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Wow, the Indian economy is in big trouble.

Thanks shuttler for keeping us informed about the true state of the Indian economy.

Not at all! Just some cut and paste works!

Here comes the falling of the rupees again, despite the hot money!

at the time of writing the rupee is trading at 53.75 to the dollar!
With a USD 85.97 trillion economy, India will surpass China to become the world's largest economy by 2050, says a report.

"China will overtake the US to become the world's largest economy by 2020, which in turn will be overtaken by India in 2050," according to Wealth Report 2012 by Knight Frank & Citi Private Bank.

As per the report, Indian economy will reach USD 85.97 trillion size in terms of purchasing power parity by 2050, while the Chinese GDP would be USD 80.02 trillion during the same period.

The US -- currently the world's largest economy – is expected to have a GDP of USD 39.07 trillion by 2050.

Other nations in the top ten list of world's largest economies would be Indonesia (4th), Brazil (5th), Nigeria (6th), Russia (7th), Mexico (8th), Japan (9th) and Egypt (10th).

In terms of growth from 2010-2050, India would be the second fastest with its economy growing at the rate of eight per cent in the period.

With a pace of 8.5 per cent, Nigeria would be the fastest growing economy during the same period, the report said.

In 2010, India was world's fourth largest economy with a value of USD 3.92 trillion compared to China's USD 9.98 trillion and America's USD 14.12 trillion.

The report named Surat and Nagpur among fast-growing cities to watch in 2050.

"We believe the cities to watch in 2050 are the 400 emerging market middleweights - fast growing cities with populations between 200,000 and 10 million.

"This dynamic group includes many cities that are not household names today: Linyi, Kelamayi and Guiyang in China; Surat and Nagpur in India; Concepcion and Belem in Latin America," it said. :devil:
Over 300 Chinese firms to invest in India

Singapore: More than 300 Chinese companies are expected to invest in India over the next three years as India-China bilateral trade grows to USD 100 billion, says an investment and business consultancy.

It also sees 50-60 Indian firms setting up operations in China in the coming years.

"As trade grows between the two countries, investment will follow," said Girija Pande, Executive Chairman of Apex Advisors Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based investment and business consultancy.

He projected 30 per cent increase in India-China trade over the next 2-3 years, from the USD 72 billion expected this year.

Over 300 Chinese firms to invest in India

As per Chinese in this thread...Indian economy is doomed ......how come Chinese company is investing in doomed economy....any Chinese can explain this:azn:
India among fastest growing Internet market: Study

NEW DELHI: India is among the top three fastest growing Internet markets in the world, a study by industry body Assocham and ComScore has said.

"Among the Bric nations, India has been the fastest growing market adding over 18 million Internet users and growing at an annual rate of 41 per cent," the study said.

The Internet user base in the country is approximately 125 million, the study added.

"China added over 14 million users to reach 336 million Internet users by the end of July 2012. Russia and India show similar trends in online usage patterns along with similarities in e-commerce and payment types," it said.

India is also among the top three fastest growing markets worldwide in the last 12 months, the study said.

"Interestingly, about 75 per cent of online audience between the age group of 15-34 years, India is one of the youngest online demographic globally," Assocham secretary general D S Rawat said.

He said the trend is expected to continue in coming years given the age distribution in the country.

Among the age segments, 15-24 years of age group has been the fastest growing age segment online with user growth being contributed by both male and female segments.

The top five popular categories accessed online are social networking, portals, search, entertainment and news sites, the study said.

"Out of the approximate 125 million Internet user base, the female population accounts for almost 40 per cent," it added.

Online travel has seen growth across all subcategories including car rentals, online travel agents, airlines as well as hotels and travel information sites.

"1 out of 5 online users in India visit the Indian Railways site," the study said.

Retail category penetration has increased to 60 per cent reach and has grown to 37.5 million unique visitors a month, it said.

"Apparel has been the fastest growing subcategory in retail and reaches 13.4 per cent online users in India," the study added.

The study said the average transaction size online in India across both travel and retail category is USD 31 between April-June 2012.

This amount is set to increase with consumer confidence in buying high priced products in the coming months, it said.

"Among the payment types, American Express has the highest average bill value per transaction at USD 110 followed by Visa and MasterCard. Direct debit transactions come from IRCTC," the study added.

India among fastest growing Internet market: Study - The Economic Times
NEW DELHI: India has emerged as one of the top five investment destinations in the world, primarily on account of large market size and high customer potential, says a survey.

Notwithstanding bullish business prospects, the survey also said that India is perceived as a risky place to make investments.

The consulting firm BDO Global Market Opportunity Index 2012 covered more than 1,000 senior finance officers spread across 14 countries, including India, the US and the UK. The survey examines the views of the company's finance chiefs to expand in specific countries.

In terms of investment destinations, India continued to be at the fourth spot in the list topped by neighbouring China. Other nations in the top five are the US (second), Brazil (third) and Germany (fifth).

India among top-5 global investment destinations: Survey - The Economic Times
The momentum that the globalization of the rare earths market has gained over the past two years is set to be highlighted as investors await the announcement that Japan will begin importing rare earth elements (REEs) from India.

The announcement is expected to be made when Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visits the Asian nation next month to sign a new agreement under the continuous Bilateral Strategic Dialogue Framework. The move once again underlines the manufacturing giant’s intention to diversify its rare earth supply base.

India to Begin Exporting Rare Earths to Japan | Rare Earth Investing News
MUMBAI: Foreign investors continued to be bullish on Indian equities during October and have infused more than Rs 12,000 crore so far this month.

From October 1-25, Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) were gross buyers of shares worth Rs 47,443 crore. They sold equities amounting to Rs 35,437 crore -- translating into net inflow of Rs 12,006 crore (USD 2.3 billion) -- as per data available with capital market regulator Sebi.

FIIs bullish on India, invest $2.3 billion in equities in October so far - Economic Times
Hiring trends in India stronger than other markets, says LinkedIn

Hiring trends in India is relatively strong than other markets around the world as nearly half of employers believe the recruitment volume this year is up from 2011, a survey says.

According to the LinkedIn Recruiting Trends survey with over 3,000 professionals/recruiters from the HR/Talent Acquisition department, of which 255 were from India, hiring in India remains healthy, despite global macroeconomic trends.

"Over 50 per cent say hiring volume is up from 2011; another 22 per cent say hiring are at same rate," the survey said adding that budgets appear to be trending in line with hiring volume growth.

Meanwhile, though India appears ahead of most other countries, there is still room to improve data-driven decision-making, the LinkedIn survey said as almost 40 per cent say they are average or poor at using data to make hiring decisions.

About 81 per cent of respondents agree to the fact that employer brand has a significant impact on ability to hire great talent. A whopping 90 per cent of respondents said they are either increasing or maintaining employer brand investment.

India is ahead of the curve when it comes to regularly measuring employer brand. Around 50 per cent of all India-based corporate recruiting leaders measure their employer brand as against the global average of 33 per cent.

Meanwhile, the two biggest obstacles to hiring top talent include competition and compensation. Respondents are worried that their competitors will invest in employer branding, improve referral programmes, and invest in new recruiting tools, the survey noted.

Around 45 per cent cite quality of hire as most critical metric. The survey findings noted that internet job boards and social platforms including online professional networks are rising as quality sources to attract talent.

Another leading trend in India is that most recruiters believe in the importance of passive (who are currently not actively seeking a new job) and in the pipeline talent (database of qualified, relevant candidates in anticipation of future hiring needs).

As per the survey, about 65 per cent of recruiters focus on passive talent and about 87 per cent of the recruiters are engaged in pipeline talent, the survey said.

Hiring trends in India stronger than other markets, says LinkedIn - The Economic Times
When was the first time India claimed to have a GDP of 1.8 trillion US dollars?

2008 if I am not mistaken?

Four years later, India is still stucked in the range of 1.6-1.8 trillion dollars,with hyper inflation,huge trade and fiscal deficits,as well as a plunging currency。In the meantime China's GDP has doubled。

China will finish 2012 with 8.5 trillion dollars while India will be lucky to see the figure 1.8 trillion dollars
When was the first time India claimed to have a GDP of 1.8 trillion US dollars?

2008 if I am not mistaken?

Four years later, India is still stucked in the range of 1.6-1.8 trillion dollars,with hyper inflation,huge trade and fiscal deficits,as well as a plunging currency。In the meantime China's GDP has doubled。

China will finish 2012 with 8.5 trillion dollars while India will be lucky to see the figure 1.8 trillion dollars

Nope you are seriously mistaken.It was only $1.15 trillion then.
Manufacturing PMI nudges up to 52.9 in October supported by a pick up in new orders: HSBC Poll

BANGALORE: Manufacturing growth inched up in October from September's 10-month low, supported by a pick up in new orders and an easing of price pressures, a survey released on Thursday showed.

The HSBC manufacturing purchasing managers' index ( PMI), which gauges the business activity of India's factories but not its utilities, nudged up to 52.9 in October from 52.8 in September.

The index has remained above 50, which divides growth and contraction, for over three and a half years.

"Economic activity in the manufacturing sector picked up slightly thanks to firm new orders," said Leif Eskesen, an economist at HSBC, which sponsors the survey. "Looking ahead, the recovery in manufacturing growth is likely to be slow."

The new orders sub-index, an indicator of future output, edged up to 54.9 last month from 54.4 in September while export orders grew for the second straight month albeit at a slightly slower pace.

Data released last month showed manufacturing rose 2.9 percent in August from a year earlier after contracting 0.4 percent in the previous month. Overall output at factories, mines and utilities rose an annual 2.7 percent.

Price pressures ease

Input and output price indexes fell to their lowest levels in more than two years. But Eskesen said this did not necessarily indicate India's inflation, which rose to a 10-month high of 7.8 percent in September, would cool anytime soon.

Instead, Eskesen said inflation would remain elevated for a while yet, reflecting a Reuters poll which suggested prices will peak in the last three months of 2012 before slowing.

The central bankBSE 0.93 % has maintained that high price pressures keep it from cutting interest rates in the face of slowing economic growth.

The Reserve Bank of India has held interest rates steady since April even as many other central banks cut rates.

It left rates on hold again on Tuesday but cut the cash reserve ratio for banks, which is expected to inject 175 billion rupees ($3.25 billion) into the banking system.

Unusually, Governor Duvvuri Subbarao gave fairly explicit policy guidance, saying the central bank might ease policy in January to March, the final quarter of the fiscal year, when it expects inflation to ease.

The central bank is under pressure from the government and industry to cut rates to try to help revive economic growth, which has slipped to its weakest pace in almost three years.

Manufacturing PMI nudges up to 52.9 in October supported by a pick up in new orders: HSBC Poll - The Economic Times
India topples Thailand as world's largest rice exporter: USDA

India has the emerged as the world's largest rice exporter in 2012 beating its Asian counterpart Thailand with shipment of 9.75 million tonnes, according to USDA's latest report.

Thailand was the top rice exporter with exports of 10.65 million tonnes in 2011. However, its volume slipped to 6.5 million tonnes in 2012.

"On the export side, India's exports were raised 1.75 million tonnes to a record 9.75 million tonnes based on a record pace of shipments to date and larger supplies. This makes India the largest rice exporter in 2012, a first for India," the USDA report said.

India is followed by Vietnam, which shipped 7 million tonnes of rice, Thailand (6.5 million tonnes), Pakistan (3.75 million tonnes) and the US (3.5 million tonnes), it added.

India moved to the top slot from the third place in 2011 buoyed by record production of 104.32 million tonnes on the back of good monsoon rains.

The US agency said with India's shipments rising this year it had to revise its global trade estimates upwards by 1.85 million tonnes.

"Global trade for 2012 was raised 1.85 million tonnes to a record 37.7 million tonnes, with India accounting for the bulk of the upward revision in exports," it said.

The global rice production in 2012 is estimated at 464.87 million tonnes in 2012. India is the world's largest grower.

India topples Thailand as world's largest rice exporter: USDA - The Economic Times
Luxury phone maker Vertu in talks with Indian IT cos to spice up luxury products, plans to open stores in Mumbai, Bangalore

Luxury phone maker Vertu is looking to source software from India and plans to strengthen its distribution network in the country to tap its growing affluent class, its president Perry Oosting told ET.

"We are in contact with some software companies, mostly in the Bangalore," said Oosting, who is Delhi for the launch of the company's first mono-brand boutique.

Vertu, now 90% owned by private equity group EQT, makes some of the most expensive mobile phones in the world, with some having sapphire keys and exclusive ring tones played by the London SymphonyBSE -2.55 % Orchestra.

The phone maker develops exclusive applications and features for its high-profile clients, such as a car parking application developed in partnership with Italian carmaker Ferrari.

"We want to add features that are relevant to luxury consumers. The application will enable a Ferrari owner to find right parking spot for his expensive car," Oosting said, adding that the brand is looking to enhance such offerings and expects some of the work to be done out of India.

Vertu, launched in 2002 by Nokia (now holding 10% stake), has so far sold 350,000 handsets worldwide. The company's India sales-started in 2005 in partnership with Matrix Distributors-is a fraction of the global figure.

Oosting said the brand is looking to beef up distribution in India by opening exclusive stores. "We currently have 19 points of sale in India, but now we plan to open mono-brand stores in Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore after Delhi."

As part of its sales push, the phone maker has also set up a service centre in Mumbai. India in terms of luxury retail is relatively small, but is definitely growing. There are a few challenges like availability of supporting infrastructure and environment, he says.

Vertu expects sales to touch e300 million this year on the back of strong demand from Asia. "As we focus on the Asian region, we are also investing and expanding in Europe," Oosting said, adding that the company recorded sales of e260 million last year. On speculation about Vertu shifting to a new operating system, Oosting said, "There is nothing wrong with Symbian OS, but having said that, we will make the change. We do not want to be a pre-historic brand."
Not at all! Just some cut and paste works!

Here comes the falling of the rupees again, despite the hot money!

at the time of writing the rupee is trading at 53.75 to the dollar!
Can you blame me for laughing my head of at this.........:D
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