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Indian Defence Moderator

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Jan 11, 2009
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Management Team,

Statistics show that more defence related stuff gets posted under India defence section, yet there is no dedicated moderator for the section. If the management team is uncomfortable with an Indian moderator, even a sensible Chinese moderator will go a long way in keeping the section readable.

I specified a Chinese moderator, because some Chinese members have taken trolling in the India section to a new level and I have not seen any action against them despite reporting their off topic paid rubbish on purely defence related threads. Take the example of follwing thread (this is under world affairs but concerning India - but this is only an example, the same happens under Indian threads too)


How is it relevant what faithfulguy and sinochallenger and other assorted posters think about

1) India was created by British
2) Indians are proud of british conquest
3) Hindi is a central asian language
4) Chola and Mauryas are fake history blah blah blah

to the topic at hand?

Now if I post stuff like this under china defence related threads

1) Chinese are proud of comfort women and opium addiction
2) Nanking massacre was actually good for creating a chinese identity
3) Chinese is a derivative of korean language
4) and other assorted flames that I do not have to prove and nobody can refute because that derails the thread...

atleast the chinese moderator will take action. But all this is going unchecked under India section. Just look at the dump faithfulguy has taken under practially every Indian thread yesterday. Its outrageous and lowers the quality of this DEFENCE FORUM.

Mind you I'm not claiming some Indians do not troll in other sections, but there are dedicated moderators there. Can we have the same for the busiest defence sub-forum too pls?

Please note my concerns.
its like paksitan having Hindu prime minister , not gonna happen ...:cheesy:
An Indian Moderator Having Just Rights in Indian Defense Section will be good . And Trollers can still troll in South Asian Forum . But at the end of the day it's YOUR forum and WHATEVER you feel is RIGHT we will have to comply by it .
Give it to Ajtr ! :D

If you want all Indian members to quit the forum then go ahead give it to her,

on topic - I second that it will only enhance the quality of the Indian sub section and will keep out the trolls who frequent there.
Two things

1. We need to find the right candidate for the job.
2. The ones we select must accept the job.

Both criterias have not been met.
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