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Indian diplomat whose arrest and strip-search in NYC drew protests is indicted again

First you were crying about source and now title just open that page and you will see this written in bold letters right on Top in case you are not blind.
"Indian diplomat whose arrest and strip-search in NYC drew protests is indicted again"

I just added despite all indian pleadings as we all know kaise hath jor jor k you guys got that cunning and corrupt lady into delhi.
this kind of BS isnt allowed in pdf
hence i said so

@WebMaster @Oscar plz change the title
Clinton was not the president lol . YOu guys are so easy to feel . And you have no point . YOu are a simple minded troll who is getting a good beating in this thread .

And We took their side and made the worlds only super power bend in front of us .

Dood Force of Delusion is extremely strong in you .

And rest of your post is more rotten then your thoughts . Diplomat herself is from a "Low Cast" . If we were not supporting her you would be the first one to beat your spindly rib cage and cry .

Take care of your Shias and hazaras who are getting systematically massacred so badly tey are taking dangerous boat trip to Australia and dying in the way .

What happened after blockade ?? Few more dollars to your faces and you people back to scraping mud of their boots again .
Yr knowledge of US politics is as primitive as your thought process is .. Who is representing US these days regarding Ukranian crisis kerry and who is he sect of state as in US all the foreign affairs are dealt by sect of state and that's why clinton then apologized as that was an apology from US president do your primitive mind let you think she gave that apology with out asking permission from US. First you were looking for an apology and when yu got one yu had nothing to say except bla bla bla without any logic and reason.

All I wanted you guys is to accept the sufferings of that poor christian family and accomodate them the way you guys would have had that servant been a brahmin hindu.. I am sure the whole of india would be siding the servant against the dalit officer thats what your culture and teachings are..When will you guys come out of this shitty thought process and give people equal rights?
Yr knowledge of US politics is as primitive as your thought process is .. Who is representing US these days regarding Ukranian crisis kerry and who is he sect of state as in US all the foreign affairs are dealt by sect of state and that's why clinton then apologized as that was an apology from US president do your primitive mind let you think she gave that apology with out asking permission from US. First you were looking for an apology and when yu got one yu had nothing to say except bla bla bla without any logic and reason.

All I wanted you guys is to accept the sufferings of that poor christian family and accomodate them the way you guys would have had that servant been a brahmin hindu.. I am sure the whole of india would be siding the servant against the dalit officer thats what your culture and teachings are..When will you guys come out of this shitty thought process and give people equal rights?

You use word "primitive" like it is your status . Looks like it . Rest of your Madrassa-education inspired post is not worth replying to . Go explode yourself in some market to get to "jannah" .
You use word "primitive" like it is your status . Looks like it . Rest of your Madrassa-education inspired post is not worth replying to . Go explode yourself in some market to get to "jannah" .
Your frustration due to lack of any righteous footing and rational reason is understandable go get some sleep baby before I debunk all yr theories and make you incredible indian an example for the rest of the incredible lot:omghaha:

I wonder why not even a single indian is able to discuss this thread on its merit why they have to see everything thru hindu glasses and cant take all humans as equal even after killing thousands of muslims in riots in past 6 decades they havnt learn how to give their minorities some rights not if all..
Your frustration due to lack of any righteous footing and rational reason is understandable go get some sleep baby before I debunk all yr theories and make you incredible indian an example for the rest of the incredible lot:omghaha:

I wonder why not even a single indian is able to discuss this thread on its merit why they have to see everything thru hindu glasses and cant take all humans as equal even after killing thousands of muslims in riots in past 6 decades they havnt learn how to give their minorities some rights not if all..

Are you mad bro?

She is enjoying in India just like Raymond Davis in US. And you are getting your pants wet just because some idiot in US has filed a re indictment? :lol:

So when US marines are doing an abottabad to get hold on her in delhi? :lol:

Poor chap.
I can see you are scared like rest of the lot . I wonder at times why God created hindus as it was better if this world had a one billion more monkeys or dogs than these hindus.. As yr mental state isnt advanced than a monkey or a dog but being in a human skin you guys are a shame to whole humanity.
I can see you are scared like rest of the lot . I wonder at times why God created hindus as it was better if this world had a one billion more monkeys or dogs than these hindus.. As yr mental state isnt advanced than a monkey or a dog but being in a human skin you guys are a shame to whole humanity.

See . Your madrassa-educated brain can come up with only this .

Best of luck for your suicide attack in next jihahahahahad .

Why are you dragging an ahmadi member here ?? So that he can get abused like the rest of us . Learn to answer your own posts dummy instead of crying for help .
just because some idiot in US has filed a re indictment? :lol:

"Some idiot" I guess your reading abilities are as poor your mental one's.

The Indian diplomat whose arrest sparked a diplomatic row with India has again been indicted by the federal government and faces arrest if she returns to the United States, federal prosecutors said Friday.

Its the US fed govt not some random US guy.
I can see you are scared like rest of the lot . I wonder at times why God created hindus as it was better if this world had a one billion more monkeys or dogs than these hindus.. As yr mental state isnt advanced than a monkey or a dog but being in a human skin you guys are a shame to whole humanity.

As if hindus are the born terrorists and exploding themselves across whole world doing jihad with feet long beards. :lol:
Your frustration due to lack of any righteous footing and rational reason is understandable go get some sleep baby before I debunk all yr theories and make you incredible indian an example for the rest of the incredible lot:omghaha:

I wonder why not even a single indian is able to discuss this thread on its merit why they have to see everything thru hindu glasses and cant take all humans as equal even after killing thousands of muslims in riots in past 6 decades they havnt learn how to give their minorities some rights not if all..

Your personal inability to see things without religion also is a major problem. Americans are following their legal system. The case is so high profile, neither side can be seen as backing down.

The requirement was to get our diplomat out.

1. People said, Americans will not release her. They did.
2. People said. Americans will not let her out of the country. They did.
3. People said. Indians cannot provide her diplomatic immunity. We did,
4, People said. Indian government cannot retaliate. We did.
5. People said. US court will show everything is correct. It did not.

Understand, that there are repurcussions to each step in diplomacy. If for a second, you remove your unfortunate religiously tinted glasses from your bigoted mind, you will see two countries involved in legal wrangle protecting thier citizens and systems. Somehting you will never be capable of. Get it?
I can see you are scared like rest of the lot . I wonder at times why God created hindus as it was better if this world had a one billion more monkeys or dogs than these hindus.. As yr mental state isnt advanced than a monkey or a dog but being in a human skin you guys are a shame to whole humanity.

Frustration at its best :tup:
"Some idiot" I guess your reading abilities are as poor your mental one's.

The Indian diplomat whose arrest sparked a diplomatic row with India has again been indicted by the federal government and faces arrest if she returns to the United States, federal prosecutors said Friday.

Its the US fed govt not some random US guy.

Idiot, is she enjoying in India or is she in jail?

Are US marine going to come and do a salala or abbottabad to get her back?
Your personal inability to see things without religion also is a major problem. Americans are following their legal system. The case is so high profile, neither side can be seen as backing down.

The requirement was to get our diplomat out.

1. People said, Americans will not release her. They did.
2. People said. Americans will not let her out of the country. They did.
3. People said. Indians cannot provide her diplomatic immunity. We did,
4, People said. Indian government cannot retaliate. We did.
5. People said. US court will show everything is correct. It did not.

Understand, that there are repurcussions to each step in diplomacy. If for a second, you remove your unfortunate religiously tinted glasses from your bigoted mind, you will see two countries involved in legal wrangle protecting thier citizens and systems. Somehting you will never be capable of. Get it?

Now run those points for the Raymond Davis case...
Idiot, is she enjoying in India or is she in jail?

You said some random guy filed to re open the case but I just told you its the US govt not a random guy and if that woman ever dares to enter US again she will be arrested.
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