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Indian economy to grow 3 percent in 2012-2013: BBC report

:lol: in another thread, Mods changed the title away from the actual one in a news article to avoid embarrassment to Pakistan. And here a fanboy puts in a fake title and is having a time of his life :)

Why do you care?
Policies definately decide the rate of growth and FDI. But look at the world economies ...... Whole world is slowing down. So how Indian economy will be exception to it ???
Dude, Indian economy is strong enough to sustain and grow in this economy, the policies of NEGREA or whatever is such a burden, first of all it is doling out money to people for free on non-integrated and sometimes non-existent projects and in other times it is actually making people lazy and for people <edit> with genuine work</edit> making it harder to find labour for their needs..

if the whole India sits idle even then it will grow 4% or more and the reason is well known but there is policy paralysis in governing structure of the country that needs to rectified ASAP.
Dude the point is not about 4%, not pointing on your argument, why are Indians so lack luster in their conviction of growing? Why do Indians get satisfied so early, what we achieve 7% and it is enough, lets not compare ourselves to Paksitan, lets compare ourselves to USA 10 years back and grow...
it's not fake, bbc report that indian economy is slowing down to 4 percent, and may be 3 percent. learn to read objectively.

nobody care to explain how industrial output growth from 6.8 percent to 1.1 percent? don't shift the focus. you gov have long been faking numbers.

I am a serous economic observer, check my records about Indian economy then tell who's right and who's faking. I have been correctly forecast your numbers, yet your gov is constantly blowing the winds.
it's not fake, bbc report that indian economy is slowing down to 4 percent, and may be 3 percent. learn to read objectively.

nobody care to explain how industrial output growth from 6.8 percent to 1.1 percent? don't shift the focus. you gov have long been faking numbers.

I am a serous economic observer, check my records about Indian economy then tell who's right and who's faking. I have been correctly forecast your numbers, yet your gov is constantly blowing the winds.
Oh, please we dont need your trolling here.. tata...
You gov peg the number at 6.5 percent, that was after the last quarter's adjustment of manufacture from 6.8 percent to 1.1 percent growth.

yeah, a random "senior economist from a leading business association quoted by BBC".

who was the non random expert from IMF? or a bunch of statistic data maker?

So you belong to a category of people who trusts words of an economist writer for a news site against a report from International Monetary Fund.. :lol:

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 188 countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.
Dude, Indian economy is strong enough to sustain and grow in this economy, the policies of NEGREA or whatever is such a burder, first of all it is doling out money to people for free on non-integrated and sometimes non-existent projects and in other times it is actually making people lazy by actually making people harder to find labour for their needs..
To sustain is NOT deficult. To maintain or to grow is difficult. No country can do it all by itself. What you are talking is wrong policies. I agree with that. But when we consider economy as whole it matters very little.

India has a strong service sector. Our main customers are USA and EU. If their economies are slowing down then their need for our services go down. So our service sector growth go down. So to sustain this slow down service sector reduses it's need by job cuts and stopping investments in infrastructure development. That bring down the building and development industries growth.
World economies are interconnected and recession is cyclic phenomenon. It is bound to come. No economy in the world is exception to recession. But wrong policy at this moment means making situation more difficult.
No GOI which stood with regional parties specially one like Mrs. Banarji can take strong decisions
I think the inflation part and deficit part is alarming, anyone give a hint on that or your thoughts?

I won't waste my time with trolls, kick in some professional thoughts.
To sustain is NOT deficult. To maintain or to grow is difficult. No country can do it all by itself. What you are talking is wrong policies. I agree with that. But when we consider economy as whole it matters very little.

India has a strong service sector. Our main customers are USA and EU. If their economies are slowing down then their need for our services go down. So our service sector growth go down. So to sustain this slow down service sector reduses it's need by job cuts and stopping investments in infrastructure development. That bring down the building and development industries growth.
World economies are interconnected and recession is cyclic phenomenon. It is bound to come. No economy in the world is exception to recession. But wrong policy at this moment means making situation more difficult.
No GOI which stood with regional parties specially one like Mrs. Banarji can take strong decisions

thanks for the input, fair and nice opinion.

what GOI need to do is clear the way of further reform, what bring down the investment of manufacture is not only the "sustain fo service sectors, but also the bureaucracy and other barriers.
To sustain is NOT deficult. To maintain or to grow is difficult. No country can do it all by itself. What you are talking is wrong policies. I agree with that. But when we consider economy as whole it matters very little.

India has a strong service sector. Our main customers are USA and EU. If their economies are slowing down then their need for our services go down. So our service sector growth go down. So to sustain this slow down service sector reduses it's need by job cuts and stopping investments in infrastructure development. That bring down the building and development industries growth.
World economies are interconnected and recession is cyclic phenomenon. It is bound to come. No economy in the world is exception to recession. But wrong policy at this moment means making situation more difficult.
No GOI which stood with regional parties specially one like Mrs. Banarji can take strong decisions
I agree it is difficult, you know few pointers here, the infrastructure projects which were started in the NDA time are now in completion phases, hell some are far from it.. These projects if in place today could have helped us in hedging our economy towards the manufacturing industry.. There are examples within India which have beat the trend in the world markets.. I have to tell you, policies and correct implementation matter **** lot!

Our defence Industry could have us, we now we import 70% of all our defence needs and it comes to around $21 billion, how much it helps economy if this would have been recycled in India..
"If things remain the way they are, in terms of policy decisions, investments and sentiments, I would go to the extent that the figure may be 3%," says a senior economist with a leading business association.

The author has a IF in front of the sentence which the OP conveniently ignored.

IMF's prediction still stands at 7.1%. The author is contemplating a 3% growth rate if nothing is done, i.e no reforms etc. Even though I don't like UPA government very much I am confident they have the capability to push through some reforms.
"If things remain the way they are, in terms of policy decisions, investments and sentiments, I would go to the extent that the figure may be 3%," says a senior economist with a leading business association.

And a Quote in a BBC article by some random economist is a BBC Report!! :D-

Hail PDF! :enjoy:

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