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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

that was no accident.
GOI has expressed regret now. Mistakes happen. This is not sinister and therefore can be put to rest :tup:
Believe me next skrimish mey india ko pata ha usko kiya karna ha.
After 27th Feb india was bit uncertain about the PAKISTANI response against a missile strike . Lekin ab us ne wo bhi dekh liya ha Hamari "no retaliation policy" ki meharbani se .
Wait for Chinese copy of Brahmos cruise missile. Indians are a mess and a shame to Russian military hardware.

Really, Are Indians that stupid to test someone's air defense assets by firing their top Notch missile into enemy territory? Russia won't be happy with this development. Their hypersonic technology fell into hands of Pakistan hence China.

After all a bad news, This just shows that Pakistan needs to Focus on its radar networks, seriously saying, it was a huge blunder from Pakistanis to not recognize the missile coming from supposed enemy territory.

They can bomb all air defense installations of Pakistan in case of a future conflict. Radar network
i suggets we have some malfunction in india

Wait for Chinese copy of Brahmos cruise missile. Indians are a mess and a shame to Russian military hardware.

Really, Are Indians that stupid to test someone's air defense assets by firing their top Notch missile into enemy territory? Russia won't be happy with this development. Their hypersonic technology fell into hands of Pakistan hence China.

After all a bad news, This just shows that Pakistan needs to Focus on its radar networks, seriously saying, it was a huge blunder from Pakistanis to not recognize the missile coming from supposed enemy territory.

They can bomb all air defense installations of Pakistan in case of a future conflict. Radar network

it was already done long back
After all a bad news, This just shows that Pakistan needs to Focus on its radar networks, seriously saying, it was a huge blunder from Pakistanis to not recognize the missile coming from supposed enemy territory.

They can bomb all air defense installations of Pakistan in case of a future conflict. Radar network
Pakistan was tracking the projectile since its initial launch from Indian territory.

Some official sources claimed Pakistan also intercepted it, while others claim it crashed on its own.

But it was definitely tracked from the get-go.
Here you go Sir. I think I was correct in assessing this was an experimental HGV. See below and there is now a thread on this too. The 'funding' is being requested to operationalize these as a tactic usually played by almost every nation outside of the US / NATO.

Defence Decode®
Indian #MoD to fund the prototype development of #Hypersonic Glide Vehicle(#HGV) under Make-1 Category. MoD will provide financial support up to 70% of total cost of proto development. MoD has identified 18 major platforms for industry-led D&D under various routes.
Thanks for the share.

India is trying to develop an HGV (identified as HGV-202F) but they have not demonstrated a working prototype yet. The company involved in this project is HTNP Industries.

India is also developing BrahMos II hypersonic cruise missile but this weapon system will achieve IOC in 2025 at earliest.

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India Current Policy and Future Strategy

While India is not currently deploying hypersonic weapons, it has advanced its ongoing research and development due, in part, to collaboration with Russia on the BrahMos series of missiles. The first BrahMos missile—a supersonic, ramjet-powered cruise missile—can be launched from air or sea and has been exported, including to Vietnam. Russia and India are collaborating on the BrahMos II, a follow-on missile designed to fly at speeds up to Mach 7 using a scramjet. For India, the short-range hypersonic missiles would be especially valuable due to their maneuverability for striking targets otherwise obscured by mountains in contingencies involving Pakistan and China.

Technical Capability

While the BrahMos project is 50.5-percent owned by India, the missile relies on design and key components—including the ramjet itself—from Russia. It is unclear if India has been able to localize all of the skills and knowledge to produce supersonic missiles on its own, and the same could be said of whatever product results from the BrahMos II hypersonic effort. The most important indigenous hypersonic capability in India is the Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTFV), a scramjet demonstrator developed by India’s Defence Research and Development Organization. Apparently, the first HSTFV test was incomplete in June 2019 due to the failure of an Indian Agni-I ballistic missile to reach the proper altitude.

Near-Term Forecast

BrahMos II is expected to reach initial operating capability by 2025. India’s completely indigenous efforts, outside of the BrahMos collaboration with Russia, are less far advanced and unlikely to be important in the near term.

Source: PRIMER ON Hypersonic Weapons in the Indo-Pacific Region (John T. Watts; Christian Trotti; Mark J. Massa)
Pakistan was tracking the projectile since its initial launch from Indian territory.

Some official sources claimed Pakistan also intercepted it, while others claim it crashed on its own.

But it was definitely tracked from the get-go.
I hope so :tup:
Believe me next skrimish mey india ko pata ha usko kiya karna ha.
After 27th Feb india was bit uncertain about the PAKISTANI response against a missile strike . Lekin ab us ne wo bhi dekh liya ha Hamari "no retaliation policy" ki meharbani se .
The present status quo in relationship between India and Pakistan has been India's goal forever. Imran Khan and Bajwa have given India what no other administration in Pakistan has been able to afford. Not much border conflict and no significant intrusion from the Pakistani side. If you can objectively analyze the situation with an assumption that people always act in their self interest, then you will agree that any sort of activity that provokes Pakistan to upset the status quo is in the least of India's interest. :cheers:
Thanks for the share.

India is trying to develop an HGV (identified as HGV-202F) but they have not demonstrated a working prototype yet. The company involved in this project is HTNP Industries.

India is also developing BrahMos II hypersonic cruise missile but this weapon system will achieve IOC in 2025 at earliest.

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Source: PRIMER ON Hypersonic Weapons in the Indo-Pacific Region (John T. Watts; Christian Trotti; Mark J. Massa)

Sir, check out the sources above. None of these people would have the knowledge from within IA/DRDO. It's not that hard to have bought some experimental HGV's to do further R&D on. There is no essential explanation but this, just take a look at the images of the projectile that landed here.

Lastly, many nations including Pakistan, first test out the technology demonstrator (prototype, that's what I think this projectile was) and then ask for a full production build to workout additional kinks and deployment. The trajectory speaks volume, along with object's images.
While we were all throwing out our collective conspiracy theories and venting about the military in the same pattern this got even weirder..

@JamD guess the dumber explanation won
I guess it really was the Indian turn to surprise us...I'm very surprised lol.
Funny to see how everyone in this form is General & war strategist looking to escalate stuff. No loss of life, no casualties yet we should fire few nukes on India ... who are we kidding. I mean this emotional ruckus is becoming difficult to bear. Take a breath guys, giving a disproportionate response on a single missile which did not hit any targets or caused any casualties or made international new for that matter is a bit much. Take a chill pill and slap yourself couple of times while standing in front of the mirror if your emos are running high and you really want to hit someone.
I think it is a worrying aspect for all Pakistanis, even the ones who agree that currently nothing needs ro be done. The ISPR press conference has raised more questions than it has answered.
If you advocate no action then how can you justify 27/02, when again we lost nothing more than 4 trees and a crow became Shaheed? By the same token if those were weapons this was also a weapon. So how is this any different to 27/02. If this was a malfunction why is the Indoan councila harrangued about it.
Another question is how did the Pakistani AD people know it was unarmed. If they did not know did they knowingly put people into danger? Did they try to take it down and fail. If they could track it did they not have weapons in the area to bring it down?
I think it is beyond belief that the current Indian establishment would be so humane that they will ring the PA on hotline and say "rogue missile. No ammo carried". Even if by some miracle they did, why is Pakistan not relating this? Do they want to get polotical mileage out of it, why are tgey not making any poliyical noise in various international fora about it?
I think(purely conjecture on my part). the time period was too short for them to take decisions and some Sahab was rung up who might not have responded, or responded late. By that time the package had already crash landed. Or they got info from the other side but why is India not countering it? So, is there an SOP for such a situation. If so was it not foĺlowed? If followed what if any was PA/PAF response?
Where do we go from here and what do we do? Do we retaliate and risk a Nuke exchange which is what this is going to turn into. If we dont, are we leaving ourselves open to another misadventure?
So in short there are more questions than there are answers. If we do not have answers should we just have left it at we are investigatimg and will respond in 2-3 weeks when we have all the information. At least then you are investigating. But now it seems you have a lot of facts at hand, which would again bring us to"what are you doing about it "?
I think it is a worrying aspect for all Pakistanis, even the ones who agree that currently nothing needs ro be done. The ISPR press conference has raised more questions than it has answered.
If you advocate no action then how can you justify 27/02, when again we lost nothing more than 4 trees and a crow became Shaheed? By the same token if those were weapons this was also a weapon. So how is this any different to 27/02. If this was a malfunction why is the Indoan councila harrangued about it.
Another question is how did the Pakistani AD people know it was unarmed. If they did not know did they knowingly put people into danger? Did they try to take it down and fail. If they could track it did they not have weapons in the area to bring it down?
I think it is beyond belief that the current Indian establishment would be so humane that they will ring the PA on hotline and say "rogue missile. No ammo carried". Even if by some miracle they did, why is Pakistan not relating this? Do they want to get polotical mileage out of it, why are tgey not making any poliyical noise in various international fora about it?
I think(purely conjecture on my part). the time period was too short for them to take decisions and some Sahab was rung up who might not have responded, or responded late. By that time the package had already crash landed. Or they got info from the other side but why is India not countering it? So, is there an SOP for such a situation. If so was it not foĺlowed? If followed what if any was PA/PAF response?
Where do we go from here and what do we do? Do we retaliate and risk a Nuke exchange which is what this is going to turn into. If we dont, are we leaving ourselves open to another misadventure?
So in short there are more questions than there are answers. If we do not have answers should we just have left it at we are investigatimg and will respond in 2-3 weeks when we have all the information. At least then you are investigating. But now it seems you have a lot of facts at hand, which would again bring us to"what are you doing about it "?
at minimum we ask for payment and tell them to fill that hole
I guess it really was the Indian turn to surprise us...I'm very surprised lol.
Yeah I guess they can make a single mistake and launch a supersonic cruise missile at us which is known to have nuclear tipped warheads.

Really was a lot of restraint shown by our military but I am guessing some panicked calls did go from their side to ours as I was hinting at.

I think it is a worrying aspect for all Pakistanis, even the ones who agree that currently nothing needs ro be done. The ISPR press conference has raised more questions than it has answered.
If you advocate no action then how can you justify 27/02, when again we lost nothing more than 4 trees and a crow became Shaheed? By the same token if those were weapons this was also a weapon. So how is this any different to 27/02. If this was a malfunction why is the Indoan councila harrangued about it.
Another question is how did the Pakistani AD people know it was unarmed. If they did not know did they knowingly put people into danger? Did they try to take it down and fail. If they could track it did they not have weapons in the area to bring it down?
I think it is beyond belief that the current Indian establishment would be so humane that they will ring the PA on hotline and say "rogue missile. No ammo carried". Even if by some miracle they did, why is Pakistan not relating this? Do they want to get polotical mileage out of it, why are tgey not making any poliyical noise in various international fora about it?
I think(purely conjecture on my part). the time period was too short for them to take decisions and some Sahab was rung up who might not have responded, or responded late. By that time the package had already crash landed. Or they got info from the other side but why is India not countering it? So, is there an SOP for such a situation. If so was it not foĺlowed? If followed what if any was PA/PAF response?
Where do we go from here and what do we do? Do we retaliate and risk a Nuke exchange which is what this is going to turn into. If we dont, are we leaving ourselves open to another misadventure?
So in short there are more questions than there are answers. If we do not have answers should we just have left it at we are investigatimg and will respond in 2-3 weeks when we have all the information. At least then you are investigating. But now it seems you have a lot of facts at hand, which would again bring us to"what are you doing about it "?
At the least there should have been a statement of irresponsible status of Indian strategic weapons programs and it not being in safe hands.
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