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Indian BSF Ordered to Stop Border Killings

Know this fact, Bangladeshi people dont speak in Urdu. And, Bangladesh is a homogeneous populations country not a diversified one. Land to people everything is homogeneous, more than 97%+ are bangla speaking rest of are the tribal hilly people. So, i should really doubt about ur quotation.

He is talking about Bihari immigrants to Bangladesh which formed bulk of Rajakars and Al-Badr etc. They wanted political asylum in Pakistan after 71, but was denied mostly.
True. And, You will find out, soon when the BGB will start shooting indians to death.

Do that. But please stop this unbearable whining about BSF shooting 'innocent' illegal BD migrants.

You have to understand that the shooting is supposed to act as a deterrent. But it is not, for every person shot, 10 get through. And therein lies the problem. The degree of desperation is evident.

What is the solution to this ?? Atleast in your opinion as when India grows more fastly ion the coming years, this is only going to increase. :frown:
When its hindus, you show sympathies, but you support BSFs behaviours towards killing innocent children and raping women. stop playing this double standard game.

I dont care what shyt happens inside your country, but when someone cross the border illegally they will be shot.

Does it look like double standard ? And yes I know why that member was saying some Hindus might not support BD.I perfectly understand their feelings.
Recently some Bangladeshis were harping over a Guardian article about border killings....well here is a Guardian article about illegal Bangladeshis.

Commonwealth Games 2010: Illegals not allowed

Sita, the servant, is gone. Delhi is shining, as is Gurgaon. Sita, like my uncle's family, lives in Malibu Towne in Gurgaon, 212 acres of heaven where the upper-middle-class inhabitants of the tower apartments enjoy a life of "no load-shedding" – meaning the towers' power is supplied by generators so that residents can avoid the cyclical power cuts the Indian government inflicts on its booming populace.

No marble floors and 24-hour power and water for Sita, though. She and her husband, Mahesh, live in a makeshift jhuggi, or shanty town, right next to the towers, where a few sticks in the mud support the blue tarp that they and their three children call home. Sita is my uncle's family's primary servant and she cooks and cleans the dishes, toilets, floors and clothes. Mahesh cleans the cars. Their friend, Gautam, is the mali, or gardener.

Their jhuggi, just next to the Malibu towers, is built on a plot of land owned by a jat – a member of the land-owning caste in Haryana, the state of which Gurgaon is a part. They call him Pehelvan (meaning "wrestler") and pay 600 rupees (£8.50) a month for the right to live there illegally. There are about 100 residents there. Pehelvan, like my family, also knows their other secret. "Sita" is really Mehrunissa, "Mahesh" is Muhammad and "Gautam" is Yassir Khan. They are all Bangladeshi refugees, Muslims using Hindu names to work in the predominantly non-Muslim households of Gurgaon. They are illegal immigrants and have no papers.

On the night of 15 September, Pehelvan confirmed to Sita and her family that the Gurgaon police were rounding up people like them and sending them home, because there was no room for illegals during the approaching Commonwealth Games. He told them that he had tried to bribe the cops with 15,000 rupees per family, which was the going rate, but the lines at the local thana, or police station, were too long – he was not the only jhuggi slumlord in booming Gurgaon with the same idea – and it might make better sense for them to leave till "the Games are over".

Five nights later, Sita and her family arrived at my uncle's house with two trunks of belongings, two bicycles and six buckets to store. In the early hours of 20 September they drove out of Gurgaon, leaving most of Malibu Towne without servants, car cleaners, gardeners and rubbish collectors. Pehelvan had helped them charter a bus for the inflated rate of 100,000 rupees, including his cut. The bus was headed to the porous border towns of the Indian state of West Bengal, next to Bangladesh, the impoverished country they fled eight years ago.

My extended family also left Malibu Towne, taking up temporary residence in the larger family house in one of Delhi's other satellite townships, where the servants are aplenty and live in "servant quarters" on the property (so no prying police). They hope to return to Gurgaon in a month when "Sita", "Mahesh" and "Gautam" come back.

Gurgaon, arguably the call-centre capital of a new and booming India, is home to many gated communities like Malibu Towne. There is Central Park, Unitech Nirvana Country, Beverly Park 1 and 2, Suncity, Georgian Residency, Emerald Hills, and Hamilton Court. The list is long and a new one seems to come up every week. Each supports its own micro-economy of illegal domestic workers.

Delhi, which now has 20 million-plus residents if one includes satellite towns such as Gurgaon, has been doing a massive cleanup for its much-derided Commonwealth Games. Overnight, it seems, beggars have been literally swept off the streets. A clean and green Delhi is busy welcoming its firangi (foreigner) guests with endless cultural extravaganzas and marigold garlands.

The servant crisis has gone largely unreported, though. The residents of Malibu Towne are not used to cleaning their own homes, so dishes are piling up and floors are not being swept daily. Calls to various neighbours who were dependent on Sita and her friends reveal that many have taken to eating in Gurgaon's air-conditioned shopping malls which boast vast food courts.

Sita's workday would start at 5.30am and finish at 7pm. She took care of eight houses. There are an estimated 500 families in Malibu Towne. Many Sitas were therefore needed. Most of them have now decamped to the Bangladeshi border to wait till the games end.

The central government has started the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), headed by Nandan Nilekani, the man who gave us the mother of all outsourcing companies, Infosys. More than 1 billion people are to be given UIDs, or unique identification numbers – a gargantuan and complicated exercise. It is not clear if Sita and her family will have access to UIDs or even want them. Being undocumented sometimes has its advantages.

At partition, Bengal was split into East Pakistan and the Indian state of West Bengal; East Pakistan became independent Bangladesh in 1971. From somewhere in West Bengal, Muhammad ("Mahesh") phoned my uncle five days ago: "Are these games over, Sahib?" he asked. "Can we come back?"

Around the same time in the US, another domestic servant called Nicky Diaz Santillan hired a prominent lawyer and held a teary press conference. Her former boss, the Republican Meg Whitman, is running for governor of California and Nicky, the "illegal alien" is now an election issue.

Sita and her family have no access to lawyers and press conferences, yet
These guys have reached Gurgaon !
What is the solution to this ?? Atleast in your opinion as when India grows more fastly ion the coming years, this is only going to increase. :frown:

Karthic the solution doesn't lie in shooting people, afterall they are people like me and you.

I've been to border and trust me it's very easy to cross over without getting shot, you need to spend some moolah, that's it.

Best thing is to educate people close to border of the ills of illegal immigration and make BSF more professional with non-lethal weapons. You can't expect a friendly Bangladesh when Bangladeshis are getting shot at the border.
Karthic the solution doesn't lie in shooting people, afterall they are people like me and you.

I've been to border and trust me it's very easy to cross over without getting shot, you need to spend some moolah, that's it.

Best thing is to educate people close to border of the ills of illegal immigration and make BSF more professional with non-lethal weapons. You can't expect a friendly Bangladesh when Bangladeshis are getting shot at the border.

Its NOT a friendly bangladesh that does not care about india's real issues of illegal immigration and illegal border crossing and opposes fencing of border.

However innocents should not die, no doubts there. I have utmost sympathy for any innocent people getting shot.

@ the banladeshi who wants to kill and rape all bangladeshi hindus, you are already doing it. Just check you own govts official data about the % of hindus in your country. A slow genocide, the real two nation theory.
Karthic the solution doesn't lie in shooting people, afterall they are people like me and you.

I've been to border and trust me it's very easy to cross over without getting shot, you need to spend some moolah, that's it.

Best thing is to educate people close to border of the ills of illegal immigration and make BSF more professional with non-lethal weapons. You can't expect a friendly Bangladesh when Bangladeshis are getting shot at the border.

Yaar I know that they are also people and not cattle. But is there any alternative ??

Educate people about what ?? They are willing to brave bullets and potential murder just to cross over to the other side --- do you think education will stop them ?? :disagree:

And regarding giving BSF non-lethal weapons, by all means do it --- but again will it stop the migration. They dont care about live bullets, do you think they will give a thought about being hit by 'rubber' bullets.

We are not a west-european country with a negative growth rate in population that we face a shortage in labor and must allow migrants - we ourselves are so much labor intensive and any additional migrants will only be seen as a threat to the native labor force which in combination with a threat to the local culture will definitely cause many problems and even riots .

Do we need that ?
Yaar I know that they are also people and not cattle. But is there any alternative ??

Educate people about what ?? They are willing to brave bullets and potential murder just to cross over to the other side --- do you think education will stop them ?? :disagree:

And regarding giving BSF non-lethal weapons, by all means do it --- but again will it stop the migration. They dont care about live bullets, do you think they will give a thought about being hit by 'rubber' bullets.

We are not a west-european country with a negative growth rate in population that we face a shortage in labor and must allow migrants - we ourselves are so much labor intensive and any additional migrants will only be seen as a threat to the native labor force which in combination with a threat to the local culture will definitely cause many problems and even riots .

Do we need that ?

The point is, as PMukherjee pointed out, killing one or two won't stop immigration, rather it will be bad press for India and jeopardize the India friendly government in Dhaka.

Killing one or two won't seal the border, yea I understand there is a deterrent factor but the factor can be nullified by shoving 500 bucks to border guard's pocket.

I'm not at all supporting illegal migration but how do you propose to overcome bribing factor?
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Its NOT a friendly bangladesh that does not care about india's real issues of illegal immigration and illegal border crossing and opposes fencing of border.

No, AL acted with pragmatic approach regarding fencing the border. I hope the fence will be completed soon enough, already 80% of the border is fenced.
I agree with Abir. If there are alternate ways to stop illegal entry, lets work towards it.
The point is, as PMukherjee pointed out, killing one or two won't stop immigration, rather it will be bad press for India and jeopardize the India friendly government in Dhaka.

Killing one or two won't seal the border, yea I understand there is a deterrent factor but the factor can be nullified by shoving 500 bucks to border guard's pocket.

I'm not at all supporting illegal migration but how do you propose to overcome bribing factor?

That is the question I am asking you macha.

How do you propose to do it --- I don't think educating the population will solve it a bit nor will non-lethal bullets.

I am only saying there is a TINA factor here.
That is the question I am asking you macha.

How do you propose to do it --- I don't think educating the population will solve it a bit nor will non-lethal bullets.

I am only saying there is a TINA factor here.

Making BSF more professional and educating will certainly do. Think about it, a BSF personnel will think twice before letting a Pakistani intruder in for meager bribe, because they take it as much greater an offense than letting a Bangladeshi in. The threat perception of BD immigrants simply isn't as great as to make it strict no-no for BSF.

What is TINA factor, if you're referring the fear factor, I think rubber bullet is enough a deterrent for those coming in. It will make them to stay in bed for 1,2 months. It's great economic threat to them as it'll disable them to make the ends meet.
Making BSF more professional and educating will certainly do. Think about it, a BSF personnel will think twice before letting a Pakistani intruder in for meager bribe, because they take it as much greater an offense than letting a Bangladeshi in. The threat perception of BD immigrants simply isn't as great as to make it strict no-no for BSF.

On a lighter note, we cant go to war with BD to increase the threat perception.

The threat perception cannot be increased and Indians in whole can't be made not to accept bribery. Next to impossible.

What is TINA factor, if you're referring the fear factor, I think rubber bullet is enough a deterrent for those coming in. It will make them to stay in bed for 1,2 months. It's great economic threat to them as it'll disable them to make the ends meet.

No it will not be enough - not even live bullets with the risk of losing life is enough to deter them. How can a rubber bullet stop them ? And being in bed with no work - makes the other family members even more desperate to come into India.

The change ultimately has to come from the politicians.There has to be a legislation that no one should employ BD workers without valid visas and on violation they (those who employ) should be fined and imprisoned.

Dont give the Bangladeshis work and curb the reason they want to come here. Is any babu listening ?
I think the key to stopping the infiltration has to be economics. Bullets won't solve it. And completion of the Fence will be an important part of it.
[I am considering here the worst case scenario considering many in BSF to be corrupt as pointed by BD members.]

Currently due to porus border its easy for people to cross over into India either with or without the help of BSF. Also bribing BSF is easy and cheap as BSF can always blame the infiltration to porus borders. So not much responsiblity is on them in case some one crosses over unlike on the India Pakistan Border.

Once the Fence is complete any infiltration will be blamed on the BSF. They have to be responsible for it. So bribing BSF will be very expensive and difficult considering they will be the only source of infiltration. The economics will just not work for the average Bangladeshi's. So infiltration should come down in a big way.

Offcourse some smugglers will still be able to cross over by paying hefty bribes. And this happens around the world. So not sure if you can stop it.

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