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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

Some very childish demands from Pakistan.

Care to point out to which ones...
Height of overreaction in this thread
Perhaps, there may have been some (over)reactions by some of the Members, but you need to understand the FLAG they carry next to their Avatar.

You're sitting miles away in the US - a Country that has history of 'overreacting' to everything in the past.

...on a missile which launched accidentally did not damage much.
Maybe you could clarify on the loose term: accidentally

Do you even know how a Missile works?


Contrary to popular beliefs from old James Bond movies, it isn't pressing the Red Button.

We give 'em a free pass now, and these accidents will happen every couple of years - and the best part is that people will buy it 'cause Mi-17 crashed due to an accident. Two Hawks crashed into one another because of an accident. Gen. Bipin Rawat's chopper crashed because of an accident. 5th Floor of the Serena Hotel in Kabul.

But those incidents/accidents don't require coordinates being fed in by more than 2 people and after launching the missile, not using the self-destruct option. Instead, when it was all done...

But that's okay, living in the US, your understanding of 'accident' is: She tripped/slipped & accidently landed on my Johnson.
There was never any organised mass killing of identified men of letters, ever, either in the case of the Sikhs, or in any other case. You have members of this forum whose close relatives were killed in those executions. There was never anything comparable in India.

That 3 million bengali killing is BS and illogical number. Actual number isn't anymore then sikhs killed or in NE India. Not to forget bengali insurgents were trained and armed by India to kill west Pakistani civilians.

Only few months ago trigger happy Indian soldiers killed dozens of innocent civilians in NE India, without any accountability afterwards under Indian law. In 1984 there was organised killing of thousands of sikhs after Indra murder. Many sikhs have escaped to Canada etc
Reposting what I posted couple of days back (got culled by mods due to abusive content). Now edited. Hopefully it won't be deleted again :p:

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Cute. Really very cute & perhaps there may be some truth to it from both sides.

But what you're portraying is what is being discussed by Internet Warriors on both sides.

Question is, is India going to share ALL the details into the inquiry with Pakistan?

Is Pakistan supposed to take India's word that it was merely an accident? Seriously...?!!

Should both countries turn a blind eye & sweep it under the rug as if: No Biggie.
Question is, is India going to share ALL the details into the inquiry with Pakistan?

Is Pakistan supposed to take India's word that it was merely an accident? Seriously...?!!

Should both countries turn a blind eye & sweep it under the rug as if: No Biggie.

Sure, some (or perhaps most) details will remain murky and known only to the military establishments.

My uneducated guess is that both sides probably have achieved something out of it, and the nature of this something is that it is best to play it down for now.

Of course, if I accept the official Indian version, I strongly condemn and worry about this accidental misfiring, which in future could be on an Indian city ! Clearly very disturbing to me as someone who does not know jackshit about these things.
My opinion is : This strike by India has taken this Nuclear Flashpoint Region into a new era of uncertainty.

The skirmishes along the Pakistan-India Border had become a game of chess, I believed. The best example was the 26th Feb, move by India, and the 27th Feb checkmate by Pakistan. And, I thought that, no matter what happens now, there will be no escalation to a full-blown or even limited conflict, as India was able to gauge Pakistan's conventional might on 27th Feb. India also realized that any future "surgical strike" would be fruitless. Right? .............. F***ing wrong. There came along something none of us could even imagine: miss-fires of strategic weapons reserved for nuclear, decapitation strikes.

The Eastern neighbour somehow achieved the capability of either weaponizing incompetence, or maybe rogue elements inspired by anti-Pakistan hate and RSS ideology, decided to strike Pakistan. How the heck is a nation supposed to defend against rogue strategic weapons flying towards it?

First I thought people were over-reacting, but then I realized, what if this attack is the beginning of a series of misadventures? What if some Indian army officers/strategic battalions decide to pull off a "Kargil" but with nuclear/strategic conventional weapons? If you are following Indian politics and the new wave of anti-Muslim behaviour, the sentiments of general Indian population is quite close to the Nazi propaganda/hatred against Jews in the 30s Europe. There is an ethnic/religious storm brewing in India, and it could affect Pakistan in ways not clearly known (for example, as demonstrated by the missile strike).

All eyes are on the joint-investigation of the attack by India and Pakistan. If India is unable to satisfy Pakistan within the next 48 hours, we will move towards a new era of uncertainty with India in the future. And any future, where you have to live under the shadow of nuclear war, and have to rely on the competence of your neighbour, rather than rationality, is a VERY unstable period.

@MastanKhan ,

No one can fool us unless we are willing to fool ourselves. Who doesn't know Indian intentions towards Pakistan since Modi took over. There are 10s of incidents that confirm intentful and ongoing Indian hostility towards Pakistan. On top of that, it's impossible to accidentally launch a missile. Who's willing to buy accidental launch $hit? It's also impossible that a strategically vital Indian asset would be brought 100 KM from Pakistani border and would be tested there. Brahmos tests take place in one of the most inaccessible regions of India: the Andaman Nicobar Islands. What has changed now? Why suddenly test their best weapons before Pakistan so easily knowing that the relationships between two countries are only worsening?

What I am emphasising is that India cannot fool us, but we can make ourselves a jack-***. Like Pakistanis believe that there's a sincere leader in Nawaz Sharif or Zardari, likewise the entire Nation can fool itself imagining that it was an accidental fire from India - but if we accept that, this wouldn't make India look bad, this makes us look retard. For us as a Nation, it'd be less insulting to believe that India won Feb 2019's air skirmish but its more insulting to declare them innocent after they slapped a Brahmos upon our National face and then lied, yet we let them go for both. I hope you get the point.

Now the real question is why do we have to make ourself look retard? On the ground, this may not be the best time for us to start a confrontation - we get it - but let's not eat Indian $hit in the name of explanation. Let's save ourselves from accepting Indian lies as truths. If Pakistan wants an exit from this situation, there can be better ways to do that.. e.g. imposing restrictions upon India unless India punishes the ones involved or something like that - but let's not destroy our self-respect because India slapped a missile at us. That will be a double loss.
...and worry about this accidental misfiring, which in future could be on an Indian city !
Yes, especially if it is a Muslim populated city because that is where these kind of 'accidents' usually take place.
Yes, especially if it is a Muslim populated city because that is where these kind of 'accidents' usually take place.

Well for consistency one must factor the same incompetence and it might land on a BJP MLA's house
That 3 million bengali killing is BS and illogical number.
I suggest you read with your eyes, not with an uneasy conscience.

Actual number isn't anymore then sikhs killed or in NE India.
You are making yourself simply ridiculous.

Not to forget bengali insurgents were trained and armed by India to kill west Pakistani civilians.
Sometimes I despair of humankind.

Do you even have a remote idea of the sequence of events?

Can you reproduce it? Do you know when and where the Bengali insurgents began operations, and how much later it was than the 26th of March to 25th of May period of Operation Searchlight? Had you even known about Operation Searchlight?

In 1984 there was organised killing of thousands of sikhs after Indra murder.
I am not defending it, and this is not a contest to see who belongs to the more wicked nation.
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those who say nothing happened on ground. need to watch this.

those who think it did not had a warhead..it was armed or not...just look at at the radius of damage.
As a loyal and patriotic citizen of India, I hope that the government of India does the right thing and offers compensation for the damage done.

Question is, is India going to share ALL the details into the inquiry with Pakistan?
Perhaps. Probably not.

Is Pakistan supposed to take India's word that it was merely an accident? Seriously...?!!

Should both countries turn a blind eye & sweep it under the rug as if: No Biggie.
No. Clearly there needs to be development of protocols barring weapons of mass destruction from haphazard distribution and location. That is, if the military on both sides agree.

Should both countries turn a blind eye & sweep it under the rug as if: No Biggie.
No. Clearly there needs to be development of protocols barring weapons of mass destruction from haphazard distribution and location. That is, if the military on both sides agree.
Of course, if I accept the official Indian version, I strongly condemn and worry about this accidental misfiring, which in future could be on an Indian city ! Clearly very disturbing to me as someone who does not know jackshit about these things.
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Whatever the reasons, accidental or deliberate; only some have pointed out the fact that India can now lob nuclear tipped missiles at Pakistan at will. Army will only respond if it is heading towards DHA or strategic targets.
You forget, Pakistan can do precisely the same.

Yes, especially if it is a Muslim populated city because that is where these kind of 'accidents' usually take place.
Which Muslim populated city in India did you have in mind?

Well for consistency one must factor the same incompetence and it might land on a BJP MLA's house
Don't encourage this stupefying ignorance, please.

They should be made to pay for these damages.

Raise this at UN!
A great idea. Practical, down-to-earth, guaranteed to get results, mutually acceptable.

An elegant solution.
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