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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

DG ISPR's press conference was a disaster. It leaves you more confused than one could have been guessing from the pictures of the wreckage. If the projectile was being tracked, and it was known it was entering Pakistani airspace, what countermeasures were put in place?

A projectile which was traveling at Mach 3 and was not a jet, what kinda guessing game was going on in the PAF AD's HQ?

Even a PDF member can guess that right; that it was a damn missile. So how did we ascertain that the missile was not a threat, and was it armed or not? And is it about the capability or was it just lack of quick of response?

And since we have established that India sent a nuclear-capable missile at us, what's should have been the response? This is a clear case of testing response time. And we are asking India what alien thing they sent to us that was flying at mach 3 and hit one of out town. The press conference shouldn't have happened!
Its look like not ours but Indian DGISPR press conference , General was hell bent trying to explain that it was an unarmed missile , which was actually fully armed if you guys can see the ground distraction, if supposed it was unarmed still it should be considered as a fully armed , it was not unintentionally but india did it deliberately , and why you fools waited for two days when you tracked the missile path and the launch pad was in indian, dozens of people wounded many of them are serious why would you not responded , why would we not issued a high alert warning across the country across the glob , a bold step was required at that time ,press conference should be taken place within half hour of the missile attack , and within minutes whole missiles should be pointed towards this harami land called india , but look at these idiots , what if tomorrow there military comes up with a claim that yes we attacked and killed a terrorist inside mian chanu ? When You already accepted the mijjile was unarmed what if they claim no it was fully armed? Inho na kuxh nhi karna ab jo kuch karna ha unho na he karna ha
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I think we should not fully ignore the possibility that the Indians gave us a heads up on a malfunctioning missile via hotline so as to avoid a panicked response. They would have informed us that the missile was without a warhead.

That would explain why we chose not to shoot it down.

I think we should remember that both countries are nuclear armed and have set up hotlines for exactly this sort of situation to avoid accidental wars. So once it became known that a missile was headed for Pakistan from India , that hotline would have definitely been used.

I remember feb 27 where everyone was questioning our incompetence and cowardly response but after assessing the situation we responded well. I'd like to think our leadership is aware of the situation and once enough is known an appropriate response will come.

Feb showed that our leadership understands the need to respond - if the situation calls for it - in order to maintain a credible deterrence.
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Pakistan's military said Thursday that an Indian "unarmed supersonic missile" had struck its territory, damaging civilian property but causing no casualties.

"Pakistan strongly protests this flagrant violation and cautions against recurrence of any such incident in the future," army spokesman Major General Babar Iftikhar told reporters in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.

"Whatever caused this incident to happen, it is for the Indians to explain," he demanded, saying the "provocative" Indian act took place Wednesday evening.

There was no immediate re
Pakistan army spokesman Major General Babar Iftikhar addresses a news conference in Rawalpindi, March 10, 2022 (ISPR).

Pakistan army spokesman Major General Babar Iftikhar addresses a news conference in Rawalpindi, March 10, 2022 (ISPR).
Iftikhar said Pakistan's air defense system picked up the surface-to-surface rocket as soon as it took off from the Indian city of Sirsa, about 104 kilometers from the border between the two countries, and "continuously monitored" its complete flight path.

"From its initial course, the object suddenly maneuvered towards Pakistani territory and violated Pakistan's airspace, ultimately falling near Mian Channu," he said.

The general explained that the missile was flying at an altitude of 12 kilometers and stayed in Pakistani airspace for roughly 204 seconds before ending up 124 kilometers inside Pakistan in the eastern border province of Punjab.

"And when it fell, it also damaged some civilian property. Thankfully, no loss or injury to human life was caused," he said, noting that there were no sensitive military installations in the area of impact.

But Iftikhar said the incident could have resulted in a major aviation disaster and civilian casualties on the ground.

"It is important to highlight that the flight path of this object endangered many international and domestic passenger flights both in Indian and Pakistani airspace, as well as human life and property on the ground," he said.

Vice Marshal Tariq Zia, a senior Pakistani air force officer, told reporters that aviation experts were still examining remnants of the high-speed rocket.
The Pakistani Foreign Ministry later summoned the Indian charge d'affaires in Islamabad to lodge a formal protest over the "unprovoked" violation of Pakistan airspace.
FILE - Two truck-mounted Indian surface-to-surface missiles form part of an annual army day parade in New Delhi, Jan. 15, 1999.

FILE - Two truck-mounted Indian surface-to-surface missiles form part of an annual army day parade in New Delhi, Jan. 15, 1999.
"Such irresponsible incidents were also reflective of India's disregard for air safety and callousness towards regional peace and stability," the ministry said in a statement.

It called for a thorough and transparent investigation into the incident.
Pakistan and India have fought each other in three wars since gaining independence from British rule in 1947.
The long-running territorial dispute over the divided Kashmir region remains the primary source of tension between the two nuclear-armed South Asian neighbors. Both claim the Himalayan territory in its entirety.

The two countries came close to another war in February 2019 when Pakistan's air force shot down an Indian fighter plane and captured its pilot after a dogfight over the Pakistan-administered part of Kashmir.

The aerial combat came just hours after Indian warplanes conduced a strike in Balakot, deep inside Pakistan, against an alleged militant training camp. Islamabad rejected the charges as baseless.
ISPR/PAF is at fault here. For hiding things. And let indians run extended propaganda against the Armed forces. Same thing happened When TTP destroyed SAAB AEWC. This mentality of hiding things cause problem for Us and Pakistan only. It only provide opportunity for enemy to run rumor mills. !
The futile attempts to defend the image is the problem. Because otherwise people would question competency and we don’t like that at all. The problem is the folks who have the power to question competency are the elected buffoons so who will truly be answerable either way.

Its not like we don’t have floozy senate hearings with naval officers trying to explain how submarines work to old geezer senators but the fact that they have to and feel the pressure is what matters.

However, I would still the benefit of the doubt to the military and whatever is happening at whatever panicked cabinet we have right now.
I would think the absolutely garbage political situation in our country also plays a part in cutting the legs of confidence of our military. The politicians are worried about no confidence motion and JUIFs force. Just let that sink in. India just launched a brahmos at us and our politicians didnt bat an eyelid. Things were different in 2019.

I think we should not fully ignore the possibility that the Indians gave us a heads up on a malfunctioning missile via hotline so as to avoid a panicked response.

That would explain why we chose not to shoot it down.

I think we should remember that both countries are nuclear armed and have set up hotlines for exactly this sort of situation to avoid accidental wars.

I remember feb 27 where everyone was questioning our incompetence and cowardly response but after assessing the situation we responded well. I'd like to think our leadership is aware of the situation and once enough is known an appropriate response will come.

Feb showed that our leadership understands the need to respond - if the situation calls for it - in order to maintain a credible deterrence.
Yes, that is a possibility as well
What if it turns out to be a blast in one of the boilers. The factory premises belongs to Manno Group. Blast was too loud that people thought it to be a jet crash.
How could debri could launch itself, change path, maintain straight line of flight and travel 250 KM away from the incident. It's definitely a supersonic drone or a missile.
Another point of great concern should be that we were "tracking" the projectile. There was liberal use of terms like Alhamdollillah, it was unarmed. How did we know it was unarmed and what if it had not been? If you lack a certain capability, at least you have to reestablish deterrence to deter aggression.

Letting this pass would become a fatal mistake down the lane. The current posture of the military appears in this direction. Apparently, we have not only a handsome pacifist on the seat of PM (days numbered?), but also a pacifist crop of generals. Even the ISPR chief's opening statement sounded more like one coming from a diplomat of FO than a General of the world's 6th/7th largest military.

Indian supersonic missile hits 124 kilometers inside Pakistan territory​

Islamabad, Pakistan: Indian supersonic missile hits 124 kilometers inside Pakistan territory near Mian Channu in Khanewal, confirms Pakistan Army.
In a briefing on Thursday evening conducted by the Director-General Inter-Service Public Relations (ISPR) of Pakistan Army, Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar confirmed that the Indian missile was unarmed.
He explained that Pakistan Air Force was following the flight path of a projectile that hit near Mian Channu. He stated that this projectile could be dangerous for domestic flights as well as civilian property on the ground. He stated that India must explain this issue. “Whatever causes this incident happened and could have resulted in disaster,” he added. It was traveling at 40,000 km above ground level.
Air vice martial Tariq Zia briefed journalists that Indian projectile came closer to the Pakistan-Indian border and then changed the track and then came 124 km inside Pakistan. He stated that the air force air defence system detected it and was following its path. He stated that it took six minutes to fly and hit the ground after flying three minutes inside Pakistan’s territory.
If this missile had proven to be laden with High explosive or even more scary, the tactical nuke. What could have been our response to India after that? @PanzerKiel sir elaborate it a bit. Would we be still protesting even then!

Because there's nothing off limits from this current brainless indian regime. They should be taught lesson 5 times over to keep them in their limits.
Every Indian city would have a mushroom cloud

The only response to an intentional strategic weapons release is strategic
Funny to see how everyone in this form is General & war strategist looking to escalate stuff. No loss of life, no casualties yet we should fire few nukes on India ... who are we kidding. I mean this emotional ruckus is becoming difficult to bear. Take a breath guys, giving a disproportionate response on a single missile which did not hit any targets or caused any casualties or made international new for that matter is a bit much. Take a chill pill and slap yourself couple of times while standing in front of the mirror if your emos are running high and you really want to hit someone.
I would think the absolutely garbage political situation in our country also plays a part in cutting the legs of confidence of our military. The politicians are worried about no confidence motion and JUIFs force. Just let that sink in. India just launched a brahmos at us and our politicians didnt bat an eyelid. Things were different in 2019.
It has had a huge impact - the state is essentially in disarray as this is happening with centers of power focused internally
Literally flew through two extremely busy commercial airways, how would you ensure the safety of commercial aircraft in an intercept mission?

Last thing we need is an airliner shot down inside Pakistan or India because of our intercept attempt.

Here comes another nay sayer. India had no such concerns in firing a missile in to that air space!!

May be India is allowed to do so without consequences or care in the world, but the responsibilities only rests on Pakistan.
Perfect appeasement approach my friend. Join ISPR as spokes person.
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