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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

An intact stolen missile would have made more sense than burning it to the ground, no?
May be pakistan trying to know how it works, it is capabilities by launching it. You have to look at this angle as well.
I don't think India fired brahmos missile into pakistan. I strongly believe that it is stolen missiles from India. India should demand answer from Pakistan if it is really brahmos.

If the missiles were stolen, that means indian nuclear weapons are a security issue and should be seized by the international community.

Victim blaming. Classic Indian.

Muttar de do peg la ke aya.
With all the shit-storm blowing around in the world you would be forgiven for thinking people will keep their fingers of the triggers. These Pajeets will never learn to disappoint.

How can a responsible country have such a lack of control on firing one of its front line weapons?
This is a command and control failure on the IA part.

If its a weapon guidance failure, why wasn't the NOTAM issued to cover this, the whole purpose of a NOTAM is to cover against such a scenario.
IK and Pak Government should take a solid stance on this - I am not saying bomb the idiots in retaliation.
They should formally lodge a protest with the Indian Ambassador and escalate this in the UN with a clear warning that next time Pakistan will not be so accommodating.
I don't think India fired brahmos missile into pakistan. I strongly believe that it is stolen missiles from India. India should demand answer from Pakistan if it is really brahmos.
yes please demand answers

no one shoots a single random unarmed missile at other countries.
yes no sane country does...
I heard from Indian left-wing sources that Pakistan is making it up for domestic purpose of saving Imran Khan from no-confidence motion. no one shoots a single random unarmed missile at other countries.
how dumb can Indians be, can't you see a downed Brahmos?
how dumb can Indians be, can't you see a downed Brahmos?
I'm not a military expert, or even an intrested amature. I don't have any idea how easily could it be faked, I just don't see the point of firing one (1) missile, unarmed. seems too convenient at this time.
I'm not a military expert, or even an intrested amature. I don't have any idea how easily could it be faked, I just don't see the point of firing one (1) missile, unarmed. seems too convenient at this time.
Then again, you guys didn't even see the point of destroying couple of our valuable trees back in the day.
Would you be asking these "curious" questions if there were casualties on ground?? I guess the the enemy would have made the decision for us. A suitable response would be to blow up something big,like Beirut port style. Time to activate our on-ground assets (or may be send commandos discretely).

If people died, or the missile had a warhead, there wouldn't be a question around whether a military response is required. It's clear cut. The missile did not have a warhead, hence some of these questions.

Even then a scale of escalation would be required, but I suspect the military already have models of that
I'm not a military expert, or even an intrested amature. I don't have any idea how easily could it be faked, I just don't see the point of firing one (1) missile, unarmed. seems too convenient at this time.
It can not be faked like this.
@SIPRA @Windjammer

Well, finally, SMQ has opened his mouth in the jalsaa in Dir...

We now need to build upon it and hammer it further...

Now an organised campaign is needed... both MilitaryDiplo and CivilianRhetoric.


IK's speech was also very bombastic.
Paa Jee: A must listen.
Btw brahmos is not nuclear capable. Not enough warhead capacity ...

Unlike some members here have referred to

Looking at the attitude and confidence of both the PM and ACM today, it didn't look one bit that they were even little concerned about the missile episode, in fact Asad Umar has tweeted congratulating PAF.

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If had ran out of fuel ...why was it on fire ?
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