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col. shukla has confirmed that Agni 5's 3rd stage uses solid fuel.


Agni-IV is the fourth in the Agni series of missiles which was earlier known as Agni II prime.[1] Agni-IV was tested on November 15, 2011 from Wheeler island off the coast of the eastern state of Orissa. With a range of 2,500-3,500 km[2] Agni-IV bridges the gap between Agni II and Agni III. Agni IV can take a warhead of 1 tonne. It is designed to increase the kill efficiency along with a higher range performance. Agni IV is equipped with state-of-the-art technologies, that includes indigenously developed ring laser gyro and composite rocket motor. Its a two-stage missile powered by solid propellant. Its length is 20 meters and launch weight 17 tonnes.[1] It can be fired from a road mobile launcher.[1][3][4]

Efforts are being made to fine-tuning the Agni missiles to defeat anti-ballistic missile systems. Radar and other signatures of Agni-IV have been significantly reduced to make them much more immune to counter-measures.

At a Glance

The Indian Government sanctioned Rs2,500 crore to develop the Agni V missile, with a range of 5,000km in 2008. (The Agni V is also referred to as Agni III+).

Use of Composites
In 2007, the DRDO developed a large rocket motor-casing made entirely of carbon filament-wound composite, a crucial step towards building Agni-V.

The missile is being developed by adding an all composite third state to the two-stage, 3, 500km Agni III missile.

"Agni V has strike range of 5,000 km and is built with high composite content to reduce its weight. The first stage is made of composites while the missile's second and third stages have a large content of composites," Advanced Systems Laboratory director Avinash Chander told the press on the sidelines of the 98th Indian Science Congress held at SRM University in Kattankulathur, Chennai on January 6, 2011.

He said at 49 tons, Agni V weighs just one ton more than Agni III but its range has gone up far more.

Commonality with Agni-III
The missile will have 60% commonality of components with Agni III, including its ring laser gyroscope and accelerometer.

The gyroscope was developed by Research Centre Imarat (RCI), sister laboratory of ASL, and is part of DRDO's missile complex in Hyderabad.

The ring laser is also fitted on the Shourya tactical missile.

Navigation System
Agni-V uses the same navigation system as the one fitted on Agni-III.

It uses a ring laser gyroscope that was developed by Research Centre Imarat (RCI), sister laboratory of ASL, a part of DRDO's missile complex in Hyderabad.

The ring laser is also fitted on the Shourya tactical missile.

Operational Status
All the three stages have been tested on the ground and the missile is currently being integrated.

"We have tested the three (solid-propellant composite rocket motor) stages of Agni-V independently...all ground tests are now over. The integration process is now in progress. We want to test the missile in December, not let it spill over to 2012," DRDO chief V K Saraswat told TOI on Friday, June 3, 2011.

On February 10, 2010, speaking to the press VK Saraswat had said the design of the missile has been completed and subsystem testing and material cutting is in progress as on February 10, 2010.

"Agni-V has crossed material cutting stage and subsystem testing is going on. Agni-V is derivative of Agni-III. Practically it is the same missile but it is five metres longer and one tonne heavier. Its navigation system is same.

"Sixty percent missile is available and we are just adding another stage. It will be a three-stage missile and it is the first time we will be building a three-stage missile."

First Test
Following the successful testing of Prahaar missile on July 21, 2011, V.K. Saraswat, Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister, told Hindu from Chandipur in Orissa.

“All the three stages of Agni-V have been tested successfully on the ground. The integration activity of Agni-V is now in progress. Our team, headed by Avinash Chander, is working hard for launching Agni-V in December. It will be a national mission.”

On June 3, 2011, speaking on the sidelines of the annual DRDO award function in New Delhi, DRDO chief VK Saraswat said, "Agni-V missile would be ready for test by the end of this year, probably in December."

He made the remark in response to questions from media, after Defense Minister AK Antony asked the DRDO to develop the Agni-V at the earliest during is address at the event.

Earlier, Chief Controller, research and development of DRDO, W Selvamurthy, said in Pune on Thursday, April 29, 2011 that the first test of the missile is scheduled in March 2012.

Speaking to the press on September 12, 2010, DRDO Director General and Scientific Advisor to the Ministry of Defense V.K. Sarsawat had said:

"Agni-V should be ready to be test-fired anytime next year. It is an intermediate-range ballistic missile,” said the Scientific Advisor to the Ministry of Defense.

Speaking to the press on January 6, 2011, Advanced Systems Laboratory director Avinash Chander told the press that the missile will be tested by the end of the year.

MIRV Warheads
VK Saraswat, DRDO's Chief Controller of Missiles and Strategic Systems, told Business Standard in May 2008 that DRDO is working on a 5,000kme range Agni-5 missile, with multiple warheads (MIRVs) that can maneuver and send out decoys to confuse enemy anti-missile defenses.

In October 2008, ASL Director Avinash Chander told Business Standard:

“We have made major progress on the MIRVs in the last two years.”

MIRV technology is very similar to the multiple satellite launch technology that ISRO has mastered and repeatedly demonstrated using its PSLV launcher. However, warhead separation requires a higher degree of accuracy than satellite separation. MIRV is effective only when accuracy of the individual warheads is high, allowing relatively small warheads to be targeted at widely dispersed targets.

MIRVed missiles deployed on nuclear submarines represent a potent second strike capability in support of a no first use nuclear doctrine like the one embraced by India.

Canister Launch
The mobile missile will be the first Indian strategic missile capable of canister launch, allowing it to be deployed and launched from any part of the country. A canister launch capability is also compatible with reports that the missile will ultimately equip India's newly launched nuclear powered submarine - INS Arihant.

Placing the missile in a hermetically sealed canister facilitates long term storage. The missile canister is made of maraging steel allowing it to withstand the 300 to 400 t shock generated when the 50-ton missile.is ejected out.

All future missiles will be canister based ASL Director Avinash Chander told Business Standard in October 2009,

“The Agni-5 is specially tailored for road-mobility,” explains Avinash Chander, Director, ASL. “With the canister having been successfully developed, all India’s future land-based strategic missiles will be canisterised as well”.

Canister technology was initially developed for the naval variant of Brahmos missile. The technology was completely mastered during the development of the K-15 missiles that will initially equip INS Arihant.

with reduced payload Agni 5 Range will be 6,000 KM , making it ICBM

and it would be stupid to think that US or China doesn't know this
I like this thread. One of the posts talked about missile sites along the Tibetan border. I wonder if they are talking about all the tunnels being built up there.
^^ its possible that some hardened silos are built in NE for Agni 3

in some years Agni 5 missiles will also stationed there (speculation)
important news about Agni 3

The Indian army has developed missile launch sites along the Chinese border. It is likely these are meant for use with Agni-III.

Keeping the missiles hidden and deploying them after a first strike fits India's nuclear posture of a recessed deterrent. Putting the missiles in silos would give India a first strike capability that would lower the nuclear threshold in the area.

for source see post 31
^^ its possible that some hardened silos are built in NE for Agni 3

in some years Agni 5 missiles will also stationed there (speculation)

i dont think A-5 will be stationd thier the range of missiles is such that we can easily post it far from the border ..we can put it as far as chennai still will cover whole of china :)
i dont think A-5 will be stationd thier the range of missiles is such that we can easily post it far from the border ..we can put it as far as chennai still will cover whole of china :)

agni V Missile is copy of russia icbm ..u know that
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