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US, India reach nuclear reprocessing deal

WASHINGTON: India and the United States have concluded a nuclear fuel reprocessing agreement, the Obama administration announced on Monday.

The agreement, a key step in full realization of the US-India nuclear deal, will enable Indian reprocessing of US-obligated nuclear material under IAEA safeguards, the administration said in a statement.

Disclosing that the two sides have "taken an important step toward implementing civil nuclear cooperation by completing negotiations on 'arrangements and procedures' for reprocessing US-origin spent nuclear fuel, the statement said "completion of these arrangements will facilitate participation by US firms in India’s rapidly expanding civil nuclear energy sector."

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Its a great achievement.. This will help us to use plutonium, byproduct of uranium based reactors in our own thorium based FBR's.
Its a great achievement.. This will help us to use plutonium, byproduct of uranium based reactors in our own thorium based FBR's.

no it won't allow to us to use plutonium generated by the uranium coming from outside. The reactors using that uranium will be monitored by IAEA. The reprocessing plant will also be monitored. For our own uranium we have to do reprocessing separately is we have to extract plutonium from that.

This is how the civil and military use reactors will be separated.
The Hindu : News / National : India seeks nuclear pact with Japan

India wants Japan to shun its apprehensions and join hands in the atomic energy sector. This would stimulate the Japanese economy as well as provide muscle to the bilateral strategic partnership, said former Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran, who was the Prime Minister's Special Envoy on Indo-U.S. nuclear issues.

“We see Japan as a strategic partner contributing to India's economic and social development. It is against this background that we must explore the prospects for civil nuclear energy cooperation,” Mr. Saran observed at a seminar on Indo-Japan cooperation in peaceful use of nuclear energy organised by the influential International Friendship Exchange Council (FEC) in Tokyo. He was fielded as part of the Foreign Office's recent approach of asking veteran diplomats to articulate India's position internationally on various issues.

Acknowledging Japan's political sensitivities concerning nuclear weapons, Mr. Saran pointed out that India had been accepted as a responsible nation that eschewed proliferation and was committed to total disarmament. India has signed seven civil nuclear cooperation pacts and two more are in the pipeline. In global R&D on nuclear energy, India is part of the International Thermal Energy Research project in which Japan is the lead country.

He then spelt out areas where both countries could cooperate — reprocessing, R&D and setting up nuclear plants. Japan has a closed fuel cycle in which it reprocesses spent fuel and has set up Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs). India too would reprocess spent fuel for second generation FBRs. “It would be worthwhile if we could engage in a collaborative effort [in FBRs],” Mr. Saran observed.

The other area for cooperation was reprocessing. Japan has been in reprocessing for 18 years while India recently signed a pact with the U.S. in the same sector. Mr. Saran wanted Japan to share its experience in this area which could also give its nuclear industry a major boost when the country is facing depression.
Clean energy

On the move to adopt clean energy options, Mr. Saran referred to Japan's cooperation with China and wanted to know if the time had not come to do so with “a fellow democracy and strategic partner as well.”
Larsen, Rolls-Royce in nuclear energy pact - Reuters -

Indian engineering and construction firm Larsen & Toubro said on Thursday it had signed a preliminary agreement with British power system firm Rolls-Royce to explore opportunities in nuclear power.

The two companies will collaborate for light water reactors in India and overseas. Light water reactor technology is used for more than 60% of civil nuclear power plants operating worldwide, the company said in a statement.

The plan follows a nuclear cooperation agreement between India and the United Kingdom that enables industries in the two countries to engage in civil nuclear commerce, it said.
Rolls-Royce, Larsen Sign Nuclear Equipment Agreement

April 1 (Bloomberg) -- Rolls-Royce Group Plc and Larsen & Toubro Ltd., India’s biggest engineering company, agreed to team up to make components and provide services for light water nuclear reactors globally.

Mumbai-based Larsen and Rolls-Royce will begin work on instrumentation and controls for reactors in the first phase, aimed at India’s nuclear program, according to a release today.

Larsen shares rose 0.8 percent to 1,644.50 rupees at 11:25 a.m. in Mumbai trading. The stock has more than doubled in the past year, compared with a 78 increase in the benchmark Sensitive Index.

Light water reactor technology is used in more than 60 percent of civil nuclear power projects globally, according to the statement. The agreement with Rolls-Royce follows the Civil Nuclear Cooperation Declaration by India and the U.K., the companies said.

India’s atomic capacity is expected to jump 10-fold by 2035.

Rolls-Royce, Larsen Sign Nuclear Equipment Agreement (Update1) - BusinessWeek
India's Thorium Reactor

Indiadaily.com - Indian Thorium based reactor design complete – by 2050 30% of Indian electricity will be generated with Thorium based reactors all over the nation

United States Offers India Thorium Based Nuclear Reactors | India Defence

India Developing Thorium Based Fast Breeder Nuclear Reactor | India Defence

The head of the Mumbai reactor design and development group, Ratan Kumar Sinha, spoke to IEEE Spectrum about India's Thorium reactor design and plans. The Thorium reactor will have less waste (unburned fuel) than current reactors and is designed to operate for 100 years instead of 30-60 years for current reactors.

In April, 2008, India started a test reactor for its Thorium design, which has a flexible configuration and allows use of a range of fuel materials; we can even physically shift the distance between fuel rods. Here we are able to simulate the reactor almost 100 percent.

They have used the well-proven pressure-tube technology and introduced many passive safety features, a distinguishing one being the reactor's ability to remove core heat by natural circulation of coolant under normal operating and shutdown conditions. This eliminates the need for nuclear-grade circulating pumps, which, besides providing economic advantages, enhances reliability.

They have also introduced passive shutdown on the main heat transport system in case of a failure of the wired shutdown system. Using mechanical energy from the increased steam pressure, the system injects neutron poison into the moderator [that sustains the nuclear chain reaction]. There are several other safety features, which are important, because they allow the reactor to be built close to the population.

Sinha: This is a vertical, pressure-tube-type, heavy-water-moderated, and boiling-light-water-cooled natural circulation reactor. The fuel assembly is 10.5 meters in length and is suspended from the top in the coolant channel. The fuel cluster has 54 pins arranged in three concentric rings around a central rod. The 24 pins in the outer ring have thorium-plutonium as fuel, and the 30 pins in the inner and middle rings have thorium-uranium-233 as fuel. The plutonium pins are placed in the outer ring to minimize the plutonium requirement. The thorium provides 60 percent of the reactor's power.



The reactor is designed [to last] 100 years. Present-generation reactors have a design life of about 40 years, and many of the reactors in the West have been extended beyond that. However, what goes inside the core of our advanced reactors will have a lifetime of [only] about 30 years, so the design includes replacement of the material twice in the life of the reactor, which can be carried out during normal annual shutdowns. The reactor is also designed for on-power fueling.

The reactor will produce 300 megawatts of electricity and 500 cubic meters per day of desalinated water for its own purposes.

The perennial challenge was to match the reactor's physics requirements with heat-removal requirements from the core. Physicists wanted to bring down the moderator use as low as possible, which meant the reactor had to be made very compact, with fuel rods being placed as close to one another as possible. The fuel rod spacing had to be reduced from the standard 270 millimeters to 245, and finally to 225 µm—something not attempted anywhere before. And that tremendously improved the performance
of the reactor.

Another innovation was in differentially enriching the fuel [that is, boosting its fissile content] at the top and bottom of the central rod. The upper half has 2.5 percent enrichment; the lower half has 4 percent enrichment. This caused the power to jump from 230 MW to 300 MW.

Use of thorium as a fertile fuel material leads to the following:
• production of an alternative fissile uranium isotope, uranium-233
• coproduction of a highly radioactive isotope, uranium-232, which provides a high radiation
barrier to discourage theft and proliferation of spent fuel.

India, profits from technology
that utilizes their vast thorium resources. Waste produced during reactor operations benefits from the fact
that the thorium-uranium fuel cycle does not readily produce long-lived transuranic elements. To date
thorium utilization has been demonstrated in light water reactors,2 as well as in other reactor types3
including fast spectrum reactors, heavy water reactors, and gas-cooled reactors. In this context, the
database and experience with thorium fuel and fuel cycles are very limited and must be augmented
significantly before large-scale investment is committed to commercialization.
Since thorium is an abundant resource that can potentially be used as a fertile nuclear fuel, it is likely to
be an important contributor to the future global nuclear enterprise in several countries. It is, therefore,
paramount that the evolving global thorium fuel cycle (including fuel conditioning and recycling
operations) incorporate the latest in safeguards and other proliferation-resistant design features so that the
thorium fuel cycle complements the uranium fuel cycle and enhances the long-term global sustainability
of nuclear energy.
My favourite Topic.
Thanks 4 this gr8 compilation.

i would also like to see MSR reactors too as an alternate.
good luck to all INDIANS working on this projects..
PIB Press Release

Silver Jubilee Celebrations of Fast Breeder Test Reactor at Kalapakkam

The Fast Breeder Test Reactor at Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR), Kalapakkam, celebrates Silver Jubilee of its successful operation in October 2010. The FBTR went critical on 18th October 1985. The Silver Jubilee Commemorative Function of FBTR and Radio Metallurgy Laboratory (RML) will be held at the Sarabhai Auditorium, Homi Bhabha Building, IGCAR on 10th October 2010. The Hon’ble Minister of State for Science and Technology, Shri Prithviraj Chavan will preside over the function and release two books on the history of FBTR and RML. A special cover to commemorate the Silver Jubilee will be released by Sh. M.R.Ramanujan, Postmaster General, Chennai City Region, Chennai. Dr. S.Banerjee, Chairman Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. M.R. Srinivasan former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, Dr. Yuri Sokolov, Deputy Director General, IAEA and Dr. Frank Carre of French Atomic Energy Commission will give felicitation addresses.

FBTR is one of the six fast reactors currently operating in the world. Life extension studies confirm that FBTR can be safely operated for at least ten more Effective Full Power years (EFPY). FBTR was built with French technology, based on the design of the Rapsodie reactor which was in operation in the sixties. With an indigenous component of 80% even in the seventies, FBTR is a standing testimony to the capability of Indian industries to rise to the challenges of any new demanding technology.

FBTR utilizes a novel fuel in the form of carbides of Plutonium and Uranium. The Pu content of the fuel is high (70%) which makes it unique in the world. The fuel was developed by joint research by BARC & IGCAR and manufactured to exacting standards. Its performance has been excellent in terms of the energy that can be extracted out of every gram (which is technically called by the term ‘burn-up’). The carbide fuel has reached a burn-up of 165kWd/g without any breach of its outer clad. This means that from every gram of the fuel, heat equivalent of 165 electrical heaters of one kilowatt capacity working for 24 hours has been extracted. What is interesting is that about 80% of the fuel is still unburnt. The recovery of the unspent fuel (which is called ‘reprocessing’) has been successfully demonstrated by IGCAR. Plutonium recovered from the spent fuel from FBTR has been fabricated into fresh fuel pins and loaded back into the FBTR thus closing the fuel cycle.

The operation of FBTR for the past 25 years has by and large been smooth and successful. The four sodium pumps have been in trouble-free continuous cumulative service for nearly 6,75000 hours. The sensitive leak detection systems of the steam generators which can detect nanogram levels of hydrogen in sodium have been in flawless, continuous operation for nearly 18 years. The unique small capacity turbine using such steam has been operating smoothly.

FBTR completed a major milestone in June 2010 when the mixed oxide fuel used in Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR), 500 MWe reached its intended burn-up of 100 kWd/g. The successful attainment of the target burn-up augurs well for the performance of the fuel in PFBR, 500 MWe.

In the coming years, FBTR will continue to be the work-horse for the testing of metallic fuels and advanced structural materials being developed at IGCAR for the next generation of fast reactors with higher breeding ratios. FBTR would continue to generate science based technologies for sodium cooled fast reactors and be a credible cradle for human resources development in this vital technology.

Materials irradiation programme involving nuclear reactors necessarily have to be supported by a Post Irradiation Examination programme to gain maximum insight on the behavior of materials in Nuclear Reactors. The Radio Metallurgy Laboratory (RML) with a hot cell facility adjoining the Feast Breeder Test Reactor was meant to cater to these needs. The concept and design of such a facility was unique as it was a first of its kind alpha-beta-gamma facility in the country capable of handling high plutonium content fuels. RML has played a pivotal role in the progressive enhancement of the unique high plutonium carbide fuel from a target burn-up of 25 GWd/t to 165 GWd/t.

Chennai, Oct 9 (IANS) Even as it celebrates 25 years of operations Sunday, the 13MW fast breeder test reactor (FBTR) in Kalpakkam is still going strong and is expected to serve as the test bed for new technologies developed by Indian scientists for a decade more, an official said.

A fast breeder reactor is one which breeds more material for a nuclear fission reaction than it consumes and is key to India's three-stage nuclear power programme.

Director Safety Group at IGCAR P. Chellapandi told IANS in an interview: 'The FBTR will be used to test fuel design and its validation.'

In the coming years, FBTR will continue to be the workhorse for the testing of metallic fuels and advanced structural materials being developed at IGCAR for the next generation of fast reactors with higher breeding ratios.

According to IGCAR officials, the conversion of FBTR to be powered by metallic fuel is expected to happen around 2013.

The test reactor would continue to generate science based technologies for sodium cooled fast reactors.

'The FBTR will be used to train people in operating fast reactors that India is planning to build,' Chellapandi said.

As per the life extension studies, the reactor can work for another decade. The FBTR, at the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) in Kalpakkam, around 80km from here, went critical on Oct 18, 1985.

FBTR is one of the six fast reactors currently operating in the world. It was set up mainly to enable Indian nuclear scientists to design and develop a commercial sized fast reactor.

As a matter of fact the IGCAR's design of 500MW prototype fast breeder reactor (PFBR) that is fast coming up at Kalpakkam nuclear island is mainly based on the results generated by FBTR's operation over the years.

The FBTR built on the French Rapsodie-Fortissimo reactor design, braved various challenges during the initial years as the West denied access to technology forcing the Indian scientists to come out with their own solutions.

According to Chellapandi, the reactor was constructed by Indians though it was designed by French.

Currently FBTR utilises a novel fuel in the form of carbides of Plutonium (Pu) and Uranium - known as carbide fuel.

According to officials, the operation of FBTR over the years has by and large been smooth except for one incident when there was a leakage of 75kg of sodium in 2002.

'Within three months the reactor was back in operation,' Chellapandi said.

On Sunday, the Silver Jubilee Commemorative Function of FBTR and Radio Metallurgy Laboratory (RML) will be held at IGCAR complex.

Union Minister of State for Science and Technology, Prithviraj Chavan will preside over the function and release two books on the history of FBTR and RML.

A special cover to commemorate the Silver Jubilee will be released.

Deputy Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yuri Sokolov, Chairman of Indian Atomic Energy Commissison S. Banerjee, IGCAR Director Baldev Raj, Frank Carre of French Atomic Energy Commission and other officials will be participating in the event.
The Hindu : Cities / Chennai : We won't compromise on three-stage nuclear power programme: Chavan

Even as India looks forward to expand its nuclear power programme with imported reactors and fuel, “there will be no compromise with our commitment to the indigenous three-stage nuclear power programme, to our own research and our own technology,” Union Minister of State for Science and Technology Prithiviraj Chavan said on Sunday.

Mr. Chavan was delivering the presidential address at a function to mark the silver jubilee of the Fast Breeder Test Reactor (FBTR) attaining first criticality on October 18, 1985, at Kalpakkam, near here.

The Minister was responding to fears that India's plans to import 36 reactors would lead to dilution of Homi Bhabha's vision of a three-stage nuclear electricity programme. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had assured the country that he would stand by the programme. Breeder reactors were essential for India's energy security, Mr. Chavan said.

(In the first stage, India has so far used natural uranium as fuel to build 17 Pressurised Heavy Water Reactors (PHWRs). In the second stage, plutonium reprocessed from the spent fuel of the PHWRs, depleted uranium and thorium kept in the blanket form will be used as fuel to power a series of breeder reactors. Thorium used in the breeders gets converted into uranium-233, a fissile material. In the third stage, reactors will use thorium and uranium-233 to generate electricity. Thus, the three stages are inter-linked. Fast reactors are commonly called breeder reactors as they breed more fuel than they consume).

Mr. Chavan said the FBTR, which formed the corner-stone of the second stage, had an impeccable safety record. The Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR) had mastered the use of liquid sodium. Its use could lead to fire. Excellent performance of the sodium systems had removed fears about the handling of liquid sodium at high temperatures.

Though the FBTR, with an output of 40 MWt, was an experimental reactor, it had the complexities of a power reactor. The IGCAR's bold decision to deploy plutonium-uranium carbide fuel in the FBTR had paid rich dividends, in the form of experience gained in the design, fabrication and testing of advanced fast reactor fuel. He was glad that the FBTR would work for up to 2030 and fulfil all its original missions.

Mr. Chavan released several books, including those on the 25 years of commissioning of the FBTR and the silver jubilee of the Radiometallurgy Laboratory (RML) of the IGCAR. He described the FBTR and the RML as “jewels in the crown of the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE).”

M.S. Ramanujan, Postmaster-General, Chennai City Region, released a special cover on the FBTR's silver jubilee.

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Chairman Srikumar Banerjee said the DAE was convinced about the viability of India's three-stage nuclear electricity programme. He lauded N. Srinivasan for his remarkable leadership in establishing the IGCAR and associated laboratories. Mr. Srinivasan achieved all this when the country had no engineering base, and he was clear that the IGCAR's focus was on developing fast reactors.

Dr. Banerjee also lauded C. Ganguly, who had headed the Nuclear Fuel Complex, Hyderabad, for developing the mixed carbide fuel, the first of its kind, for the FBTR.

“Today, we have a leadership position in fast reactors,” Dr. Banerjee said. “The FBTR is a training ground for the personnel who will operate the Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) coming up next door. Our colleagues have shown a dramatic courage in the 500-MWe PFBR construction.”

IGCAR Director Baldev Raj said the FBTR's steam generator had worked for 25 years without any failure. India would build six breeder reactors, including the PFBR and two more at Kalpakkam, of 500 MWe each. Beyond 2020, breeders of 1000 MWe capacity, using metallic fuel, would come up.

M.R. Srinivasan, P.K. Iyengar and R. Chidambaram, all former AEC Chairmen, praised the IGCAR's pioneers such as Vikram Sarabhai, N. Srinivasan and the late C.V. Sundaram for building the IGCAR and how “Kalpakkam has become the centre of fast reactor development in the world.”

Yuri Sokolov, Deputy Director-General, International Atomic Energy Agency, said nuclear energy, as an option, “cannot be ignored.”

Frank Carre, CEA, France, said the PFBR would be the stepping stone for India's sustainable energy future.

G. Srinivasan, Director, Reactor Operation and Maintenance Group, IGCAR, said the FBTR was one of the six breeder reactors operating in the world.
‘Indian scientists to train in Israel for n-plant security’

Islamabad, Oct 24 (IANS) More than 100 senior scientists from India’s Tarapur Atomic Power Plant, near Mumbai, will be soon travelling to Israel to get acquainted with the latest developments in safety norms for nuclear plants, a Pakistani paper said Sunday.

The decision to send the team of 130 scientists was taken at a high-level meeting chaired by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, a report in the Urdu daily Jang said.

Among other decisions taken at the meeting, also attended by the home and defence ministers and the Atomic Energy Commission chief, was to change the security system at the Tarapur plant. According to the report, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was also present at the meeting.

It was decided to appoint the Central Bureau of Investigation’s (CBI) former director Joginder Singh as head of a committee to oversee the new security

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