दुनिया को पता हैकि एक बार इसी तरह बैकडोर इंट्री करते हुए पकड़ेगए थे तो काशीराम जी ने इनकी जमकर धुनाईकी थी... लेकिन मैं कुछ ऐसा बताने जा रहा हूं जिसे जेएनयू केलोग तो जानते हैं लेकिनबाकी लोगों को नहीं पता है.. पत्रकारिता में बैकडोर इंट्री :आशुतोष के पासपत्रकारिता की कोई डिग्री नहीं है. वो जवाहरलाल नेहरू में सोवियत सेंटर के छात्र थे.तो वो पत्रकारिता में कैसे आए? जेएनयू केसिनियर्स बताते हैं कि आशुतोष ने प्रो. पुष्पेश पंत सेनौकरी के लिए मदद मांगी. प्रो. पुष्पेश पंत छात्रों की मददकरते हैं. उन्होंने आशुतोषको अपनी रिश्तेदार मृणाल पांडे के पास भेजदिया. मृणाल पांडे उस वक्त हिंदुस्तानकी संपादक थीं. फिलहाल कांग्रेस की सरकार नेमृणाल पांडे जी को प्रसारभारती का मुखिया बना रखा है. आशुतोष के पासपत्रकारिता की कोईडिग्री नहीं थी तो मृणाल जी नेकहा कि बिना डिग्री या अनुभव के नौकरी देने सेसमस्या हो सकती है. आशुतोष के बैकडोरइंट्री का तरीका निकाला गया. उन्होंनेआशुतोष से कहा कि तुम हर सप्ताह कुछ न कुछ लिख कर भेजदिया करो तो दो तीन महीने केहिंदुस्तान में नौकरी पक्की हो जाएगी. आशुतोषने तीन चार महीने तक लेख भेजते रहे. वो स्तंभकारबना दिए गए. उनकी इंट्री हो गई. आशुतोष का पूरा नामआशुतोष गुप्ता है. बहुत जल्दही उनका पूरा नाम चांदनी चौक में गूंजनेवाला है. राजनीति इंसान से न जानेक्या क्या कराती है. आशुतोष का आमआदमी पार्टी में बैकडोर इंट्री हुई है. पार्टी मेंशामिल होने से पहले यह तय हो चुका था कि वो चांदनी चौक सेचुनाव लड़ेंगे.आम आदमी पार्टी एक सियानी पार्टी है. यहकहती कुछ है करती कुछ है. अगल किस्मकी राजनीति के नकाब के पीछेराजनीति का वही पुराना चेहरा छिपा है. कहनेको तो ये कहते हैं कि वो जाति व धर्म की राजनीति नहीं करतेहैं. लेकिन असलियत यह हैकि आशुतोष को चांदनी चौक से टिकट इसलिएदिया गया है क्योंकि वहां गुप्ता सुमदाय केलोगों की संख्या ज्यादा है. उसी तरह पश्चिमदिल्ली से पत्रकार जनरैल सिंह को टिकट इसलिएदिया गया है क्योंकि इस क्षेत्र में सिख मतदाता ज्यादा है.अभी गाजियाबाद औरगौतम बुद्ध नगर से उम्मीदवार की घोषणा नहीं हुईहै लेकिन यहां किसी राजपूत उम्मीदवारको टिकट दिया जाएगा क्योंकि यह राजपूत बहुलइलाका है. उसी तरह गुडगांव लोकसभा क्षेत्र सेयोगेंद्र यादव को टिकट दिया गया है. गुडगांव एकनया लोकसभा क्षेत्र है जो 2008 में बना. इस क्षेत्रके पहले चुनाव में एक यादव उम्मीदवार नेजीता था इसलिए आम आदमी पार्टी ने इस बारएक यादव को मैदान में उतारा है. मैं कोई सवाल खड़ा नहीं कररहा. मैं सिर्फइतना कहना चाहता हूं कि राजनीति में कोई दूधसे धुला नहीं है. आम आदमी पार्टी आखिरकार एकराजनीतिक पार्टी है कोई गंगोत्री नहीं.. और नही कोई नई राजनीति की सुत्रधार है. इस हमाम मेंसब नंगे हैं.
Feku Modi's another fake propogenda busted

Modi was a canteen contractor, never a 'chaiwala'

BJP's PM candidate, who often flaunts his past to connect with voters, was never a tea vendor but a "canteen contractor".

"This Chai pe Charcha is natak (gimmick) keeping in mind the elections. Tea seller associations have told us that he was never a tea-vendor but he was a canteen contractor", Patel said.

He was speaking at 'Swaraj Kuch' rally here where noted civil rights activist Lalji Desai, along with hundreds of his Maldhari community followers, joined Congress.

Accusing Modi of trying to appropriate the legacy of Sardar Patel, the Congress leader said "by making the tallest statue of Patel, he wants to make a ladder for the PM's chair".

Patel also took potshots at Modi's Gujarat model of development.

"This cannot be Gujarat's model. Gujarat's model is based on Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel's ideology. Some people accidentally got power and then forgot the ideology of great leaders like Gandhi, Sardar Patel and Ambedkar.

"But when election comes, they begin chanting their (leaders') names. He suddenly transforms himself into a tea-vendor or a Ram Bhakt only when the elections are coming," Patel said.

Taking a dig at Modi's claims of development, Patel said Gujarat was a laggard in social sectors.
"Gujarat is lagging behind in health, education and other social sectors. As per his propaganda, Gujarat is number one, but from the bottom. Gujarat is on 28th rank as far as primary education is concerned."

"Unemployment rate is increasing; five lakh young people are serving the state on a meagre fixed salary. For showing the surplus in the state's budget, Gujarat government keeps taking debts and now the debt amount has reached up to Rs 1.85 lakh crores," Patel said.

He also appealed to all marginalised communities to unite and raise their issues.
"This will strengthen Congress and also those on margins who have been deprived of their rights under BJP rule", Patel said.

Modi has made senior Congress leader Mani Shankar Aiyar's jibe at his humble origin, when he sold tea with his father, a political weapon to hit out at Congress while connecting with the masses.

In the first session of the 'Chai pe Charcha with NaMo' (tea with Modi) initiative on Wednesday, Modi attacked Congress over governance and black money stashed in various bank accounts abroad.

Congress leader Shankarsinh Vaghela raked up the 2002 communal riots under Modi's guard to target him. "He is now demanding 60 months against Congress' government's 60 years. People have not forgotten those 100 days when the massacre was done under his nose as the chief minister," he added.

Senior Congress leader Arjun Modhvadia said the controversial godman Asaram was once the "mentor" of Modi.

Congress says Modi was canteen contractor, never a 'chaiwala' : Gujarat, News - India Today

Modi was canteen contractor, never a 'chaiwala': Cong

Only canteen contractors can sale tea on railway station. WOW What a discovery?????!!!!!!


Is BJP losing it's votebank to AAP? Check out some of the comments made on BJP's official Facebook page.

Come on Guy, We want to see AAP geting strong and kill Congress like in Delhi. We won't mind AAP taking away some vote of BJP.

MPCC IT & social Media Cell news. As authenticated as Bai Zakir's post.
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Still People prefer BJP over corrupt congress!!!!!!!

What a shame?????

Things are improving,any party any leader are judged by what they got and what they deliver .

MP was bimaru,i live in MP,no light for 2-3 days in digvijay's time ,very poor condition,no development .shivraj improved it 1000 times.
BJP to organize 'biggest rally in the history' of UP

LUCKNOW: BJP on Friday claimed that it would organize the "biggest rally in the history" of Uttar Pradesh here on March 2 which would break the myth of BSP of holding big rallies.

The party claimed that the rally, to be addressed by its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi, will be attended by about 15 lakh people.

"The BJP has decided to organise Vijay Shanknaad rally of Narendra Modi at Ramabai Ambedkar maidan which would be the biggest rally in the history of UP and would also break the myth of BSP of holding big rallies," said Laxmikant Bajpai, state president of BJP.

The BJP leader said that 29 trains have been booked for bringing people, and 100 invitation cards.

An another *** burning news for congress and its supporter.
Still People prefer BJP over corrupt congress!!!!!!!
What a shame?????

Not surprised, paid maggots have to support khaangress :coffee:

An another *** burning news for congress and its supporter.

Not really for the congis. Yes it is for the SP and BSP. They have realized that UP for 2014 is slipping away from them.

If Modi contests from either Lucknow or Varanasi, then it would be more interesting.
You have now idea of the money it takes to organize a rally. Each of Modi rallies take thousands of hired buses just go and esquire about the cost of hiring a single bus whole day.

Last year i have arrange and looked after the marriage of my close friend's sister and it costs around 32 lakh just for tent and food for 1000 guests.

Whether this applies to Your Rahul Gandhi's rally of 5 lakh (10 thousand real figure) people rally or not?

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