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Featured Indian Eastern Command admits Four Indian Soldiers Killed Along the LAC

Meanwhile, over at the White House.... Trump spots Modi's number on the caller ID...

Indian Eastern Command that is based in Kolkata, and which is responsible for areas along the LAC bordering Sikkim , Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh and the Entire Northeastern States has admitted just a few hours ago that four of its men were killed in the line of duty just a few days ago.

Some sources suggest that they were killed in clashes with the PLA on the 30th of November 2020.

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Suddenly Indian Army is following a leaf out of PA ISPR playbook?!

They used to hide their casualties and never acknowledge them. Hence why I always say attempts to return ISPR to a defunct organisation should be stopped ASAP.
Indian Eastern Command that is based in Kolkata, and which is responsible for areas along the LAC bordering Sikkim , Bhutan, Arunachal Pradesh and the Entire Northeastern States has admitted just a few hours ago that four of its men were killed in the line of duty just a few days ago.

Some sources suggest that they were killed in clashes with the PLA on the 30th of November 2020.

Mod edit: Avoid sharing random twitter account/non credible tweets with copy and paste content.
Two out of four appears to be Muslim soldiers, one is probably belong to Sikh community and the last one may be Dalit …

There is a possibility that all four were killed by their superiors to coverup the corruption within the IA.

Hindutva nation mindset is tune to caste system and the highest cast is empowered to oppress their lower cast Hindus and non-Hindus.

Even civilians and law enforcing agencies do not respect Indian soldiers and treat them badly and unjustly.
Two out of four appears to be Muslim soldiers, one is probably belong to Sikh community and the last one may be Dalit …

Only one is Muslim. Rest are hindu

Indians are saying they died in road accident
RIP to the dead !!

Would like to know the cause, couldn't find in any main stream media or through credible insiders.
I don't believe they died in a clash with PLA. They most probably died in an accident as of the well known poor logistic support and extensive mismanagement in India Army.
They are time travelers now?

Yes indeed. Even indian politicians claim that ancient indians invented the internet and satellite technology 9,000 years ago:

Yes indeed. Even indian politicians claim that ancient indians invented the internet and satellite technology 9,000 years ago:

Biplab Kumar Deb, chief minister for the northeastern state of Tripura, cited the Mahabharata, the Sanskrit epic of ancient India, as evidence to support the claim that the internet was invented by Hindus more than 9,000 years ago in the latest example of nationalists laying claim to western inventions.

Ironically, the history says otherwise. Hinduism was founded around 850 BCE to 600 BCE, It means the age of Hinduism is around 2870 to 2620 years.

Probably, these Hindus can time travel back 7000 BCE and invented during prehistoric period their "internet and satellite technology".
There are some recent rumors about digging tunnels across the mountainous terrain along side the china-India border.

Loss of lives due to tunnel collapse could be one of the possibilities. That is why IA wants to coverup the reason of their soldiers death. Casualties during laying mines is another possibility.
For Indian media selling Rice is more important than reporting on what's cooking on LAC. :enjoy:

China Buys Indian Rice for First Time in Decades Amid Ladakh Row as Supplies Tighten
Many Indians go hungry every year, but India is one of the largest food exporters
Indian jawans blood is very cheap nowadays

They have just admitted four at the moment, that also after a few days.

Absolutely disgusting that it took this long for the lying hegemonic Hindu terrorist government and armed forces to recognize the sacrifice of these men.

Why does India treat its men in uniform like dirt?

First it sends ill prepared, under equipped men to the front lines in a fruitless war when all they have to do is abandon their occupation of territories they illegally occupy and belong to Pakistan and China.

Every Indian soldier should take pause, realize they are fighting for a government under a military leadership that doesn't care about them, is lying to them and their peoples and for what? So they can stick it to Muslims, Pakistan and China.

Nothing to do with PLA. It was just too cold.

Would not be surprised if these men died of undernourishment and hypothermia.

You're sure to hear grand tales about how these men fought and killed 9001 PLA troops armed with nothing but a spoon and a jar of mayo liberating territory already under their occupation.

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