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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Ive put my life on the line for the state and every time i told myself that my life is nothing infront of the job at hand. So unlike keyboard warriors, my life or a bunch of ppl's life is not worth more than the honor of the country. Who invaded iran for hitting a passenger plane? In no way am advocating to hit a plane but letting a missile land because of passenger planes is wrong. Even then if we were sure abt its trajectory and didn't shoot it, we still need to respond.
you've put your life on the line?
Few things to keep in mind.

  • Pakistan and India have a treaty which requires informing each other of ballistic Missile launches for testing to make sure other doesn't see a launch as an agressive action
  • This treaty doesnt cover cruise missiles however which is an advantage for Pakistan because Indian cruise missiles are super sonic and less maneouvarable and lack terrain hugging capabilities.
This could explain no reason given to Pakistan for a test launch of cruise missile. However my suspicion based on ISPR statement is once the missile went astray they informed Pakistan through back channels. DG Military Operations usually have a direct line for such cases. The delay in ISPR statement also gives credence to the theory.

India would naturally want to bring Cruise Missiles under the treaty and can use this case as substance to include Cruise Missile launches ubder the treaty.

Looks like my guess was on spot.

Sir, check out the sources above. None of these people would have the knowledge from within IA/DRDO. It's not that hard to have bought some experimental HGV's to do further R&D on. There is no essential explanation but this, just take a look at the images of the projectile that landed here.

Lastly, many nations including Pakistan, first test out the technology demonstrator (prototype, that's what I think this projectile was) and then ask for a full production build to workout additional kinks and deployment. The trajectory speaks volume, along with object's images.


The missile came down in a residential area near Mian Channu in the Khanewal district of the eastern Punjab province. Its impact did not lead to any loss of life, but it reportedly did cause some damage to civilian infrastructure. Photos of the wreckage soon appeared on social media.

Pictures of the “unarmed supersonic surface to surface missile” from #India that crashed 124 kilometres deep in #Pakistan yesterday in Mian Channu. pic.twitter.com/2hzFkwrlNX
— AEROSINT Division PSF (@PSFAERO) March 10, 2022

🇵🇰⚡🇮🇳The rear end of the Indian missile that was shot down over Pakistan yesterday matches this honeycomb structure at the end of an Indian BrahMos supersonic cruise missile. #Pakistan #India
/source: BellumActaNews/ pic.twitter.com/yLpEb3iqTf
— The RAGE X - Conflict News (@theragex) March 10, 2022

The missile in question was not identified by India but the Pakistani Ministry of Defense described it as an “unarmed supersonic missile,” suggesting that it may have been an example of the BrahMos, a ramjet-powered weapon that is fielded by India in air-, ground-, and ship-launched versions. Jointly developed by India and Russia, the BrahMos has a range of up to 310 miles and can be fitted with a high-explosive or a submunitions warhead; there have been rumors of a potential nuclear-armed variant but there is no evidence that such a version is currently in service.

Regardless, the Pakistan Air Force said it was able to track the missile’s flight path from its “point of origin near Sirsa in India,” according to Pakistani Ministry of Defense spokesman Maj. Gen. Babar Iftikhar. “The flight path of this object endangered many domestic and international passenger flights both in Indian and Pakistani airspace as well as human life and property on the ground,” he added. Reports state that, for at least some of its flight, the missile was flying at 40,000 feet and reached a top speed of Mach 3.

A high speed projectile launched from India entered Pakistani airspace and fell near Mian Channu (Khanewal dist) damaging some civilian property: @OfficialDGISPR of Pakistan claimed on Thursday. Claimed it was launched from Sirsa, flew at Mach 3 & travelled 124km inside Pak pic.twitter.com/fqC7EPc8hO
— Dinakar Peri (@dperi84) March 10, 2022

Object picked up at high altitude at 40,000 feet and it was travelling at speeds in excess of Mach 2.5 and ultimately identified as Mach 3. Recovered the debris and continuously doing forensic analysis of this object.. it is a supersonic surface to surface missile: AVM Zia 3/n
— Dinakar Peri (@dperi84) March 10, 2022

Pakistan claims that the missile was headed to the Mahajan Field Firing range in Rajasthan but veered westwards, entering Pakistani airspace, after what their authorities described as a “sudden maneuver.”

Based on timings provided by Pakistan, the missile was airborne for just seven minutes before impacting near Mian Channu.

For use against ground targets, the BrahMos has a combined inertial navigation system (INS) and GPS guidance, with a radar seeker provided for the terminal phase.

While the ground-launched BrahMos system is not known to be normally based near Sirsa, the missiles are transported and fired from trucks, which are inherently mobile and could have been moved to the area from where it was said to be launched. Aside from that, there remains the question of whether Indian missiles, conventionally or nuclear-armed, are maintained in a ready-to-launch status and aimed at targets in Pakistan.

Pakistan track the incoming missile in to its territory but failed or just didn't want to destroy it as it was falling in deserted area .
Reason why it was not shot down might be Pakistan wanted it intact to examine it .

India lost its latest generation missile to Pakistan hopefully will help Pakistan like it has with Indian submarine data in future
if paksitan fire missile on it it was another stupidity . this area is dense civilan air traffic area . we may end up shooting down an airliner . india fired missile from area which ave many air routes inside india and then air routes in pakistan . daily some 2000 aircrafts fly over pakistan man


This is a win for Pakistan. Even it was an intentional fire, which I now doubt, it shows the weak command and control in India that increases the risk of an unintended nuclear war.

Despite all those on this forum criticizing the Army and Bajwa and calling for knee jerk reaction, Pakistan’s response was deliberate and responsible, hence correct.

People and places that matter watch these things very carefully as risk of a nuclear war, accidental or otherwise is one of the most serious if not “the” most serious threat to mankind.

Let alone the risk of a nuclear war, Indians risked international civilian air traffic and Pakistani civilians. A few days ago USAF was exercising in area close to the missile’s fly path. PLAAF has deployed at Rafiqui 20 miles, as the crow flies, from the impact. One more time India has shown to the world that they are a bunch of idiots.
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what thank god ? this area is full of civilan air traffic it was horrible stupid mistake one can imagine

missile crossed six civilian air traffic routes 4 international and 2 domestic . it can hit any airliner . last time same stupidity was done by india on 26 feb .

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the fact that it purposefully took a flight path close to a well known civilian air traffic route tells me that this was deliberate, not accidental. that flight path was purposefully programed into the middle. I am sure that the incompetent indians were as usual overconfident that brahmos could not be detected let alone be intercepted. Well we detected it from the start AND intercepted it. Two Pakistani federal ministers have already said said that we intercepted it. never mind the fact that the ISPR hasn't admitted to the interception, they also never admit interfering in politics either but we all know how true that is. Furthermore, the fact that it was shot down 70km away from Rafique Airbase indicates that it was intercepted by a SAM, not an AAM...If it was an air interception, it would've happened a lot sooner... it was either an HQ16 or an HQ9P that did the interception.
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Thanks God it was empty without a warhead..... it's great to see no casualties..... I hope in future we don't test such things even if it is empty, near the border with any country.......
BRO We will not launch empty rocket.....
if paksitan fire missile on it it was another stupidity . this area is dense civilan air traffic area . we may end up shooting down an airliner . india fired missile from area which ave many air routes inside india and then air routes in pakistan . daily some 2000 aircrafts fly over pakistan man

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PAF waited until it was in an air region where there was no airliner in the vicinity or was at a safe distance. just because it is a busy air route doesn't mean they they're are airliners flying through it every minute...duh!
This is a win for Pakistan. Even it was an intentional fire, which I now doubt, It shows the weak command and control in India that increases the risk of unintended nuclear war.

Despite all those on this forum criticizing the Army and Bajwa and calling for knee jerk reaction, Pakistan’s response was deliberate and responsible.

People and places that matter watch these things very carefully as risk of a nuclear war, accidental or otherwise is one of the most serious if not “the” most serious threat to mankind.

Let alone the risk of a nuclear war, Indians risked international civilian air traffic and Pakistani civilians. A few days ago USAF was exercising in area close to missiles fly path. PLAAF has deployed at Rafiqui 20 miles, as the crow flies, from the impact. One more time India has to the world that they are a bunch of idiots.
it is noticed by IATA - ICAO sir aviation forums are discussing Indian stupidity . also many airlines radars have picked it . i think sooner a notam will be issued .
Pakistan should raise this and promote this accident as much as possible so we can get brownie points for any future conflict. Try to spin it and don't let this matter get silenced (which GOI was trying to do). Try highlighting it in international media and world powers.
BRO We will not launch empty rocket.....
💯💯💯 Pakistan could've easily launched a full scale nuclear assault, we have no way of knowing if the flying missile has a nuclear warhead or not.
PAF waited until it was in an air region where there was no airliner in the vicinity or was at a safe distance. just because it is a busy air route doesn't mean they they're are airliners flying through it every minute...duh!
last time air routes were empty in feb2019 . there is always airtraffic . just keep watching flight radar 24 and take screenshot shear with us when area is empty . it will never few aircrafts always in range . we may end up like ukraine shot down Malaysian airline with SAM or iran shot down Ukrainian jetliner sir . just because we have hand on SAM its not mean we should fire it too .
last time air routes were empty in feb2019 . there is always airtraffic . just keep watching flight radar 24 and take screenshot shear with us when area is empty . it will never few aircrafts always in range . we may end up like ukraine shot down Malaysian airline with SAM or iran shot down Ukrainian jetliner sir . just because we have hand on SAM its not mean we should fire it too .
with an incoming missile most probably headed towards the Rafique Airbase, you have to calculated risks.
with an incoming missile most probably headed towards the Rafique Airbase, you have to calculated risks.
it is peacetime and you have to take risks at peacetime . when they really want fight they have banned airlines and sky was clear like this to set a battle ground .

27feb 2019 ready to fire amraams and sams

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