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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

The Indian Charge d’Affaires was summoned to the Foreign Office to convey Pakistan’s strong protest over the unprovoked violation of its airspace by an Indian ‘supersonic flying object’ which entered from ‘Suratgarh’ India at 1843 hrs (PST) on 9 March & fell near Mian Chunnu.

The ‘supersonic flying object’ which entered Pakistan from ‘Suratgarh’ India at 1843 hrs (PST) on 9 March fell near Mian Chunnu city in Pakistan at around 1850 hrs, causing damage to civilian property.

The Indian diplomat was told that the imprudent launch of the flying object not only damaged civilian property but also put at risk human lives on ground.

Besides, the flight path of the flying object endangered several domestic/international flights within Pakistani airspace & could have resulted in a serious aviation accident as well as civilian casualties.

The Indian Cd’A was told to convey to the Government of India Pakistan’s strong condemnation of this blatant violation of Pakistani airspace in contravention of the established international norms and Aviation safety protocols.

Such irresponsible incidents were also reflective of India’s disregard for Air safety & callousness towards regional peace and stability. Pakistan calls for a thorough and transparent investigation of the incident, the outcome of which must be shared with Pakistan.

Moreover, the Government of India is cautioned to be mindful of the unpleasant consequences of such negligence and take effective measures to avoid the recurrence off such violations in future. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, Islamabad 10 March 2022

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Chalo ji shuru .
I heard rumours that Hafiz Saeed owned land in that area. Could the target be hitting his land and claiming surgical strike?

- Indians a few days ago claimed they killed JeM operative in Karachi who was part of hijacking of Indian airliner.
- Indians also claimed very recently that more then a dozen militants from Pakistan crossed LOC and entered occupied Kashmir.
- Recently a grenade attack happened in occupied Kashmir which was done by Indians by blamed on mujahideen, in the attack dozens of innocents were injured and many martyred.
- Indians also recently again sent their submarine into our waters

Things In the past few days were pointnn in g towards a false flag.

Could Indians try to cash in on our political instability at the moment and attempt another misadventure?

Was this in reality an attack on Hafiz Saeed’s land? This isn’t the first time Hafiz Saeed and his property has been targeted by Indians recently a year ago there was a car bombing in front of his home.
Are bhai itna time kyun lug rha he? Fire Raad ALCM on a mandir or military facility. This is highest level of escalation. What explanation do they want from India? India will make excuse like failed test or something but in reality, they have fired a cruise missile in our territory. I strongly urge cruise missile attack on Mumbai but without warhead.
yes you are right to fire a subsonic CM without a warhead and give India a sophisticated technology which they are striving to develop ........nirbhay is still a failed CM and Brahmos is a clone of Russian P-800 ....
We will send unarmed objects into India if the reasoning meets our expectations of action.. We will hammer India with unarmed objects
Who said the missile should be intercepted only if its heading towards a facility? Bloody civilian lives don't matter to you or what?

There was no loss of life on 26th February either, still we responded. Point here is not loss of life, rather our sovereignty and our borders are being challenged.
How many civilian lives were lost. Because the only response to nuclear capable missile is strategic

yes you are right to fire a subsonic CM without a warhead and give India a sophisticated technology which they are striving to develop ........nirbhay is still a failed CM and Brahmos is a clone of Russian P-800 ....
So what do you want? do you want me to celebrate Indian cruise missile strike? Shabraat k liye rakhen kya missiles? do you remember what musharraf said to india years ago? Enough is enough. we are a country. We left their submarine unharmed 3 times. no country in the world do this type of things. Armed forces of pakistan must respond. There is no need to ask India to give explanation. It was a cruise missile and not a balloon. Respond and respond fast. I want to see thick smoke coming out from mumbai. Hit Mumbai. Hit them hard.
Great logic

So militarily only respond when if anything is going to hit its installations. if not then bloody civilians can die as its not their responsibility to protect them.

I guess if few civilians are killed in Mian Chanu (which very easily could have been the case ) then its not a big deal as long as no military is targeted.

Air defense coverage is Mostly around large cities and strategically important assets. No country has 100% coverage. Do you think mian channu is strategically important ?

If civilians had been killed a similar response would be given….remember Feb 27

The Indian Charge d’Affaires was summoned to the Foreign Office to convey Pakistan’s strong protest over the unprovoked violation of its airspace by an Indian ‘supersonic flying object’ which entered from ‘Suratgarh’ India at 1843 hrs (PST) on 9 March & fell near Mian Chunnu.

The ‘supersonic flying object’ which entered Pakistan from ‘Suratgarh’ India at 1843 hrs (PST) on 9 March fell near Mian Chunnu city in Pakistan at around 1850 hrs, causing damage to civilian property.

The Indian diplomat was told that the imprudent launch of the flying object not only damaged civilian property but also put at risk human lives on ground.

Besides, the flight path of the flying object endangered several domestic/international flights within Pakistani airspace & could have resulted in a serious aviation accident as well as civilian casualties.

The Indian Cd’A was told to convey to the Government of India Pakistan’s strong condemnation of this blatant violation of Pakistani airspace in contravention of the established international norms and Aviation safety protocols.

Such irresponsible incidents were also reflective of India’s disregard for Air safety & callousness towards regional peace and stability. Pakistan calls for a thorough and transparent investigation of the incident, the outcome of which must be shared with Pakistan.

Moreover, the Government of India is cautioned to be mindful of the unpleasant consequences of such negligence and take effective measures to avoid the recurrence off such violations in future. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan, Islamabad 10 March 2022

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What a pathetic bunch of sissies. Doesn't even have the courage to call it what it actually was.
It was just a misfire, don't know why people are getting worked up.
Look at it this way. Just imagine .

Someone throws a grenade at your house and you are sitting at the gate just watching , doing nothing . While you could throw it out or atleast open fire at the one who threw it but you choose to watch the show .😑

The clowns next door (Indian defence forum) are speculating that Pakistan made an outer copy of the Brahmos missile and launched it themselves in their territory to aid Imran Khan's during the no confidence vote. They are backing this up by giving the fact that Brahmos secrets were leaked in 2018 by a DRDO employee...
1 cruise missile does not prove that our air defense is weak ...take the example of Saudis even after billions of $ spending still their oil facilities are not safe. what u guys were expecting that the missile crosses the border and interceptor missile is launched.... with integrated air defense and complete coverage of radar, the respective battery must have been informed for timely action as AVM said we were monitoring so have faith in our leadership.
India is caught in a trap of its own more than 24 hrs passed and still they are thinking of either accepting or denying it. In both cases, their credibility as a responsible nuclear state is at stake.

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