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Indian brothers arrested for fighting on Hong Kong MTR with family of 8

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what is wrong with hk government ? Liberalism is killing hk. where's Donald Tang ? HK need a Donald Tang
If you have followed the news in HK, you should know that we are facing refugee problem from South Asia, like the one we had in 80s by Vietnamese. What worst is the crimes were committed by them is much higher than those from Vietnam, and not to mention most of them are fake refugees. This problem is one of the nice jobs from our pan democrats party, HK government did try to deport those fake refugees back to their country but for whatever reason our democrats or liberals help them to stay by using grey area in our laws, which is for now they can stay in HK with allowance from our tax payer money.
If you have followed the news in HK, you should know that we are facing refugee problem form South Asia, like the one we had in 80s by Vietnamese. What worst is the crimes were committed by them is much higher than those from Vietnam, and not to mention most of them are fake refugees. This problem is one of the nice jobs from our pan democrats party, HK government did try to deport those fake refugees back to their country but for whatever reason our democrats or liberals help them to stay by using grey area in our laws, which is now they can stay in HK with allowance from our tax payer money.
Your hk politicians are terrible. what is their objective by allowing these douche bag stay ?
I guess the main objective is to create more instability and divide in our society, and as everyone know pan-democrats are back by USA government.
so many traitors in Chinese society. It would be great karma if one of these illegals rape or kill one of these pan democrats family member.
so many traitors in Chinese society. It would be great karma if one of these illegals rape or kill one of these pan democrats family member.
Rape and kill are too much. I only hope most HK people can wake up to realize that the West never want any good to my hometown, and stop being used by them again to destabilize our country. However for now as you said, too many traitors in our society.
Justice was served! Karma is a bitch!
Glad they got their behinds handed to them.
These idiots should know that they represent india when abroad and such actions give the rest of us a bad name!

Two thumbs up to the outcome of all this!
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