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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Bro For india, always Musharraf. For peace in Karachi and balochistan, Always Raheel Shariff.

Unfortunately members here do not understand this. They come up with stupid PTI IT cell propaganda just to feel good. It is not going to help unless until there is some action.
One of the best comments Dr. Yusuf said on last nights show.

Note: Time Stamped - Just click 'Play'

US and EU countries are not the decision makers for other nations of the world. It is high time for all other nations to come out from the trance of glamorous west.

The missile "misfire" should not be taken as some Indian military folly.

CM Yogi Adityanath already revealed the missile surgical strike plan on 18 February, 2022

Read more at:

Since we already deducted from the available facts that this was a deliberate act, then "eye for an eye" should be our answer.

The matter should be taken into Nations parliament and a final collective decision should be made about the appropriate response.

What should be our appropriate response?

One possibility is to mobilise "world's" opinion about incompetency of Indian armed forces while handling nuclear delivery systems. Hence in the end denuclearise India.

Pakistan diplomatic missions will approach all the relevant channels but the outcome will not ensure satisfactory results.

Indian says that Pakistan should "move forward". What if another missile misfires and this time it carries a nuclear warhead. Well, Indian armed forces can make "mistakes". No Pakistan must not take this act lightly as our own existence is at stake. We should respond with full force.

Second possible response is in two stages.
(1) Locate all Indian nuclear assets and the delivery systems.
(2) Neutralised in one go - a mass scale operation of surgical strike(s) using convention precision deliver systems (possibly partnering with China).

Though it sounds very odd, difficult and risky but considering the psyche of current Indian regime, it is justifiable.

Why should we worry about "world's" response, when our own existence is at stake!!!!
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dude there is no game being played here. Since you are assuming and speculating a lot, let me spoon feed you what I am trying to say.

- It was not accident but a deliberate attempt to test Pakistani waters
- Missile was preprogrammed to first go south and turn to Pakistan to deceit Pakistani AD and that's what happened. Here is what we were caught off guard as didn't get enough time to respond to.
- By the time Pak AD was ready to take on Brahmos, as it reached closer to sensitive installations, it fell down which means Indian's had calculated appropriately.
-All Pakistan could do in this scenario was to track the path and (with Chinese help) could share the details 24 hour later, without any reference of 'formidable' retaliation.

I will leave you here.

it is arrogant attitude because we have to respond to with freakin "hikmat"...
so your saying two things:
1. Pakistan couldn't track this missile without Chinese help as if Chinese officers were in the ground helping us...yes, these were most probably PAF's AWACS and radars of Chinese origin but "Chinese help" means that Chinese were physically involved.
2. indians would waste a perfectly good missile just to test how far can their missile go thru the Pakistani defences only to crash 70 or so miles away from a "sensitive installation" as you put it which presumably means the Rafique Airbase which may we be surrounded by HQ9 batteries while knowing full well that true test would take place when it was actually in range of the air defences and then see if the defences can stop it or not?

I mean, never mind the fact that our Military will naturally hide its true capabilities but doesn't it strike you as even slightly odd that the missile just happened to have gone down in a place where it would be well within the range of our SAM batteries? if you were expecting it to get intercepted right after it entered our airspace, I'm not that's not possible, yet at least. the 16 air defence regiments that have armed with HQ9 and HQ16 batteries are used to protect sensitive installations, heck even a country as rich as kaA couldn't cover every inch of their airspace, they've had missiles reach all the way to riyad before interception took place, that's the capitol for God's sakes, even Russia can't cover every inch of the airspace over Syria with their s400s...you are really not giving our forces enough credit here...
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so your saying two things:
1. Pakistan couldn't track this missile without Chinese help as if Chinese officers were in the ground helping us...yes, these were most probably PAF's AWACS and radars of Chinese origin but "Chinese help" means that Chinese were physically involved.
2. indians would waste a perfectly good missile just to test how far can their missile go thru the Pakistani defences only to crash 70 or so miles away from a "sensitive installation" as you put it which presumably means the Rafique Airbase which may we be surrounded by HQ9 batteries while knowing full well that true test would take place when it was actually in range of the air defences and then see if the defences can stop it or not?

I mean, never mind the fact that our Military will naturally hide its true capabilities but doesn't it strike you as even slightly odd that the missile just happened to have gone down in a place where it would be well within the range of our SAM batteries? if you were expecting it to get intercepted right after it entered our airspace, I'm not that's not possible, yet at least. the 16 air defence regiments that have armed with HQ9 and HQ16 batteries are used to protect sensitive installations, heck even a country as rich as kaA couldn't cover every inch of their airspace, they've had missiles reach all the way to riyad before interception took place, that's the capitol for God's sakes, even Russia can't cover every inch of the airspace over Syria with their s400s...you are really not giving our forces enough credit here...

Just watch the VLog of Athar Kazmi who is close to the military circles and all.. he clearly mentions that Pakistani AD was waiting for the missile to come close to airbase vicinity to be shot down but it fell down right before that range implying that Indians knew the range of Chinese AD system .. and that it wasn’t shot down

.. having said that ….

when an unarmed missile is tested it doesn’t explode .. see below tweet

So india basically fired somehow a “loaded” missile to check the capabilities and reaction of Pakistan ..it is almost impossible to shoot the fast moving Brahmos but maintaining the escalation ladder and retaliation is in our control where we didn’t see anything of sort. that’s my worry ..

China reacts to Indian firing of missile into Pakistan​

Web Desk
14 Mar, 2022

China reacts to Indian firing of missile into Pakistan

Source: @MFA_China_Twitter

ISLAMABAD – China has reacted to the Indian mishandling of cruise missile and called for a detailed probe from both sides as Islamabad slammed New Delhi’s ineptitude in a nuclear environment.

Suspicion runs deep between Asian arch-rivals as Beijing on Monday called for a probe in wake of violation of Pakistani airspace and a mechanism to curb such events in the future.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said both nuclear-armed states are important countries in South Asia so they share the responsibility to uphold regional security and stability.

“We call on relevant countries to have dialogue and communication as soon as possible and launch a thorough investigation into this incident, strengthen information sharing and establish a notification mechanism in time to prevent the recurrence of such incidents and miscalculations,” the Chinese official said in response to question on a blunder from Indian side.

Beijing responded to the development as the huge blunder raised concerns about the safety of India’s weapons systems.

New Delhi waited for nearly 48 hours to confirm that the accident had happened, while no information was shared with Pakistani officials. With the recent event, the two neighbours are also concerned about the lack of effective security protocols in India.

In its brief statement, the Indian defence ministry said a ‘technical malfunction’ led to the accidental firing of a missile that landed in Pakistan. It also mentioned that a court of inquiry is underway.

Meanwhile, Islamabad had strongly denounced violation of its airspace by Indian projectile. Foreign Office questioned why India failed to share information about the incident shortly and acknowledged the occurrence only after Pakistan announced it, seeking a clarification....


Foreign Minister speaks with the UN Secretary General

Foreign Minister Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi spoke on the telephone with United Nations Secretary General (UNSG), Mr. Antonio Guterres, today. Views were exchanged on current regional and global issues.

The Foreign Minister briefed the UNSG on the so-called “accidental” firing of a missile by India on 9 March 2022 which fell to the ground in Pakistan’s territory. He stressed that it was a blatant violation of Pakistan’s airspace and reflective of India’s disregard for aviation safety as well as regional peace and stability. The Foreign Minister emphasized that Pakistan continued to act with restraint and responsibility.

Noting the multiple shortcomings and technical lapses of a serious nature in India’s management of strategic weapons, the Foreign Minister underscored Pakistan’s demand for a joint probe into the incident. The Foreign Minister added that the incident was consistent with India’s irresponsible conduct and needed to be addressed by the international community, including the UN Security Council.

Foreign Minister Qureshi and Secretary General Guterres also discussed Pakistan-UN cooperation including in the area of Peacekeeping as well as for overcoming the challenges posed by the triple global crisis of COVID-19, Sustainable Development and Climate Change.
On the situation in Ukraine, the Foreign Minister shared Pakistan’s perspective on the ongoing conflict, its adverse economic impact on developing countries, and Pakistan’s efforts in support of a solution through dialogue and diplomacy. He pointed out that Prime Minister Imran Khan had been stressing from the outset that developing countries suffer the most from conflict anywhere in the world.

The Secretary General apprised the Foreign Minister of the recent initiatives being explored by the UN to address sky-rocketing inflation worldwide in the wake of the situation in Ukraine. He also highlighted the need to collectively undertake measures for countering the disruptions in global supply chains which were leading to food and energy shortages with a particularly adverse impact on developing countries. The Foreign Minister lauded the Secretary General’s efforts in that regard and assured him of Pakistan’s full support and cooperation in these endeavors.

14 March 2022


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China reacts to Indian firing of missile into Pakistan​

Web Desk
14 Mar, 2022

China reacts to Indian firing of missile into Pakistan

Source: @MFA_China_Twitter

ISLAMABAD – China has reacted to the Indian mishandling of cruise missile and called for a detailed probe from both sides as Islamabad slammed New Delhi’s ineptitude in a nuclear environment.

Suspicion runs deep between Asian arch-rivals as Beijing on Monday called for a probe in wake of violation of Pakistani airspace and a mechanism to curb such events in the future.

Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian said both nuclear-armed states are important countries in South Asia so they share the responsibility to uphold regional security and stability.

“We call on relevant countries to have dialogue and communication as soon as possible and launch a thorough investigation into this incident, strengthen information sharing and establish a notification mechanism in time to prevent the recurrence of such incidents and miscalculations,” the Chinese official said in response to question on a blunder from Indian side.

Beijing responded to the development as the huge blunder raised concerns about the safety of India’s weapons systems.

New Delhi waited for nearly 48 hours to confirm that the accident had happened, while no information was shared with Pakistani officials. With the recent event, the two neighbours are also concerned about the lack of effective security protocols in India.

In its brief statement, the Indian defence ministry said a ‘technical malfunction’ led to the accidental firing of a missile that landed in Pakistan. It also mentioned that a court of inquiry is underway.

Meanwhile, Islamabad had strongly denounced violation of its airspace by Indian projectile. Foreign Office questioned why India failed to share information about the incident shortly and acknowledged the occurrence only after Pakistan announced it, seeking a clarification....


Now that Chinese dragon has entered the arena, Indians are shitting in their pants.

Another Galwan is on the cards.
Unfortunately members here do not understand this. They come up with stupid PTI IT cell propaganda just to feel good. It is not going to help unless until there is some action.
I want bloodbath and not just action. Is Pakistan a sovereign country? I think it's. It's sad that we didn't respond. It shows weakness. This is like a dream, bad dream.
good analysis. the intent was malicious for sure. now the insistence that Indians must have alerted Pakistanis much quicker has lost its effect because Indians might do the same again only with a difference that they will"inform" Pakistan of another rouge launch and expect pat on the back because,well, they informed Pakistan,

the intent is provocation and mockery, this is the escalation from Indian submarine incursions.

Pakistan weighs options if India refuses joint probe into missile fiasco​

Official warns that misunderstanding between nuclear-armed neighbours could have ‘disastrous consequences’

Kamran Yousaf
March 14, 2022

people work around the remains of a missile fired into pakistan from india near mian channu pakistan march 9 2022 photo reuters

People work around the remains of a missile fired into Pakistan from India, near Mian Channu, Pakistan, March 9, 2022. PHOTO: REUTERS

Pakistan is contemplating different options in case India refuses to agree on a joint probe into a missile fiasco that could have triggered an accidental war between the two nuclear-armed neighbours.

“We are still waiting for the Indian response,” a senior Pakistani official told The Express Tribune on Monday when approached to confirm if New Delhi had responded to Pakistan’s demand.
Islamabad has rejected India’s “simplistic” explanation over “accidental” firing of a missile into Pakistan and sought a joint probe to establish the facts surrounding the incident. New Delhi admitted that a missile fired accidentally due to routine maintenance and ordered a court of inquiry.
But Islamabad termed the unilateral inquiry insufficient while seeking answers to a list of questions shared with New Delhi.
Although no formal response has been received yet by Pakistan, indications are that India is highly unlikely to accept the joint probe. Some Indian news reports quoting anonymous officials as saying that a joint probe was not possible and Pakistan should move forward as “good neighbour”.

But Pakistani officials say this is not an ordinary issue to be brushed aside like that. “We are looking at various options in case India refuses to agree on a joint probe,” the official added, though he did not divulge those options.

The official said Pakistan has been in touch with relevant countries and has already briefed the permanent members of the UN Security Council about the gravity of the situation.

In a telephonic conversation, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi on Tuesday briefed German counterpart Annalena Baerbock regarding violation of Pakistan’s airspace by an Indian missile on March 9.

The foreign minister said that India had regretted what it called “accidental” firing of the missile; however, such a serious matter could not be addressed with the simplistic explanation proffered by the Indian authorities.

He added that Pakistan had called for a joint probe in the incident and was also calling upon the international community to take serious notice of this incident of grave nature in a nuclearised environment and play its due role in upholding and promoting strategic stability in the region.

Foreign Minister Annalena appreciated Qureshi for sharing perspective on bilateral and regional issues and said that she looked forward to continue these discussions.

The official sources conceded that the muted response received from the international community particularly from the powerful western states over the Indian mistake could have threatened regional security.

Many commentators both in India as well as in the US believe that had such a mistake been committed by Pakistan the reaction from the international community would have certainly been different.

But it is evident that these countries, which are otherwise very vocal about safety and security of strategic and nuclear weapons, are simply playing down the incident.
Nevertheless, the official said Pakistan would continue its efforts as it is planning to take the issue to the United Nations.

“This issue cannot be taken lightly. Pakistan and India are both nuclear powers and any misunderstanding could have disastrous consequences for the region and beyond,” the official cautioned.

Many people were surprised by Pakistan’s mature response to the firing of an Indian missile despite strained relationship between the two countries.

One possible reason for this mature handling of the issue is attributed to the better channels of communication between the two militaries.

Although two neighbours have no structured dialogue process, the defence establishments maintain contact with each other through relevant official channels.

It was because of this reason that despite tense ties, the ceasefire along the Line of Control (LoC) has been holding since February 2020 when the two countries renewed their commitment to the 2003 truce understanding...
Just watch the VLog of Athar Kazmi who is close to the military circles and all.. he clearly mentions that Pakistani AD was waiting for the missile to come close to airbase vicinity to be shot down but it fell down right before that range implying that Indians knew the range of Chinese AD system .. and that it wasn’t shot down

.. having said that ….

when an unarmed missile is tested it doesn’t explode .. see below tweet

So india basically fired somehow a “loaded” missile to check the capabilities and reaction of Pakistan ..it is almost impossible to shoot the fast moving Brahmos but maintaining the escalation ladder and retaliation is in our control where we didn’t see anything of sort. that’s my worry ..
uhm the range of the HQ9 is 300km buddy, not 70km. and yes, AD waited and rightly so given that the missile was flying on the same altitude and route of civilian air. I would've done the same...so there goes your claim of the missile falling right before getting into the range of the batteries, just laughable.
good analysis. the intent was malicious for sure. now the insistence that Indians must have alerted Pakistanis much quicker has lost its effect because Indians might do the same again only with a difference that they will"inform" Pakistan of another rouge launch and expect pat on the back because,well, they informed Pakistan,

the intent is provocation and mockery, this is the escalation from Indian submarine incursions.
Next time bomb the site of launch !

That’s the way they will understand. Error or not !
Next time bomb the site of launch !

That’s the way they will understand. Error or not !
I wish that in a fictional scenario, the PAF launches standoff weapons to bomb that site as a retaliation but the retaliation should not be after 2 days waiting but should be immediate within minutes of detecting such launch.
then wargame the possible escalation ladder possibly up to the level of 27 Feb 19 level,. whoever will blink first will lose

uhm the range of the HQ9 is 300km buddy, not 70km. and yes, AD waited and rightly so given that the missile was flying on the same altitude and route of civilian air. I would've done the same...so there goes your claim of the missile falling right before getting into the range of the batteries, just laughable.
the issue is that shooting down had the possible danger of shooting down a civilian aircraft.
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