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Indian Citizenship for Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Christians of Pakistan

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@dadeechi thread title to sahi se likha karo :P

Citizenship will be given to all Non-muslims. Talented muslims will be granted citizenship on a case to case basis (eg: Adnan Sami)
and why not muslims, considering muslims are a big population of India. Thats still racist.
Salma agha also living in Mumbai and asking for OCI status :)

Citizenship will be given to all Non-muslims. Talented muslims will be granted citizenship on a case to case basis (eg: Adnan Sami)
Ahmaddiya, baha'i, zoroastrini(parsi), jaini, kalashi and aethiest not included.

I am pretty sure all of those would be considered in the final bill. Ahmaddiya's is tricky issue as they are considered as Muslims like Shias.
Salma Agha and Adnan Sami are still followers of Islam some rumors are saying 1-2 more Pakistani artists living in Mumbai are seeking Indian citizenship like Adnan Sami

@dadeechi thread title to sahi se likha karo :P

and why not muslims, considering muslims are a big population of India. Thats still racist.
@dadeechi thread title to sahi se likha karo :P

and why not muslims, considering muslims are a big population of India. Thats still racist.

Muslims persecuting Muslims is sectarian and not considered religious persecution. Hence the case of Shias & Ahmadis is tricky.

Salma Agha and Adnan Sami are still followers of Islam some rumors are saying 1-2 more Pakistani artists living in Mumbai are seeking Indian citizenship like Adnan Sami

This bill is for automatic process. I am pretty sure the current exception process of granting Citizenship to persecuted Muslims would still be followed. It would just not be automatic but case by case basis.
News Report mentions refugees and poverty apart from religious persecution

Muslim refugee on basis of poverty cannot get indian citizenship? thats racist.
. .
Its great and good news India still belongs to Hindus all over the globe .... I still remember Mani Shankar Aiyyar opposes the asylun for Pakistani Hindus

Muslims persecuting Muslims is sectarian and not considered religious persecution. Hence the case of Shias & Ahmadis is tricky.

This bill is for automatic process. I am pretty sure the current exception process of granting Citizenship to persecuted Muslims would still be followed. It would just not be automatic but case by case basis.
. . .
Poor muslims have 56 countries to seek asylum but Hindus and Sikhs have one although Buddhists still have other options .... even after having brothers and sisters in 56 countries persecuted Muslims have justified reason to seek asylum in India then they should be treated equally example Taslima Nasrin

News Report mentions refugees and poverty apart from religious persecution

Muslim refugee on basis of poverty cannot get indian citizenship? thats racist.
. . . .
Poor muslims have 56 countries to seek asylum but Hindus and Sikhs have one although Buddhists still have other options .... even after having brothers and sisters in 56 countries persecuted Muslims have justified reason to seek asylum in India then they should be treated equally example Taslima Nasrin

Persecuted Muslims would still be grated citizenship like India does today on a case by case basis.
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