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Indian community in Australia : Story Telecast on ABC News ( Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

But what I have never understood is why so many people from US, Europe and Australia itch to visit the "wonders of India". I know India gets millions of tourists tripping over the excrement. And then they sing songs about it. What is all that about???

Even you I believe mentioned went for a "holiday" to India. What was the allure???

Delusion peddled by Hollywood and gora establishment due to lovely dovey ally stuff. It is only when these white post-wall ladies are d!cked forcefully that they realize Eat, Pray, Love was actually a delusional movie rather than a documentary. By then, it's too late.

One of my English friend went on a tour to India with his partner where an Indian guy just simply put his hand inside my friend's partner's shirt and directly grabbed one her secondary female characteristic while simultaneously giving a disgusting smile. My friend just knocked that Indian guy with single punch to the face.

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We have always been wanting to go to Indian and when the opportunity arose we decide to go.

My partner really wanted to go badly, but after what happened to her I hate India.
My extreme apologies for what happened with you and your partner in India. Rest assured that neither I nor most of the Indians did that.
Whites messed of our subcontinent for 200 years...any thought about it???But i agree with you...we have shit load of problems for which i should be ashamed off...but so does you guys too...
My extreme apologies for what happened with you and your partner in India. Rest assured that neither I nor most of the Indians did that.

You are the first Indian who has apologized to us, but my partner is suffering even to this day.

I will always hate your culture and country.
You are the first Indian who has apologized to us, but my partner is suffering even to this day.

I will always hate your culture and country.

Keep your hate with your self. If you are a genuine victim you should approach the Police and punish the criminals. If you are a butthurt racist now ever come again or even think about India
Keep your hate with your self. If you are a genuine victim you should approach the Police and punish the criminals. If you are a butthurt racist now ever come again or even think about India

He's just a racist
he's only mad because the city of Melbourne where he's from has had a large influx in Indian migrants in the past decade, and one probably took his job!
he's only mad because the city of Melbourne where he's from has had a large influx in Indian migrants in the past decade, and one probably took his job!

I know buddy victim dont scream like him. Also I have lot of relatives in Melbourne

Indians should just **** off back to India, Australia has enough problems we don't need disgusting Indians here causing more problems and treating women like they do in India.
All because of dowrey.
I took one suit and one ring from my father in law who was a rich man from a very well know and very powerful political family.
When my father law asked me what I wanted I replied nothing when he persisted I asked give me what's more valuable than your daughter. Being a lawyer he looked at me in shock. It was then when I said you are giving me the daughter your love more than all your wealth. I have been married for 20 plus years. Sadly this lovely man passed away a few days ago. May Allah have mercy upon him.
Wow When You Don't Have Any Argument Left Drag Pakistan Into It:tsk::tsk::tsk:

What you want to talk about, Every criminals in the goddamn country? Thats why every country has prison & laws to punish them.
What you want to talk about, Every criminals in the goddamn country? Thats why every country has prison & laws to punish them.

Look Man Did A Pakistani Start This Thread??????

Yes Every Community Has Rotten Eggs And Pakistanis Are No Exception But We're Not The Ones Judging You Here
What you want to talk about, Every criminals in the goddamn country? Thats why every country has prison & laws to punish them.
Lovely kind rapes comitted in India. rape is is an official sport in India where it's filmed and sold on smartphones. Where do you want to go with this

some of the worst rapes committed in Australia were done by Pakistani men. Pakistani grooming gangs also exist here in Australia.

That justifies Indian rapist...personally I think if a Pakistani commits a rape he should be stoned to death and with pebbles. He knows it's wrong. You Indians defend rapists
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