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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

I understand that intentional aggression part but how do you believe the other side if an armed missile hits one of your military installation.

The problem is that both, we and Indians, are an emotional lot. There are sure mechanisms to assess, whether any transgression was intentional or accidental; though, these assessment, may not come in the public domain.

I have complete trust in the Armed Forces of Pakistan, without an IFs and Buts, since 1965 War, when I was a child, but still can vaguely recall that War. They have never, at least, betrayed my trust. They have always responded, at least, as I wanted them to. So, nothing to complain.

That is how it is.
Everyrhing was well planned and executed as per plan except our response. Literally GoP begging GOI to accept this as a misfire. Qoumi gairat gae m***d. Just imagine yeh fire agr Pakistan ki tarf sy india mai huwa hota to wahan sy kiya response ata. Hum jhuk chuky hain India k agy bus kabool krna baqi rehta hai I'm sure gainda bajwa is ready for this

I am sure they told you all the planning as you are stating it as a fact.

Just Imagine yeh fire agr Pakistan ki taraf ...
Last time I checked we don't have to imagine. On 26 Feb after they attacked barren land no where near a military installation and we landed few bombs right next to their military installation and we all know what the response was from GOI after that. So take a chill pill ... I am sure gainda bajwa know much more than you regarding ladder of escalation and when to exercise it.
Yes I Deleted this part, we can't even fight and annihilate BLA let alone fighting pagan army
BLA is a completely different ball game, all together it's a different type of warfare that can even drain super powers

But I understand your point

This is the starting tweet of NSA: "It has taken more than 2 days for India to accept that this was their missile launched ostensibly due to a technical malfunction during maintenance."

What does it imply?
You're probably right, but I interpreted that as in the sense of publicly accepting it and making a statement

Although I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't militarily retaliate unless:

-There is significant damage and loss of life


-They openly claim it as intentional (Balakot)


-You purposefully want to start a conflict and leverage this opportunity (unlikely)

We should aggressively pursue this internationally using diplomatic channels
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BLA is a completely different ball game, all together it's a different type of warfare that can even drain super powers

But I understand your point

You're probably right, but I interpreted that as in the sense of publicly accepting it and making a statement

Although I'm of the opinion that we shouldn't militarily retaliate unless:

-There is significant damage and loss of life


-They openly claim it as intentional (Balakot)


-You purposefully want to start a conflict and leverage this opportunity (unlikely)

We should aggressively pursue this internationally using diplomatic channels
Why we can't retaliate in same manner and then admit it was a misfire. Why only Bharat can do this but not us?
Why we can't retaliate in same manner and then admit it was a misfire. Why only Bharat can do this but not us?
Bhai, who is going to believe that? Plus it takes the spotlight away from them onto us, in a negative way.

Firstly, it'll be an extremely unlikely coincidence that no nation will believe, but it also just seems petty.

We should control the narrative here, the smart option is to pursue this internationally using diplomatic channels, show severe concern regarding them being trusted with such technology, can it possibly get in the hands of RSS Hindutva radicals who are anti-Islam/anti-Pakistan, the increased risk of starting a nuclear war, go to the UN, start a probe...

Responding to something claimed as intentional, and responding to something claimed as unintentional with no significant damage should be dealt with differently.
Just look at chain of events in last two weeks, why it took India 48 hours to admit that it was a misfire, why this misfire didn't land in China or Nepal. GoP is doing face saving begging GOI to admit it was a intentional fire.

Gainda bajwa will only react when half of Pakistan is lost, take the example of BLA attacks in balochistan, how many soldiers did we lose to react? Why there weren't preemptive attacks from our side? We were waiting for what?

why it took India 48 hours ...
Come on man ... why is it GOP fault that GOI are incompetent and it took them 48 hours. I mean its like a guy is slapping himself but he does not realize but you blame the guy next to him and ask him why is it taking so long.

Why this misfire didn't land in China or Nepal
I guess you have to take a look at the map for that and range of the missile. China is in the north. And besides their missiles are probably preprogrammed for Pakistani targets who are deployed in that region. I guess I will call the missile and ask it why it didn't fly to China but don't hold your breath for an answer.

Gainda bajwa will only reach ...
First of all hurling abuse at someone who spend better part of his life serving his country (irrespective of his performance) only tells of a very single minded individual who does not know how to convey a valid point and use abusive language to fill the void. Last time I checked we have not lost half of Pakistan under Bajawa's command so take a step back and think again.

Take the example of BLA attacks in balochistan, how many soldiers ...
The situation is Balochistan is totally different from this. It is our territory with mostly our people who are fighting against us (whether they are funded from abroad is irrelevant they are still Pakistani citizens). You don't go willy knilly executing people via preemptive strike without a complete handle of the situation and players. Those kind of emotional decisions results in death of innocent civilians and create more terrorists as a side effect. You don't go guns blazing all the time. A good strategist knows when to fight and when to use diplomacy, those who seek fight all the time are just hiding their own insecurities like a bully in a school yard. We are not Indians and we certainty don't want to behave like them.
Do you
Bhai, who is going to believe that? Plus it takes the spotlight away from them onto us, in a negative way.

Firstly, it'll be an extremely unlikely coincidence that no nation will believe, but it also just seems petty.

We should control the narrative here, the smart option is to pursue this internationally using diplomatic channels, show severe concern regarding them being trusted with such technology, can it possibly get in the hands of RSS Hindutva radicals who are anti-Islam/anti-Pakistan, the increased risk of starting a nuclear war, go to the UN, start a probe...

Responding to something claimed as intentional, and responding to something claimed as unintentional with no significant damage should be dealt with dif

Bro do you really think international community give a damn about Pakistan's concerns? Why we are beggining international community to take some actions, deep down we all know nothing will happen. Had it been India they would have retaliated 1st. We are begging international community for the sake of face saving.
Literally UAE had shown more courage during the hauthi missile fiasco than us. Are we really a nuclear State?
It would be petty after they have apologized and especially so soon.. Wait some time
1st you kill my brotherly intentionally and keep quite for 48 hours when I show you the evidence you say oh well it was misfire a mistake. Do you really think a nuclear states react this way? Had Indian been honest they would have Informed us immediately without wasting a single second, they didn't this is enough proof that it was absolute intentional fire.
Source revealed: Pak did not activated the HQ-9 batteries because there were two civilian airliners within irange of incoming Brahmos, one traveling at almost the same height. Had Pakistan opted to fire at the incoming system, miss & hit one of the civilian airliners like iran did few years back
You are comparing a bunch of Houthi rebels to the world's 4th most powerful military?
I heard our is 9th most powerful military? Or that's a lie? Ain't Ukrainian fighting Russian? Didn't Taliban fought against most powerful military might? We are begging for face saving.
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