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Indian defeated pilot abhinandan leading mig21 at their airshow today

Looking at airshow of india it seems that their airforce is very much short of jets and proper training as well as pilots
Balakot hero Abhinandan Varthaman leads MiG-21 Bison formation on Air Force Day
Abhinandan's aerial maneuver on the MiG-21 was greeted by huge cheers from the crowds.

Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi
October 8, 2019
UPDATED: October 8, 2019 12:37 IST



Ghaziabad: Aircraft of Indian Air Force fly at Hindon Air Base during the event on #AirForceDay today. Wing Commander #AbhinandanVarthaman flew a MiG Bison Aircraft, 3 Mirage 2000 aircraft & 2 Su-30MKI fighter aircraft were also flown by pilots who took part in Balakot air strike

My dad tells me a story sometimes about someone who was totally besharam. This guy had zero self respect. One day he was involved in a wrestling match and got beaten badly. His opponent thrashed him thoroughly and eventually pinned him to the ground.

When asked by people about his heavy defeat, he'd say "yes, my back was pinned to the ground, but my leg was on top!"

This is the status of the Indians right now. They got their a55 handed to them, but they are now showing their countrymen that their leg was on top. :laugh:
Trying to hide their guilt by carrying on the lie this extent. Absolutely shameful. But then it’s the Indian Airforce, can’t expect any less.

They can cover up all they want by giving him awards and bring him to air shows, but in their hearts and mind as professionals, they know they have lost all self respect and credibility.
Guys it is not the man.. but the culture. I think he is quite a gentleman & has kept his promise but do you think he can go against his fascist govt, war mongering nation & media? I don't think so. So see the complete picture. He is just one pixel & you're only focussing on him. It is a shame for the Gangadesh but as a Pakistani, I'm more than happy.
People who fight for their country and are ready to lay down their lives for their country are always heroes, even if they end up as PoWs behind enemy lines. They deserve all the awards they can get. Whether they are from India or Pakistan or any other country in the world. Cowards on the internet sitting inside their comfortable homes will not understand such things.

John Mccain was also a PoW in Vietnam war, yet he was considered an American hero. Karnal Sher Khan, who died fighting Indians in Kargil was rewarded by Pakistan for his bravery and the reward was recommended by the Indians themselves who he fought. Abhinandan deserves it no less. I guess the Indian and Pakistani tradition in this regard is different. We consider those who fight as heroes, not just those who win.

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