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Indian claim of F16 shot down

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As usual, read out an statement, claim unproven numbers same as like they did for 300 bodies for domestic consumption and that's all. Remember, F-16 as an american machine & downing these highly capable birds wouldn't go unnoticed for that long. In light of continuous bogus claims & propaganda, these statements does not matter at all. F-16s did not even take part in Op. Mig-21 shot an F-16 but still, one Mig-21 is down?

We have been closing these threads before and this is last reminder for everyone to not to create threads on this forum until & unless Pakistan Statement. Pakistan shared every proof for downing 2 IAF jets and all that is available widely over Internet without any doubt. Verbal statements wouldn't matter in this regard & it will be appreciated to share proof to support such claims.

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